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Loops loops

Sonic Reality Miroslav Refill Gold Bundle Vol.1-6

اليكم أحبة ليلاس مكتبة متكامة من السامفوني تعمل على برنامج الريزون Academic Sonic Reality Miroslav Refill Gold Bundle Vol.1-6 | ~ 9.11 Gb Sonic Reality Miroslav Refill Gold Bundle

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قديم 13-03-10, 04:45 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
شمس ليلاس

التسجيل: Mar 2006
العضوية: 3594
المشاركات: 825
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نقاط التقييم: 16



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المنتدى : Loops
Stupido2 Sonic Reality Miroslav Refill Gold Bundle Vol.1-6


Sonic Reality Miroslav Refill Gold
اليكم أحبة ليلاس مكتبة متكامة من السامفوني تعمل على برنامج الريزون
Academic Sonic Reality Miroslav Refill Gold Bundle Vol.1-6 | ~ 9.11 Gb

Sonic Reality Miroslav Refill Gold

Sonic Reality Miroslav Refill Gold
Sonic Reality Miroslav Refill Gold Bundle is the ultimate orchestral & choir collection for Reason. It contains 5 collections of orchestral instruments plus a 6th collection of choirs, all from the Miroslav Orchestra archives.

Volumes 1-6 for Reason

Miroslav Refill: Solo Strings
Includes the solo violin, viola, cello and contrabass of the Miroslav Orchestra archives. An incredible range of performance articulations such as legato, staccato, pizzicato, tremolo, sul ponte, spiccato, detache and more make this one of the most beautiful and playable collections of solo strings and small string ensembles around. Includes additional bonus symphonic textures and powerful interactive orchestra combis.

Miroslav Refill: Ensemble Strings
Beautifully sampled ensemble strings from the legendary Miroslav Orchestra collection. Featuring 11 and 24 violin sections, violas, celli and basses played in a variety of performance articulations such as legato, staccato, pizzicato, tremolo, sul ponte, spiccato, detache and more. Includes additional bonus symphonic textures and powerful interactive orchestra combis.

Miroslav Refill: Brass
Instantly playable solo and ensemble Brass featuring trumpets, trombones, French horns, tuba and more from the Miroslav Orchestra archives. Plenty of performance articulations such as sustained, portato, staccato, vibrato, muted, looped and non-looped full duration plus orchestral layers for a majestic symphonic sound. Includes additional bonus symphonic textures and powerful interactive orchestra combis.

Miroslav Refill: Choir
Classical male and female human voice choirs with performance articulations and individual syllables for the ultimate in expression and tonal variation. From ohs, ahs, uhs to syllables like Po, Do, Re, Mi, Si, glissandos and other performance variations, these choirs cover a wide range of colors and are the ideal companion to the Miroslav orchestra. Includes additional bonus symphonic textures and powerful interactive orchestra combis.

Miroslav Refill: Percussion and Keys
This title covers both orchestral percussion instruments, such as timpani, bells, chimes, vibraphone, glockenspiel, celeste, snare, bass drum, shakers and more, as well as a stunning concert grand piano, cathedral pipe organ and harpsichord. This collection contains a majestic collection of powerful dynamic single hits and individual percussion elements for complex orchestral layers. Includes additional bonus symphonic textures and powerful interactive orchestra combis.

Miroslav Refill: Woodwinds
A complete collection of expressive solo and ensemble woodwinds from the Miroslav Orchestra archives, such as flute, piccolo, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, English horn, Bassoon, Contrabassoon and more. These are considered to be some of the most beautiful woodwinds that have ever been sampled. Featuring performance articulations such as sustained legato, vibrato, flutter, staccato, portato and more. Includes additional bonus symphonic textures and powerful interactive orchestra combis
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Sonic Reality Miroslav Refill Gold
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Sonic Reality Miroslav Refill Gold

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Sonic Reality Miroslav Refill Gold



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