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برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx Mac osx, نظام ماك

مجموعة ايفيكت Voxengo

اخوتي الافاضل اعضاء ليلاس الكرام اقدم لكم مجموعة رائعه من الايفيكت من شركة Voxengo ارجوا ان تنال اعجابكم Voxengo Elephant version 3.7.1 AU VST MAC osx Voxengo Elephant version

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قديم 29-10-10, 08:28 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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التسجيل: Sep 2006
العضوية: 11739
المشاركات: 3,070
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معدل التقييم: kamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطkamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 111



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المنتدى : برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx
Icon Mod 44 مجموعة ايفيكت Voxengo




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اقدم لكم مجموعة رائعه من الايفيكت
من شركة Voxengo
ارجوا ان تنال اعجابكم

Voxengo Elephant version 3.7.1 AU VST MAC osx

Voxengo Elephant version 3.7.1 AU VST MAC osx
File Size: 26.27MB

Voxengo Elephant is a mastering limiter AU and VST plugin for professional music production applications. The most remarkable feature of this signal limiter is its sonic transparency. Elephant brings sound limiting and loudness maximization without audible “pumping” sonic artifacts.

Elephant is a highly competitive plug-in for mastering applications: it features a variety of limiter modes that can be deeply customized, and a comprehensive set of level metering tools, including headroom estimation and K-metering. Elephant's built-in linear-phase oversampling is an important element in achieving high-quality peak limiting and loudness maximization.

Elephant limiter can be used for mixing and mastering of both stereo and multi-channel music and sound material, at any standard sample rate. Limiting process can be visualized both as gain reduction meter and real-time graph.

Elephant, also featuring a DC offset filter, and a high-quality bit-depth converter with an optional noise-shaping, allows you to finish your music and audio productions with a spark.


• Transparent signal limiting action
• 10 predefined limiter modes
• Limiter mode editor
• Optional release stage
• Noise-shaped bit-depth converter
• DC offset removal filter
• Multi-channel processing
• Internal channel routing
• Channel grouping
• Up to 8x linear-phase oversampling
• 64-bit floating point processing
• Preset manager
• Undo/redo history
• A/B comparisons
• Contextual hint messages
More Info: Audio mastering limiter (maximizer) plugin - Elephant - Voxengo

Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: FoxEle3.7.1_Mac_osx.rar


Voxengo HarmoniEQ AU VST v2.0 MAC OSX UB

Voxengo HarmoniEQ AU VST v2.0 MAC OSX UB

HarmoniEQ is a parametric, harmonically-enhanced equalizer plug-in for professional music production applications. Harmonic enhancement HarmoniEQ applies to the sound is an inherent element of its overall sonic quality. HarmoniEQ also features dynamic equalization modes that offer you a vast palette of sound-shaping capabilities, suitable for mastering.

Since the easiness of tuning was one of our goals when producing this plug-in, HarmoniEQ features a single control surface to control the equalizer curve. HarmoniEQ's control surface workflow implements our best findings in the area of “user-equalizer” interaction. Just drag the filter control points to the right places. You can enable up to 7 filter bands, with filter type freely-selectable from peaking, low-shelf, high-shelf, low-pass, high-pass and notch filter types.

Another useful element of HarmoniEQ is its control surface's frequency range which goes up to 38 kHz. Such extended range allows you to make smooth “air” boosts easily. While HarmoniEQ is best suited for EQ boosts, its EQ cuts also sound great.


* Harmonically-enhanced equalizer
* 7 filter bands
* Internal channel routing
* Up to 8x linear-phase oversampling
* Undo/redo history
* 11-millisecond processing latency

* Dynamic equalizing
* Narrow-band sweeping
* Channel grouping
* 64-bit floating point processing
* A/B comparisons

* Real-time spectrum analysis
* Multi-channel processing
* Mid/side processing
* Preset manager
* Contextual hint messages

Downloading Voxengo.HarmoniEQ.AU.VST.v2...ASSiGN.rar - BitShare.com - Free File Sharing and Storage


Voxengo Polysquasher v2.2 VST AU MAC OSX UB


Voxengo Polysquasher v2.2 VST AU MAC OSX UB 22.8MB

Voxengo Polysquasher is a mastering compressor AU and VST plugin for professional audio and sound production applications.

Polysquasher was designed with a main goal: to be transparent. Transparent compression action is a cornerstone for any mastering compressor. Transparency of audio signal processing is necessary to preserve all existing elements in the mix, while compression itself is necessary to make the mix sound uniform to other mixes (tracks) and to make it sound more solid and “glued”.

Polysquasher achieves its goal by using a unique compression algorithm which requires a small number of parameters – basically threshold and ratio only – making this compressor a joy to use. More advanced settings are hidden in the “compressor mode editor” panel where you can create your own compressor modes that can be easily recalled later.

Polysquasher is best used as a finishing compressor inserted in the chain before the final mastering limiter.

Polysquasher also features real-time gain reduction and waveform graphs. Full multi-channel operation is supported.


• Transparent compression sound
• Compressor mode editor
• Channel grouping
• 64-bit floating point processing
• A/B comparisons
• Real-time gain reduction graph
• Multi-channel processing
• Mid/side processing
• Preset manager
• Contextual hint messages
• 8 built-in compressor modes
• Internal channel routing
• Up to 8x linear-phase oversampling
• Undo/redo history
• 22-millisecond processing latency


This audio plugin can be loaded into any audio host application that conforms to the AudioUnit or VST plugin specification.

This plug-in is compatible with Windows (XP and later versions, 32- and 64-bit) and Mac OS X (10.4.11 and later versions, Intel and PowerPC) computers (2 GHz dual-core or faster processor with at least 1 GB of system RAM recommended). A separate binary distribution file is available for each target computer platform for each audio plugin specification.

Voxengo Polysquasher Version History

Voxengo Polysquasher v2.2

• Gain reduction graph's precision was improved.
• Preset load inconsistency problem fixed.
• Waveform view random glitches issue fixed.
• Side-chain routing presets now appear dimmed to reduce confusion.
• Parameter automation on AU Mac OS X now shows real parameter values.
• The "VST Function Sync" global switch was added that fixes crashes in some hosts (i.e. Tracktion).
• The "No Multi-Channel Operation" global switch was added that fixes incompatibility with some non-VST2.3 compliant VST hosts.
• Preset "update" function implemented in the preset manager.
• "Density mode" implemented in the output level meter.

What's inside?

Voxengo Polysquasher SN.txt

Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: Voxengo.Polysquasher.v2.2.VST.AU.MAC.OSX.UB.rar


Voxengo Soniformer 3.0 AU VST MAC osx

Voxengo Soniformer 3.0 AU VST MAC osx
File Size: 26MB

Soniforme is a spectral mastering dynamics processor that splits the incoming sound signal into 32 spectral bands. This makes Soniformer a powerful and precise tool for mastering and sound restoration purposes.

During its operation, Soniformer splits incoming sound signal into 32 spectral bands. This makes Soniformer a powerful and precise tool for mastering and sound restoration purposes.

Every parameter in Soniformer is defined by means of a graphic envelope which is freely-modifiable and which may contain unlimited number of control points. Beside usual threshold, attack, release and compression/expander ratio parameters Soniformer offers you control over "stereo *****" and "panning" parameters making Soniformer an effective tool for stereo field adjustments.

Not only Soniformer offers you an easy-to-use parameter envelope editing interface, it also features a comprehensive set of spectral metering tools: you can switch between input, output, stereo correlation and stereo balance spectrums. The spectral gain change meter which always presents on the user interface gives you an outline of the overall signal power change applied by the plug-in's processing chain.

Soniformer features:

32-band dynamics processor
Envelope-driven parameters
32-band "analog" spectrum analyzer
Stereo balance and correlation meters
Multi-band panning
Narrow-band sweeping
Stereo and multi-channel processing
Internal channel routing
Channel grouping
Mid/side processing
Up to 8x linear-phase oversampling
64-bit floating point processing
Preset manager
Undo/redo history
A/B comparisons
Contextual hint messages
All sample rates support
11-millisecond processing latency

URL : VST plugins, AU plugins, Professional audio plugins - Voxengo

Important! > READ text file for the working serial number!
Thanks to "superfreak" for sharing the serial.

Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: Foxson3_Mac.rar


Voxengo GlissEQ VST AU v3.0 MAC OSX UB


GlissEQ is a powerful parametric dynamic equalizer plug-in. The most interesting and unique feature GlissEQ offers is its filters with dynamic behavior. When using a normal equalizer you always get what you have set: if you specify a 6 dB boost at 100 Hz you get exactly a 6 dB boost at 100 Hz - GlissEQ offers you a slightly different approach: when you specify +6 dB at 100 Hz, you don't necessarily get 6 dB of gain, the filter's effective gain is adjusted dynamically according to the sound material you are filtering.

Such "dynamic behavior" of GlissEQ's filters gives you a friendly, assisting equalization experience. Boosting up the highs will not create the fatiguing effect of overload; boosting up the lows will not make things sound mushy. Instead, you will get a pleasant transient-emphasizing effect bringing life and dimension to your tracks. The pronunciation of the dynamic behavior can be controlled via special "Dyn" parameter. In reality, this "Dyn" parameter adds a whole new dimension to the equalizer as you know it, according to Voxengo.

Beside this "dynamic behavior", GlissEQ features a real-time spectrum analyzer. Moreover, the spectrum of a track can be exported to any other instance of GlissEQ thus making real-time inter-track spectrum comparisons possible. This can help you free frequency ranges in one track to allow the instrument in another track occupying same frequencies breathe.


Voxengo Elephant v3.6 VST AU MAC OSX UB


Voxengo Elephant is a mastering limiter plug-in for professional music production applications. The most remarkable feature of this signal limiter is its ultimate transparency. Elephant brings sound limiting and loudness maximization without any audible "pumping" effects.

Elephant is a highly competitive plug-in for mastering applications: it features a variety of limiter modes that can be deeply customized, and a comprehensive set of level metering tools. Elephant's built-in linear-phase oversampling is a new standard in quality peak limiting and loudness maximization.

Elephant limiter can be used for mixing and mastering of both stereo and multi-channel music and sound material, at any standard sample rate.

Elephant, also featuring a DC offset filter, and a high-quality bit-depth converter with an optional noise-shaping, allows you to finish your music and audio productions with a spark.


• Transparent signal limiting action
• 10 predefined limiter modes
• Limiter mode editor
• Optional release stage
• Noise-shaped bit-depth converter
• DC offset removal filter
• Multi-channel processing
• Internal channel routing
• Channel grouping
• Up to 8x linear-phase oversampling
• 64-bit floating point processing
• Preset manager
• Undo/redo history
• A/B comparisons
• Contextual hint messages


This audio plugin can be loaded into any audio host application that conforms to the AudioUnit or VST plugin specification.

This plug-in is compatible with Windows (XP and later versions, 32- and 64-bit) and Mac OS X (10.4.11 and later versions, Intel and PowerPC) computers (2 GHz dual-core or faster processor with at least 1 GB of system RAM recommended). A separate binary distribution file is available for each target computer platform for each audio plugin specification.

Voxengo Elephant Version History

Voxengo Elephant v3.6

• Real-time gain reduction and waveform graphs implemented.
• Mid/side and side-chain routing presets now appear dimmed to reduce confusion.
• Parameter automation on AU Mac OS X now shows real parameter values.
• Preset "update" function implemented in the preset manager.
• The "VST Function Sync" global switch was added that fixes crashes in some hosts (i.e. Tracktion).
• "Density mode" implemented in level meters.
• Occasional extreme CPU overloads eliminated at the expense of average increased CPU load.
• "Pure+3" output metering mode's peak indicator is now 3 dB lower.
• "Pure" and "Pure+3" metering modes are now known as "dBFS" and "dBFS+3" modes, respectively.
• The "No Multi-Channel Operation" global switch was added that fixes incompatibility with some non-VST2.3 compliant VST hosts.
• DC filter parameters are now specified for all channel groups to avoid phasing problems.
• The "Show All Channel Meters" routing switch added.
• Statistics "reset" function now resets statistics of all channels correctly.
• A minor issue fixed in the dithering stage.

What's inside?

Voxengo Elephant 3.6 SN.txt

More information here:

VST plugins, AU plugins, Professional audio plugins - Voxengo

Download Links
Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: Voxengo Elephant v3.6 VST AU MAC OSX UB.rar


Voxengo Deft Compressor AU & VST 1.0 [MAC & PC]


The characteristic feature of this compressor is its ability to produce "slim" and "slick" sounding compression, with intelligibility enhancement effect. Such result is achieved by the compressor's timing function that closely resembles the S-curve on both attack and release stages. The S-curve timing function also helps the compressor to sound "warm" and "clean" at most settings.

While at high attack settings Deft Compressor can be used to emphasize audio transients, it can also be used to "smash" the audio signal if you use attack settings as low as 0.1 millisecond.

Deft Compressor also features a so-called "vintage" compression mode which produces compression sound reminiscent of analog valve compressors: it produces a warm, gently saturated sound with the ability to overdrive the output signal.

Deft Compressor is perfectly usable for compressing vocals, drums, guitars and other instruments, both technically and creatively. Beside that, it can be used to compress mix groups and full mixes.

* S-curve timing function.
* "Vintage" compression mode.
* Multi-channel processing.
* Internal channel routing.
* Channel grouping.
* Up to 8x oversampling.
* 64-bit floating point processing.
* Preset manager.
* Undo/redo history.
* A/B comparisons.
* Contextual hint messages.
* Zero processing latency.

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عرض البوم صور kamalmerhi   رد مع اقتباس

قديم 04-11-10, 12:43 AM   المشاركة رقم: 2
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التسجيل: Jul 2007
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كاتب الموضوع : kamalmerhi المنتدى : برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx


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