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المسلسلات الاجنبية المسلسلات الاجنبية

(تنزيل ) حلقة رقم 24 من الجزء الثالث ل Heroes

:besm8dg4: الحلقة 24 من الجزء الثالث من مسلسل Heroes مرفقة فيها ملف الترجمة طبعا الملف تورنت

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التسجيل: Nov 2006
العضوية: 17353
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معدل التقييم: amer_6630 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 29



amer_6630 غير متواجد حالياً
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المنتدى : المسلسلات الاجنبية
افتراضي (تنزيل ) حلقة رقم 24 من الجزء الثالث ل Heroes


(تنزيل Heroes

(تنزيل Heroes

الحلقة 24 من الجزء الثالث من مسلسل Heroes مرفقة فيها ملف الترجمة

تحمـــــــــــ من هنا ــــــــــــــــــــــــيل

طبعا الملف تورنت



عرض البوم صور amer_6630   رد مع اقتباس

قديم 02-05-09, 06:27 AM   المشاركة رقم: 2

التسجيل: Sep 2006
العضوية: 13121
المشاركات: 13,907
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معدل التقييم: dali2000 عضو ماسيdali2000 عضو ماسيdali2000 عضو ماسيdali2000 عضو ماسيdali2000 عضو ماسيdali2000 عضو ماسيdali2000 عضو ماسيdali2000 عضو ماسيdali2000 عضو ماسيdali2000 عضو ماسيdali2000 عضو ماسي
نقاط التقييم: 4990



dali2000 غير متواجد حالياً
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كاتب الموضوع : amer_6630 المنتدى : المسلسلات الاجنبية


تسلم يا استاذ عامر

وحابه اضيف معلومات عن الحلقة

== اسم الحلقة ==

I am Syler


== جميع احداث الحلقة باللغة الانجليزية ==

Noah, Claire, Angela, Nathan, and Peter are eating at the Coyote Sands Café when a news broadcast features Nathan Petrelli giving a press conference and vowing change.

Eighteen hours earlier, Sylar wakes up in the apartment of Agent Taub, the agent he’s been impersonating. He’s back in Taub’s form and discovers that he’s grown an extra tooth.

Matt calls Janice to let him know he has their son, Matt Jr. Matt promises to get Matt back to her and Janice thanks him for being there. Ando and Hiro ask him for his help in infiltrating Building 26, but Matt insists that his family comes first. He warns that the two of them can’t do it themselves and will only get themselves captured. He leaves to take Matt Jr. back and Ando wonders if he’s right. Hiro insists that a hero would never give up.

Danko gets a report that Sylar is in a park and covers it up. He then goes to see Sylar, who explains that he’s losing himself and the DNA he’s absorbed is changing him on its own. Danko tells him to get control and revert back to Taub, or he’ll have to hunt Sylar down himself. Sylar shifts back to the form of Taub, and then carves the words “I am Sylar” onto his arm.

As himself, Sylar goes to the home of another special, Tom Miller. Miller has just received a warning from Rebel telling him to flee. Sylar sneaks in and Miller wonders if he’s Rebel. Sylar vaguely claims he is and asks Miller to demonstrate his power. Miller, hesitant, finally concentrates and snaps his fingers, shattering a figurine. Sylar asks who Miller chooses, him or the government. Miller chooses Sylar, who then cuts open his skull to take his power. Danko and his men burst in a little later and find Miller dead, and the words “I am Sylar” written on the wall in blood.

Danko sets up a meeting with Sylar in his office and warns that Sylar is putting him in a difficult position. Sylar tells him that Rebel is still active in Washington and Danko tells him to lay low. Sylar warns that he’s losing himself with his shapeshifting power. Danko notes that he’s used as many as eight identities during his missions and says he’s always held onto himself by finding an anchor to remember who he is. He shows Sylar his father’s silver pocket watch. Sylar uses his power to analyze it and when Danko wonders when he got that power, Sylar notes that it’s the only power that is truly his.

Hiro and Ando go to Isaac’s loft and Hiro spots the security laser beams. He suggests that Ando act as bait, and then he’ll follow them back to Building 26. Ando says he has a new name for himself, the Crimson Arc, but Hiro isn’t too thrilled. Ando thinks that he isn’t taking him seriously. Government soldiers break in and open fire, and Hiro stops time while touching Ando. Neither one of them are frozen, much to Ando’s astonishment and pleasure.

Sylar has his dead mother Virginia’s belongings delivered to him. As he examines the scissors covered in her blood, and the snowball he gave her, he loses his temper and smashes the snowball against the wall. Sylar “hears” his mother talking to him, insisting she never lied to him. Virginia says that she always loved him and tried to protect him from his father Samson, who murdered Sylar’s real mother. Sylar says that he met Samson and took the shapeshifting abilities so he’d never become the poor decrepit figure that Samson turned into. Virginia says that she’s back, and then changes back to Sylar, having a conversation with himself. Danko arrives and tells Sylar that he needs Taub: they know where Rebel is.

Ando wonders if Hiro is jealous now that Ando has joined him in his special time. Hiro denies it but Ando accuses him of being a fascist. Ando wants to go off on his own and Hiro unfreezes time, lets the soldiers’ dart hit Ando, and then freezes time again. He then looks for a soldier that matches his size.

Danko leads “Taub” and the others to the warehouse where Rebel is holed up. They kill the power and go inside. Sylar goes off on his own and finds Rebel first. Micah says he knows who Sylar is and that he can help him find himself again. Sylar warns that Micah is alone, but Micah says they need Sylar to become a hero and save them all.

The soldiers take Ando to Building 26. Hiro, disguised as one of them, freezes time and removes the drug tube from Ando’s nose. He tells his friend to play possum, then turns off the drug delivery system and puts the tube back in Ando’s nose. When Hiro restores time, one of the soldiers notices he’s wearing glasses. Ando uses his power and stuns the soldiers as the van goes off the road. Hiro finds a soldier’s GPS with the directions to Building 26.

Micah makes a run for it but Danko and his man corner him on the dock. One of the soldiers darts Micah, knocking him into the water and seemingly to his death. They’re unaware that the real Micah is watching from the shadows. A little later, Danko meets privately with Sylar and notes that he’s surprised Sylar let Micah get away. Sylar claims that he didn’t want machine voices talking in his head, and then tells Danko that there’s no way Micah could have survived. Danko tells him that they have info on more specials and they’ll need Sylar to go after them.

Micah takes refuge at Taub’s apartment with Sylar. He wakes up and sees Sylar “talking” with his dead mother. Sylar realizes that Micah has seen him and tells the boy to get out before he changes his mind. Micah suggests he turn into Nathan and tell the President he’s made a mistake. Sylar considers it but tells Micah to leave before he kills him.

Sylar goes to Nathan’s Senate office and finds a brush covered with Nathan’s hair. Virginia says that Sylar’s better than all of them and now he can become a Senator. Sylar says that he killed her on purpose because she made him feel small and weak, but “Virginia” forgives him. She says that now he can become President of the United States. Sylar considers the brush, then touches it and shapeshifts into Nathan, while telling his mother he wont’ let her down.

Matt arrives at his ex-wife’s home and the family is reunited. However, Matt telepathically senses the government agents moving in. He tells Janice to get ready to leave while he holds them off. Matt says that he’ll be coming with them and Janice admits they have a lot to talk about.

As Nathan, Sylar calls a press conference and says that he plans to shake up the Washington establishment. He notes that the President refuses to talk to him and that he hopes that once the Chief Executive shakes his hand, everything will change.

At the Coyote Sands Café, Nathan realizes that Sylar can become the President once they shake hands. Nathan says he will try to fix the matter on his own but the others point out that he failed the last time he tried, and Sylar will be waiting for him. Nathan goes off on his own despite Peter’s offer to go with him. Nathan flies off and Peter goes after him.

Hiro and Ando prepare to break into Building 26. Hiro agrees to treat Ando as a partner from now on. Ando boosts Hiro’s power as he starts to freeze time… and then his power backfires. Hiro is frozen, his nose bleeding from the strain.

Matt looks at his old police badge and tells Janice that he’s going to have to bring down the government hunters so that they can have a chance at a life together. He tells Janice to stay close as the hunters close in.

Nathan arrives to find Sylar there in Nathan’s body. Sylar says he’s used his ability to sense the history of objects to determine all of the nasty things that Nathan has done on his way to power. He tells Nathan that Nathan is intent on eliminating the one thing that makes him special, his power, and he’s betrayed his family. Nathan doesn’t believe that anyone will believe Sylar is him, but Sylar tells him he’ll be a better Nathan than Nathan ever was. Nathan defies him and Sylar prepares to slice open his skull, but Danko arrives and shoots Nathan with a tranquilizer dart. Sylar isn’t happy but Danko says they need to handle Nathan delicately because of his political connections. He tells Sylar that he needs to become Taub again so they can go after the others.

At Coyote Sands, Mohinder studies the camera film of his father’s experiments. Government hunters arrive and tranq him unconscious.

Ando tries to help his frozen friend.

The soldiers enter Janice’s house and Matt telepathically makes himself and his family invisible.

Noah is driving Claire and Angela back to Washington when they’re pulled over at a roadblock.

Sylar tells Danko that he no longer cares what Danko wants from him. As he turns away, Danko drives a knife into the back of his skull. Sylar collapses to the ground… and then gets up and removes the knife.



عرض البوم صور dali2000   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-05-09, 05:33 PM   المشاركة رقم: 3
عضو راقي

التسجيل: Nov 2006
العضوية: 17353
المشاركات: 4,673
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: amer_6630 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 29



amer_6630 غير متواجد حالياً
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كاتب الموضوع : amer_6630 المنتدى : المسلسلات الاجنبية


رائع جدا التقرير يا لحظة و شامل لكل مجريات الحلقة

اشكرك جزيل الشكر



عرض البوم صور amer_6630   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 19-03-12, 05:49 AM   المشاركة رقم: 4

التسجيل: Mar 2012
العضوية: 239932
المشاركات: 2
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: جووجوو الاموره عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



جووجوو الاموره غير متواجد حالياً
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كاتب الموضوع : amer_6630 المنتدى : المسلسلات الاجنبية


صباح الانوار شباب



عرض البوم صور جووجوو الاموره   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 19-03-12, 05:51 AM   المشاركة رقم: 5

التسجيل: Mar 2012
العضوية: 239932
المشاركات: 2
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: جووجوو الاموره عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



جووجوو الاموره غير متواجد حالياً
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كاتب الموضوع : amer_6630 المنتدى : المسلسلات الاجنبية


شباب انا بدى احمل حلقات المسلسل الاجنبى 24 ومابعرف كيف ممكن المساعده لو سمحتو ومشكورين



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