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الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية Romantic Novels Fourm، روايات رومانسية اجنبية

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قديم 30-09-09, 04:06 PM   المشاركة رقم: 31
عضو راقي

التسجيل: Feb 2009
العضوية: 126160
المشاركات: 3,393
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: الجنية السمراء عضو سيصبح مشهورا قريبا جداالجنية السمراء عضو سيصبح مشهورا قريبا جداالجنية السمراء عضو سيصبح مشهورا قريبا جداالجنية السمراء عضو سيصبح مشهورا قريبا جداالجنية السمراء عضو سيصبح مشهورا قريبا جداالجنية السمراء عضو سيصبح مشهورا قريبا جدا
نقاط التقييم: 586



الجنية السمراء غير متواجد حالياً
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كاتب الموضوع : anime girl المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية


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عرض البوم صور الجنية السمراء   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 16-10-10, 12:21 AM   المشاركة رقم: 32
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Jan 2009
العضوية: 117383
المشاركات: 667
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: gogo22212 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 15



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وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : anime girl المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي Patricia Briggs


Patricia Briggs

Patricia Briggs (born 1965) is an American author who has written Mercy Thompson urban fantasy series. She was born in Butte, Montana, and lived in various cities in the Pacific Northwest. She now resides in Washington state.

Briggs began writing in 1990, and published her first novel Masques in 1993.
Her career showed a slow, steady increase in sales and readership over the next several books.
With better sales, and correspondingly higher confidence in selling her next work, she was able to begin writing multi-book stories. Dragon Bones and Dragon Blood share both the same world and the same characters, though both are complete stories. Raven's Shadow and Raven's Strike are an honest duology, with a single story line spanning both novels. More recently, she has announced there will be at least seven novels in her best-selling "Mercy Thompson" series. One hallmark of Briggs' books is that each book is a stand-alone story, and the reader is never left with a cliffhanger ending waiting for the next novel to figure out what happened.

Her skill at crafting convincing characters eventually led her editor to ask if she would write an urban fantasy. The genre was showing promising growth, and the publisher wanted to expand their offerings. She accepted, signing a contract for three books, and penned Moon Called, which sold far better than her previous novels, making it to the USA Today bestseller lists. The second book in the series, Blood Bound hit the New York Times bestseller list, much to the surprise of both the author and her publishers. The third book, Iron Kissed was a #1 New York Times bestseller.

Mercy Thompson

Mercedes is Volkswagen mechanic living in the Tri-Cities area of Washington. Her Native American heritage has somehow given her the ability to take the form of a coyote at will. She's surrounded by far more powerful supernatural beings, including werewolves, vampires and an assortment of fey.

Book 1 - Moon Called

Mercy gives a job to a homeless boy, who happens to be a werewolf. When he turns up murdered, she vows to figure out who did it

Moon Called.zip - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Book 2 - Blood Bound

Stephan is a vampire with a thing for Scooby-Doo, and Mercy owes him a favor. There's a new vampire in town, who can apparently alter the memories of those around him. Since Mercy is resistant to vampiric magic, she's brought along as an impartial observer. What could go wrong? let's read

Blood Bound.zip - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Book 3 - Iron Kissed

A series of murders on the Fae reservation is being quietly investigated, and Mercy is asked to use her coyote-sharp nose to do a bit of sniffing around. Zee ends up framed for murder, and our coyote heroine shows she's willing to put her neck on the line to save him.

Iron Kissed.zip - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Book 4 - Bone Crossed

The vampire queen has figured out who killed one of her favorite vampires, and things get ugly. An old acquaintance shows up with ghost troubles, and Mercy follows her to Spokane. Of course, nothing is ever that simple in Mercy's world

Bone Crossed.zip - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Book 5 - Silver Borne

In Iron Kissed Mercy borrowed a little book about Fae artifacts. When she tries to return it, she finds the shop closed, and discovers that there are some other folks who want it, and they don't mind killing a few people to get it

Silver Borne.zip - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download



عرض البوم صور gogo22212   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 16-10-10, 02:01 AM   المشاركة رقم: 33
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Jan 2009
العضوية: 117383
المشاركات: 667
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: gogo22212 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 15



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وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : anime girl المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية


Hurog Duology

This is a two-book series. Dragon Bones is a stand-alone story, which resolves the major plot threads nicely. Dragon Blood depends on the reader having some knowledge of the world, and references events from the previous book, and is best read after Dragon Bones

Dragon Bones

Ward of Hurog has played dumb for years to convince his father, a local ruler, that he has no aspirations of rulership. When his father dies unexpectedly, he inherits a shaky leadership of an impoverished kingdom in a land ravaged by war. He also inherits the castle's ghost and a mysterious cache of dragon bones

Dragon Blood

An escaped slave arrives in Hurog, bearing grim tidings. The high king has found a dangerous artifact that requires the blood of dragons to operate. He's looking for relatives of Hurog's ruling house, and Hurog's in no shape to handle serious fighting

PS: I forgot to say , "Thanks to the original Uploaders" so , Thanks



عرض البوم صور gogo22212   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 16-10-10, 02:34 AM   المشاركة رقم: 34
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Jan 2009
العضوية: 117383
المشاركات: 667
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: gogo22212 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 15



gogo22212 غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : anime girl المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي Raven Duology


Raven Duology

This series is set in a medieval setting, with small clans of gypsy like people who often have magical talents. This series focuses on a retired warrior Tier, his traveler wife, Seraph, and their family. The first book can be read by itself, and resolves well. The sequel is best enjoyed after reading the first book

Raven's Shadow

Tier and his family manage to eek out a bare living on their farm, until Tier fails to return from a trapping route. Seraph is told he's dead, but everywhere she turns she finds more evidence that something is not as it should be

Raven 1 - Raven’s Shadow.zip - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Raven's Strike

The family is reunited, but Tier has been badly damaged. He's also learned that there is a terrible evil loose upon the land, one that he and his family are uniquely qualified to confront

Raven 2 - RAVEN’S STRIKE.zip - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download



عرض البوم صور gogo22212   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 16-10-10, 03:35 AM   المشاركة رقم: 35
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Jan 2009
العضوية: 117383
المشاركات: 667
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: gogo22212 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 15



gogo22212 غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : anime girl المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية


Sianim Series

This is a loosely-woven series. The books can be read in any order. They share the same world, but each book is a stand-alone story with it's own cast of characters


Aralorn is a shape-shifting spy, assigned the mundane task of watching a powerful and well-loved high mage. Alas, the mage is evil, and has magically beguiled almost everyone around. Aralorn escapes his castle and plans to kill the mage, aided by her mysterious companion, Wolf

Masques.rar - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Steal the Dragon

Rialla is an escaped slave working as a horse trainer in the mercenary-state of Sianim. The spy-master asks her to return to the land of her former captivity, playing the role of a slave once more in the hopes of averting an impending civil war

Sianim 02 - Steal the Dragon.lit - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

When Demons Walk

Shamera was a noblewoman and a mage, but her master was brutally killed by an invisible attacker and her city conquered by foreigners. Now she's a thief, who has found her magic doubly useful in a culture that doesn't believe in it. However, the creature that killed her master has returned, leaving a trail of bodies in the castle, and the Lord seeks her help to stop the killings

Sianim 03 - When Demons Walk.lit - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download



عرض البوم صور gogo22212   رد مع اقتباس
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blood bound, bone crossed, books, briggs, iron kissed, mercy, mercy thompson, moon called, novels, novels & books, رومانسية, روايات, روايات أجنبية, روايات رومانسية, روايات رومانسية أجنبية, paranormal, patricia, patricia briggs, patricia briggs books, patricia briggs novels, patricia briggs romance books, patricia briggs romance novels, patricia briggs romance novels & books, romance, romance books, romance novels, romance novels & books, silver borne, قصص, قصص أجنبية, قصص رومانسية, قصص رومانسية أجنبية, كتب, كتب أجنبية, كتب رومانسية, كتب رومانسية أجنبية

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