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DiskTrix DefragExpress 1.50 Portable

DefragExpress, a unique and clever defragger designed to make the process of defragging your hard drive as simple and fast as possible and at the same time restoring your hard

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قديم 25-11-10, 02:33 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Nov 2010
العضوية: 202700
المشاركات: 332
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: business2010 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



business2010 غير متواجد حالياً
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المنتدى : الارشيف
افتراضي DiskTrix DefragExpress 1.50 Portable


DiskTrix DefragExpress 1.50 Portable

DefragExpress, a unique and clever defragger designed to make the process of defragging your hard drive as simple and fast as possible and at the same time restoring your hard drive performance file access performance to the level it should be while you are using your PC. Maintaining and minimizing hard drive fragmentation is critical to maintaining peak performance of your PC. DefragExpress is very easy to use and requires no knowledge of files or fragmentation. All it requires is the ability to make a few mouse clicks here and there.

DefragExpress is designed to replace the default defragger that comes with your Windows based operating system – or any other defragger you use, for that matter. DefragExpress is unique in that it uses a very clever method to defrag your hard drive as fast as practically possible and at the same time arranges files to minimize the rate of re-fragmentation. The defragging method used, developed at DiskTrix labs, is the most ideal one for defragging a hard drive.

While all other defraggers defrag, only DefragExpress defrags with the resultant file layout that gives you fastest complete defrags and slower refragmentation. While your very first defrag may take a while, you will find that all subsequent defrags are completed from anywhere between 1 to 10 minutes most of the time – regardless of how big your hard drive and how many files.

STOP using whatever everyday defragger you are using right now and replace it with this amazing gem of a defragger - DefragExpress! You'll be amazed by the speed and simplicity of DefragExpress. DefragExpress is a real clever defragger!
The method by which DefragExpress defrags and places files was engineered by the team at Disktrix. This method was carefully crafted to give you the single most effective algorithm for defragging your hard drive. By using this algorithm (which, by the way, we believe is the holy grail of defrag algorithms) DefragExpress lets you enjoy the following important defrag objectives:

1. Complete your day-to-day defrags in the fastest time possible
2. Completely defrag and consolidate all your files and free space
3. Ensure the slowest rate of file refragmentation physically possible - the "physics" of our file placement algorithm assures that.
4. Place your most often used files on your hard drive in the appropriate position to achieve maximum performance


• Created Specifically To Be The Default Day-to-day Defragger Of Choice For EVERYONE And Every PC On The Planet
• Very Simple To Use - No Knowledge Necessary - Just Press Start Defrag
• Unique, "Optimal" Defrag Algorithm Developed At DiskTrix Labs That:
1. Minimizes Time To Complete Day-To-Day Comprehensive Consolidated Defrag Runs (1 to 10 mins and usually around 3 minutes)
2. Fully Defrags & Consolidates All Files & Minimizes Free Space Fragmentation
3. Minimizes Refragmentation Rate To Absolute Minimum Rate Physically Possible.
4. Places Frequently Used Files For Best Performance
• Significantly Speeds Up Hard Drive File Access Performance
• Comprehensive Consolidate Mode Or Fragmented Files Only
• "Fun-to-Watch" Graphical User Interface That Shows File Movement & Defrag Activity
• FAST! Most defrags complete in 1 to 10 minutes and usually around 3 minutes.
• Positions Frequently Used Files For Fastest Performance
• Consolidates And Positions Directories For Fastest Performance
• Lightning-Fast Drive Analysis (300,000 files takes around 15 seconds)
• Reports Defrag Time Taken (It likes to show-off just how fast it is!)
• Reports Hard Drive Optimization Level
• Fully Schedulable: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, System Idle
• Designed to be run everyday (on your chosen schedule)
• Least hard drive wear and tear amongst all other defraggers
• Ability To Exclude Large Files
• Ability To Shut Down Computer When Defrag Completes
• Small Footprint - File Size Less Than 2 Mb
• Runs As A Stand Alone Application. Does NOT Run As A Service

DOWNLOAD : DefragExpress_1.50_Portable.rar - 1.9 MB



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قديم 28-02-11, 01:05 PM   المشاركة رقم: 2
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رئيس مجموعة الطوارئ

التسجيل: Sep 2005
العضوية: 495
المشاركات: 2,438
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نقاط التقييم: 292



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