كاتب الموضوع :
وسيم جلول
المنتدى :
كورج PA800
كل التحية لك على طموحك الرائع .. و لا أريد احباطك بهذه الاخبار السيئة من و كلاء الاورغ في لبنان و بالتحديد الين سليم حيث جاء بهذه الاخبار التالية :
Just to need to point your view for a very important point, the successful key element of this KORG PA800 EX is not kits each one of you have oriental samples and can make kits in second the essential is the huge library we are working in , more than 400 styles plus to the combination sounds that we have done and these can be stolen ! and for sure the permanent updates that we offer... very bad news! styles are not gone thru midi out and the combination is not compatible with the normal edition KORG PA800 so hard luck.
Concerning the demo Salim they will be posted in 10 days.
Alain Slim
Audiominds GROUP