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التهنئة والاهداءات التهنئة والاهداءات

Try not to cryبصراحة حبيتها

إهداء من القلب وياريت تكتبو لي إحساسكم لما سمعتوها You, you’re not aware That we’re aware Of your despair Sami Don’t show your tears To your oppressor

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قديم 15-05-09, 02:41 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
فتاة المطر

التسجيل: Oct 2007
العضوية: 49229
المشاركات: 4,826
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: إلياذة الواقع عضو على طريق الابداعإلياذة الواقع عضو على طريق الابداعإلياذة الواقع عضو على طريق الابداعإلياذة الواقع عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 377



إلياذة الواقع غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : التهنئة والاهداءات
افتراضي Try not to cryبصراحة حبيتها


C:\Documents and Settings\Welcome\De...not-to-cry.ram

إهداء من القلب
وياريت تكتبو لي إحساسكم لما سمعتوها

You, you’re not aware
That we’re aware
Of your despair
Sami Don’t show your tears
To your oppressor
Don’t show your tears

Try not to cry little one
You’re not alone
Try I’ll stand by you
Try not to cry little one
Not My heart is your stone
I’ll throw with you

‘Ayn Jalut where David slew Goliath
To This very same place that we be at
Passing through the sands of times
Cry This land’s been the victim of countless crimes
From Crusaders and Mongols
Song****e to the present aggression
Then the Franks, now even a crueller oppression

Song**** If these walls could speak,
imagine what would they say

For me in this path that I walk on
Lyrics there's only one way
Bullets may kill, bones may break
Lyric Still I throw stones like David before m

Yusuf Don’t cry, don’t lose faith
The one who made water come out of the sand
Try Is the one who quenches the thirst
And you who rise proud from between the stones
Not Have made oceans from this dust

I throw stones at my eyes
To ’cause for way too long they’ve been dry
Plus they see what they shouldn’t from oppressed babies to thighs
Cry I throw stones at my tongue
’cause it should really keep its peace
Song****e I throw stones at my feet
’cause they stray and lead to defeat
Song**** A couple of big ones at my heart
’cause the thing is freezing cold
Lyrics But my nafs is still alive
and kicking unstoppable and on a roll
Lyric I throw bricks at the devil so I’ll be sure to hit him
Lieder****e But first at the man in the mirror
so I can chase out the venom

Hmm, a little boy shot in the head
Just another kid sent out to get some bread
Alle Not the first murder nor the last
Again and again a repetition of the past

Sami Since the very first day same story
Young ones, old ones, some glory
Yusuf How can it be, has the whole world turned blind?
Or is it just ’cause it’s only affecting my kind?!
Try If these walls could speak,
imagine what would they say
For me in this path that I walk on
Not there’s only one way
Bullets may kill, bones may break
To Still I throw stones like Davïd before me and I say



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