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الديجي ميكس DJ MIX الديجي ميكس

Native Instruments Traktor Scratch Pro v1.2

برنامج دي جي محترف مع مكتبة FX للاصوات TRAKTOR SCRATCH PRO is the premium system for pro DJs spinning digital tracks on vinyl and CD.

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قديم 16-12-09, 12:11 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
عضو ماسي

التسجيل: Feb 2008
العضوية: 62853
المشاركات: 293
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معدل التقييم: E_MIXMAR عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 12



E_MIXMAR غير متواجد حالياً
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المنتدى : الديجي ميكس DJ MIX
Thanks Native Instruments Traktor Scratch Pro v1.2


Native Instruments Traktor Scratch v1.2

برنامج دي جي محترف مع مكتبة FX للاصوات

Native Instruments Traktor Scratch v1.2

TRAKTOR Scratch PRO is the premium system for pro DJs spinning digital tracks on vinyl and CD. Traktor Scratch PRO includes the full feature set of the leading Traktor PRO software, setting a new gold standard in professional digital vinyl systems. Pro utilizes an updated interface with four decks, specifically improved for live performers; the layout is said to be high-contrast and scalable, with cue and looping controls altered to be easier to use on the fly. Native has likewise added the Crate Flick feature, which lets DJs browse music files as if they were in a typical record crate. Supporting the interface changes is a new performance effects section, divided into two multi-effect units with a combined total of over 20 effect types such as Iceverb and Reverse Grain. To create more original sounds, DJs can chain together up to six effects. The MIDI component of the program has been enhanced with a “MIDI modifier” function, which permits dynamic and/or multi-layered assignments to knobs and faders. Changes to MIDI sync should meanwhile enable integrated use of add-ons, like drum machines or sequencing software.

Traktor Pro introduces a new graphical user interface that features a new efficient workflow. The concise, completely scalable screen layout with clear, high-contrast elements results in an interface that is highly convenient to work with under all conditions. All crucial performance functions like cueing and looping have been revised and refined in Traktor Pro for fast and intuitive handling in a performance situation, while extensive cover artwork support including the innovative “Crate Flick” feature allows DJs to visually browse their music library in a new and especially efficient way.

New features:
» Redesigned user interface
» Stunning effects section
» Sync reloaded
» Cover artwork and Crate Flick
» Industry standart workflows
» Professional DJ software, integrating industry-standard workflows into an intuitive and stylish interface
» Modular user interface featuring 4 playback decks with automatic beat-gridding of tracks, advanced beat detection and Sync Lock for perfect mixing
» 21 professional effects – tempo sync to any deck or route an external source through the industry-leading effects section
» Auto Loop makes it easy to create synchronized loops on the fly with precise control over loop In and Out points
» Fully featured 4-channel mixer, emulating the Xone: 92™ 4-band EQ and filters by Allen & Heath and three other high end equalizers
» Real-time track management with incremental search, Crate Flick artwork browsing, iPod™ and iTunes compatibility
» Play, cue, jog wheel control, hot cues, and loop setting / adjusting follow the same intuitive workflow as industry-standard hardware
» Automatic gain control based on perceived loudness; high-quality key correction
» Directly record your set to disk with the integrated recorder supporting internal and external audio input
» Supports multiple MIDI controllers and advanced MIDI assignments, as well as the sync’ing of external gear through MIDI clock functionality

Native Instruments Traktor Scratch v1.2

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Traktor Scratch Pro v1.1.2 AiR | 92 MB

Native Instruments Traktor Scratch v1.2


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عرض البوم صور E_MIXMAR   رد مع اقتباس

قديم 04-07-10, 03:28 AM   المشاركة رقم: 2
عضو راقي

التسجيل: Apr 2010
العضوية: 159763
المشاركات: 13,889
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: ŜăƦƌ عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطŜăƦƌ عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 111



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