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الارشيف يحتوي على مواضيع قديمة او مواضيع مكررة او محتوى روابط غير عاملة لقدمها

برنامج الانكليزيه في العمل Using English at Work لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية

Using English at Work 2008 | Intermediate and up | 90MB | PDF MP3 Speak English at Work with Confidence Do you ever get nervous speaking English with your

نسخ الرابط
نسخ للمنتديات
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 07-11-10, 04:14 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Jan 2007
العضوية: 21463
المشاركات: 743
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: tarektop عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



tarektop غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : الارشيف
افتراضي برنامج الانكليزيه في العمل Using English at Work لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية


Using English at Work
2008 | Intermediate and up | 90MB | PDF MP3
Speak English at Work with Confidence

الانكليزيه Using English Work الانجليزية

Do you ever get nervous speaking English with your co-workers because you're not sure what the "right" word or expression is? After listening to Using English at Work, you will be better able to speak and write business English. Get it right with this complete course in daily English for businesspeople like you!
You'll learn commonly used words and phrases that will help you succeed in English. The course includes 10 detailed lessons that describe each part of a typical workday. Learn vocabulary related to arriving at work, checking mail and email, attending office meetings, going to business lunches, handling computer problems, scheduling a meeting, meeting with your boss, and socializing with coworkers.

In each lesson, you'll learn common and useful vocabulary for everyday things and situations found in an office.

Here is a list of just some of the situations you will be able to talk about in English after completing this course:

* Parking your car in a parking lot
* Dealing with inter- and intra-office mail
* Talking about emails
* Handling voicemails
* Attending a meeting
* Working with daily office furniture, supplies, and equipment
* Taking a break with your co-workers
* Going to lunch with colleagues
* Fixing common computer problems
* Talking to technical support
* Scheduling a meeting with another company
* Meeting with your supervisor
* Leaving Work and clearing up your desk
* Going out for after-work get-togethers with co-workers

How it Works
Each lesson is divided into three parts, following the highly successful teaching methods ESLPod.com. You:

1. Listen to the story (slow)
2. Listen to the explanation of the story and vocabulary
3. Listen to the story at native-speaker rate (fast)

This 1-2-3 method of learning languages, pioneered by the applied linguists at the Center for Educational Development and ESL Podcast, is the fastest way to improving your business-related vocabulary. You encounter all of the key vocabulary several times in each lesson, helping you really understand the meaning of the expressions and how to use them correctly.

Don't Just Listen – Read it, too!
Get the most out of Using English at Work by following along with the Learning Guide, which has a complete written transcript of every word spoken in the lessons. All of the vocabulary and expressions used in the lesson are also listed and defined in the Learning Guide, giving you the opportunity to read and review whenever you'd like. Plus, you are provided with an extra sample sentence Using the word correctly in context. By listening to and reading each lesson, you'll have a truly powerful way to increase your speaking and listening abilities in English.

The 10 lessons are:
Lesson 1 – Arriving at Work
Lesson 2 – Checking Mail, Email, and Voicemail
Lesson 3 – Attending the Morning Meeting
Lesson 4 – Working at My Desk
Lesson 5 – Taking a Break/Eating Lunch
Lesson 6 – Having Computer Problems
Lesson 7 – Scheduling a Meeting
Lesson 8 – Meeting with the Boss
Lesson 9 – Leaving Work
Lesson 10 – Socializing with Coworkers
للتحميل من هنا



عرض البوم صور tarektop  

قديم 17-05-12, 08:09 AM   المشاركة رقم: 2
لوشة العزاوي
الناقد المميز
عضو في فريق الترجمة

التسجيل: Feb 2011
العضوية: 218307
المشاركات: 20,936
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: لوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميعلوشة العزاوي عضو مشهور للجميع
نقاط التقييم: 87655



لوشة العزاوي غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : tarektop المنتدى : الارشيف

دعوه لزيارة موضوعي

عضو مصفر

لا يرحب بمواضيعه



عرض البوم صور لوشة العزاوي  

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