كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
Good morning every one
DARLA, welcome back and happy for you that you achieve some of what's in your mind, wish you all the luck
COCU, I know what you mean, the hallow inside like a black hole, but it will pass ...soon I hope
AMER, I hope that the flu is not that bad with you, though it won't hurt like Warda's Bazooka
GOGO, energetic how are you girl
FAIRY, where are you, I hope you are hiding to show up with a great poem
WARDA, thank you for bringing MAYA's regards and tell her I wish her the best and we are waiting for her
HABBOBE, I think this case is contiguous, all the romantic have the same symptoms?????I hope you'll recover soon
all the other girls wish you the best