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المنتدى :
Hi every one
AMER, I'm so sorry for your lost, and I hope you'll get an external hard disk better than the old one, and about V B12
I read that it's important for a healthy nervous system and the production of the red cells, which is a problem all the women have
REMA, about forgetting, I used to use my iphone to remind me to some special events, even when I want to watch a movie or a series in TV I write a note for myself and make my iphone notify me with it,
I think the new gadgets make us more lazy and don't want to use our brain, even when I want to calculate something I used my iphone which remind me to curse the person who stole it again & again
GOGO, I enjoy reading your comments...so funny, and about The Tuareg, we have a famous novelist Ibrahim Al-Koni, and I copy this info from wikipedia
إبراهيم الكوني Ibrahim Al-Koni
الروائي الليبي العالمي نال جائزة الدولة الاستثنائية الكبرى التي تمنحها الحكومة السويسريةأرفع جوائزها ، وذلك عن مجمل أعماله الروائية المترجمة إلى الألمانية. اختارته مجلة «لير» الفرنسية بين خمسين روائياً من العالم اعتبرتهم يمثلون اليوم «أدب القرن الحادي والعشرين»، وسمتهم «خمسون كاتباً للغد». فاز بجائزة الشيخ زايد للكتاب فرع الآداب في دورتها الثانية 2007-2008
يجيد تسع لغات وكتب ستين كتاب حتى الآن، يقوم عمله الادبي الروائي على عدد من العناصر المحدودة، على عالم الصحراء بما فيه من ندرة وامتداد وقسوة وانفتاح على جوهر الكون والوجود. وتدور معظم رواياته على جوهر العلاقة التي تربط الإنسان بالطبيعة الصحراوية وموجوداتها وعالمها المحكوم بالحتمية والقدر الذي لا يُردّ
and I read lots of his books about Al-Tuareg such as
المجوس - نزيف الحجر - التبر - الربة الحجرية
if you want more info about him go and check the WIKIPEDIA and you'll learn more about him
FAIRY, how you doing girl with the mic, I read every thing you wrote, and I'm waiting for what are you going to say in your last day on the mic, and also waiting for the next person you are going to choose
COCU, how are my friend I hope things is getting better
HABBOBE, how is Amro, and please when you want to talk about how you met your husband with GOGO count me in, because I really want to listen to this story
and about how many songs do I have GOGO, more than 10000 songs I save them on external disk for my iTune library, you know you have to use iTune if you have ipod
oh I wrote a lot and I have work to do so seeya later my friends