In this tutorial, Jeff Dykhouse a veteran recording engineer demonstrates the different types of
Equalizers and how to use them during recording, at mixdown and while mastering. Equalization, or EQ, is the process of changing the frequency envelope of a sound and by using a signal generator and spectrum analyzer, Jeff shows how EQs work on both generated sound and music. Jeff follows a recorded song through production to illustrate how and when to best use EQs to modify the sound of your music. By the end of this tutorial you will understand what an equalizer does, how to use them and most importantly when to equalization.
size/ 101 MB
01-Introduction 0:01:12 Min
02-What They Do 0:06:41 Min
03-Different Kinds of EQ 0
21 Min
04-How to Use Them 0:07:03 Min
05-When To Use Them 0
07 Min
06-Choosing the Right Equalizer 0:09:02 Min
07-Summary 0:00:33 Min