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Moeller Method Drum Technique & Moeller Stroke

Moeller Method Drum Technique & Moeller Stroke DVDRip | 528x384 | AVI | XVID 998 kbps | 29.97 fps | Aspect ratio: 4:3 | MP3 128 kpbs | 675 MB

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قديم 24-09-09, 12:07 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
نوارة منتدى ليلاس

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 14564
المشاركات: 7,592
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: JORDAN عضو على طريق الابداعJORDAN عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 166



JORDAN غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : متفرقات خاصة بالدروس والشروحات للهندسة الصوتية
Congrats Moeller Method Drum Technique & Moeller Stroke


Moeller Method Drum Technique &
Moeller Method Drum Technique & Moeller Stroke
DVDRip | 528x384 | AVI | XVID 998 kbps | 29.97 fps | Aspect ratio: 4:3 | MP3 128 kpbs | 675 MB
Actors: Mike Michalkow; Cameron Peace; Damian Erskine | Studio: Railroad Media, Inc.
Run Time: 155 minutes | DVD Release Date: June 9, 2006

How do all these top pros get such unbelievable hand speed around the Drum kit? What is this "Moeller Method" I've been hearing so much about? Why is some Technique from the 1800s such a secret anyway? Is it all just hype? If you have ever asked yourself any of these questions - you are not alone. With all the misleading information in online discussion forums these days - it's hard to get a clear answer about anything. Everyone seems to have their own opinion, and often times it's beginners that read something somewhere that are now sharing "advanced tips" with you. How do you cut through the hype?

The Moeller Method really isn't as "complex" as some top pro drummers would like you to believe. It is actually a very simple concept that, with practice, will enable you to dramatically improve your speed and accent control around the entire Drum set. In fact most drummers are actually able to double or even triple their speed with this method! Sound too good to be true?

Well, here is a REAL Moeller Method Secret...

The Moeller Method has its downsides too! YES, the Method that everyone seems to be hyping as the "ultimate" Drum Method has its own weaknesses. It alone will NOT solve all of your drumming needs. The top pros know this, and that is why information about the Technique has been leaked over the past year or so. They are confident they can "stay on top", because they have more than just the Moeller Method.

Now, here is what the top pros do NOT want you to know!

There are a number of key techniques that, when used with the Moeller Method, create a complete and unbeatable combination! The Moeller Method is an extremely important part of this combination, but still "just a part". Without having all the information - you might as well not be spending hours behind the kit practicing.

If you want to achieve the same speed, power, control, endurance, and dynamics that the pros have... you need to learn it all! Not just the Moeller Method, but also the key related techniques that will drastically improve your overall drumming! That is why I have gone to the source, and put together a COMPLETE training system that will reveal all of the Moeller Method Secrets in one massive training pack!

What Qualifications Do I have as a Moeller Method Expert?

ABSOLUTELY NONE, but that is why I decided not to do this project alone. Sure, I've been playing the Moeller Method and related techniques for a few years now, but I'm still not confident that my level of experience is worthy of teaching this important information to new students. Therefore, I brought on Mike Michalkow - a world class Drum instructor and clinician that is an absolute pro at all of the Drum methods and techniques covered in this video training system.

Mike Michalkow's Qualifications as a Moeller Technique Expert!

Mike Michalkow has been performing, recording, and teaching drums for over 17 years. He has taken private lessons with Jim Chapin (Sanford Moeller's best and most famous student), Dom Famularo (drumming ambassador and Moeller advocate), John Fisher, Chuck Silverman, Peter Magadini, Mitch Dorge, and Virgil Donati.

I don't know if you recognize all of the names in that list, but I suggest you do some research into exactly who they are. The list is practically a "who's who" of the top drummers that play the very techniques I've been talking about. The fact that Mike has taken lessons from ALL of them is an incredible accomplishment and goes to show just how educated and dedicated he is regarding these methods.

Mike's passion for drums and percussion has earned him a name in the business and his summers consist of heading the Drum department in the U.S. for the National Guitar Workshop, and he has also performed at the Vancouver International Drum Festival in October 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 by invitation of Yamaha Drums.

He currently plays and is endorsed by Yamaha Drums, Sabian cymbals, Vic Firth Drum sticks and Hansenfutz accessory pedals. He is also a clinician on the Yamaha electronic and acoustic line. Mikes goal as a performer and enthusiastic teacher is to excite and motivate people about drums and music. This has been proven time and time again in each clinic Mike is involved with.

Moeller Method Drum Technique &

More information at Amazon
Amazon.com: Moeller Method Secrets: Mike Michalkow; Cameron Peace; Damian Erskine, Jared Falk: Movies & TV

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