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قديم 14-10-09, 11:28 AM   المشاركة رقم: 51
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Feb 2008
العضوية: 65541
المشاركات: 2,187
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: ruba عضو على طريق الابداعruba عضو على طريق الابداعruba عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 211



ruba غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : cocubasha المنتدى : الارشيف


good morning

warde...i agree with drago..you haven't told us how the girls are? and damages..i saw the first episode too..and yesterday's episode ..that's it but it really seems a good show..it's just aired at a bad time i think

drago...i know what you mean about Italy..everything is great about it..i would have been a fan of their football team too if it wasn't that they won the world cup instead of Germany...but other than that i am so into it..i am even going to take Italian next year..not this year or I'll be taking 4 languages and i don't think my mind would accept it. they aired under the Tuscan sun yesterday..i must have watched this movie more than 15 times..i not just wish..but pray that i would live like that once..even if just for a month..i also listen to Italian music all the time...so it's great to see people like me here..it lessen the stuff i hear from my friends i

dew..I'm reading the novel you talked about and i couldn't sleep last night because i want to know what happens..i love so much thanks ya 3sal..but what i don't like about it is that he keeps saying "god's blood"..i just hate that in a novel..when the hero keeps saying certain words every two times..like "honey" "darlin" it drives me crazy..anyways.. i loved it..thanks..

hope you all are having a lovely morning
love you

p.s..guess what's my new desktop picture...i just couldn't resist..it reminds me of cocu,warde,habbobe and all the sweet romantics and it makes me smile every time i turn on the laptop i

mithun chakraborty



عرض البوم صور ruba  
قديم 14-10-09, 11:44 AM   المشاركة رقم: 52
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Sep 2006
العضوية: 12921
المشاركات: 1,484
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: dragonguard عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 34



dragonguard غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : cocubasha المنتدى : الارشيف


oh I forgot to say something for R&R
ERIC is not the HERO in the books
the main character is SOOKIE
the girl who have the ability to read minds of human but not vampires
and there are BILL, ERIC, SAM and QUINN
but I can't tell you that ERIC is the hero
if you read it you'll find out
actually ERIC is more resemblance to JULIAN in the Forbidden Game
and maybe that’s why I like him a lot

Hi RUBA, I'm with you in hating the boring cliché
they have to come up with new ideas and stop repeating themselves
and about TUSKANE SUN oh yaaaaaaah
count me within this month
and please tell your friends to eat their tongues next time commenting on your dreams and thoughts
wish you all the luck RUBA



عرض البوم صور dragonguard  
قديم 14-10-09, 05:24 PM   المشاركة رقم: 53
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Dec 2006
العضوية: 18421
المشاركات: 5,874
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: وردة من الماس عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 26



وردة من الماس غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : cocubasha المنتدى : الارشيف


احلى مسااااااااااااااااا على احلى عيوووووووووووووووون ما ما تتنسى

واحشيني موووووووووت يا احلى رومانتكس

ربى الله يقطع بليسك فطستيني ضحك عالصورة

شخربوطي مرة وحدة
لااااااااااااااااا كوكو راح تسيح دمك هالمرة
كلة الا شخربوطي هذا الحبيب الاولي لكوكو

يووووووووووة يا حياتي يا كوكو
واحشتني بشكل فظيــــــــــــع جدا جدا جدا

هلا والله حبيبتي
يا عيني عليك يا اريك الي ضارب فيوزاتك
الحمدلله لقيت احد مهووس غيري

بالنسبة للغولة للاسف للان موجودة
شكلها ماهي رايحة الا قاضية علينا قضائا مبرما
المفروض تروح لمدرستها الي هي منقولة لها لكن الجديدة مقدمة اعتذار يعني ما تبي تمسك ادارة لذا الغولة راح تظل هني ليما تجي بديلة ثانية عنها
الله يصبرنا ليما تطس باللي ما يحفظها

اما الطالبات
الحمدلله للان الامور تمام و ماشي الحال
الطالبات الجدد في مجموعة شاطرة و مؤدبة اما الكسلانة و المشاغبة انا ناشبة بحلوقهم ليما اروضهم
موريتهم العين الحمراء من اولها عشان ما يتفرعنون علي بعدين
تدرين قبل امس كنت اخانق بنت و كنت تاركة باب الفصل و الشبابيك مفتوحة
تعرفين عشان الامراض و البلاوي لازم تهوية للفصل
مع اني ما اطيق اشرح و الباب مفتوح بس مجبر اخاك لا بطل
المهم وحدة استفزتني تشاغب بالفصل
and all hell breaked loose on her

قعدت اخانقها و نسيت ان الباب مفتوح
باخر الحصة جتني المساعدة قالت انتي الي قبل شوي تخانقين طالبة قلت اية وش دراك؟؟
قالت صوتك واصل لنا
يا انة طاح وجهي
صوتي واصل لاخر المدرسة و البنت ما انهزت من راسها شعرة
ااااااااااااخ من طلاب هالوقت
قبل بس توقفنا المعلمة نقعد نرجف و احنا ما سوينا شي و الحين الوحدة تندب بعينها رصاصة من الوقاحة الي هي فيها

بس حتى الان المجموعة الجديدة تبشر بخير ان شاء الله

و ربي يعطينا خيرهم و يكفينا شرهم
بس احس نفسي مقيدة بالحصة لاني متعودة اتمشى بين الطاولات الحين ما اقدر اخاف من النفس و الامراض الله يكافينا الشر

يلا اشوفكم على خير حبيباتي



عرض البوم صور وردة من الماس  
قديم 14-10-09, 05:44 PM   المشاركة رقم: 54
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Feb 2008
العضوية: 65541
المشاركات: 2,187
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: ruba عضو على طريق الابداعruba عضو على طريق الابداعruba عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 211



ruba غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : cocubasha المنتدى : الارشيف


ehem ehem..warde..cocu gave me the green light yesterday that's why you should have seen me explain to my family why I'm putting this picture!!!my brother hasn't seen it yet..i expect he'll make fun of me for a week and a half
as for the incident in class..hhhhhhhhhh..that must have been awkward im so sorry..i hope it gets better soon and that witch would go away

drago..yeslamo ya 3sal...I'll sure count you in in anything that has to do with Italy..i just wish we could go there soon and live like the woman in under the Tuscan sun..aaah..a girl can a dream!1

about my day ..after too much stress in the family i went to my favorite mall and guess what? they closed the cinema there..it was the best!!!i have no idea why..but now i have to go to a place further and the cinemas are not amazing as this one..aaand..i went to look for a dress for my sister's engagement..i still feel like crap every time i remember all the dresses that come only in size 0&1..as if people who weigh more than 20 kilos don't deserve to wear anything good!!!and I'm not thin either so there you go..no dress!!1

anyways..hope to see you all here tonight and hear about your day...love you all



عرض البوم صور ruba  
قديم 15-10-09, 01:36 AM   المشاركة رقم: 55

التسجيل: Apr 2008
العضوية: 72130
المشاركات: 736
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: Romance Reader عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 13



Romance Reader غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : cocubasha المنتدى : الارشيف


Hey Girls

How are you all doing in life? Hope everything is going to your liking

Omniya, wish my family were like yours, i am the one who is cheering for Italy and they think I am simply nuts but who cares and i love your show, if you find any of these cool quizes, we'll be here

Drago, Warda & Ruba, as for Damages, I, too, just saw the first episode, it sounds interesting but i can't seem to get its time right

Drago, glad you're enjoying the True Blood Series, it sure sounds interesting as for the accent, i know what you mean, as for Italy, Team Italy Forever, obviously we're a bunch of everything italian addicts and I've seen Under The Tuscan Sun a gazillion times and I always feel like I wanna do just that, get a house and live there, and find some gorgeous italian guy like marcello, he's so handsome and you can't resist that italian accent really

Ruba, what a handsome fellow, hope cocu could come and see, she'll be pleased glad you're a fan of italy too, I think every romantic girl has a thing for italy and italian things

Drago, thanks for the clarification, sometimes we get drawn to second characters but i think the reason is that they're actually a hero material that the author should've thought of, i guess oh and ruba, follow drago's advice, if only they really knew what they're missing

Warda, sorry to hear about your mean boss but at least the students got some potential :D just try to keep your sanity in check and try counting to 20 when you get angry at some girl, or better think of your favourite hero that'll do the trick

Ruba, sorry to hear about the dress escapade, i hope you find some other shop soon, if not, try the shoes, they're always looks good on you and they're in all sizes

Well, to conclude, my day was rewarding, I am a volunteer at a charity center and i'll be giving English lessons 3 days a week for preparatory 3, will be working on the events organizing whenever i find a time, will be teaching at the computer center in different courses and will get to learn sign language then teach a variety of things and i got some interviews coming and applied for more and attending a course in human development and that's pretty much my life now. of course, i am in need to make my life mission statement in writings and make a time plan to get all the above together

Okay, hope all of you are fine and wish to see you here later
love ya always



عرض البوم صور Romance Reader  

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