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قديم 26-04-09, 12:15 AM   المشاركة رقم: 21
عضو في منظمة Revolution

التسجيل: Feb 2008
العضوية: 62702
المشاركات: 1,996
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: زهرة الكاميليا عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 16



زهرة الكاميليا غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : لبيب المنتدى : ENGLISH FORUM


Hiiiiii gogo

You are right, the problem is with the old style. But actually the style changed by itself today to the new one. So problem solved ,finally. Thaaaaaanks a million my dear.

About your project, you really got me interested .. we really suffer from this issue . But not just in the Arab world, as I believe. Remember during the war in Iraq, the media used to give false information to the public in USA, in order to hide the true numbers of solders who were killed, so that the hole country would stay supportive to the war. I believe the media always do this in every country, to keep the people in the dark, whenever it's necessary for them

I think you are right , it's hard to talk about one's self
so I guess the best way is to know each other through liilas, as you said. So I'll read your comments for sure, my dear.
And Thaaaaank you sooooooooo much for praying for me, I really need it. Especially that they have advanced the date of the exam, I don't know why. I hope we all could get ready on time.

Hay, I'm feeling a lot bored, and I don't wish to study.
Do you like reading?? if so, what was the last book you've read. I'm looking for an interesting book to clear my mind a little, but I can't find any. Can you give me any name??



عرض البوم صور زهرة الكاميليا  
قديم 26-04-09, 01:52 AM   المشاركة رقم: 22
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Jan 2009
العضوية: 117383
المشاركات: 667
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: gogo22212 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 15



gogo22212 غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : لبيب المنتدى : ENGLISH FORUM


Hi Zahhooor

R U kidding!! The Sweet Romantics , the topic i told u about earlier is IN the English Romantic Novels - or Stories.. in it , You'll find a topic , Stephenie Meyer .. she's my Lovly writer

if you are asking for One story.. just one .. to ******* you..i have to recommend the host

but if you can read more than 3 books (Saga)i have to say twilight or vampire diaries or night walkers

PS: i didn't finish night walkers yet, but all the girls liked it

I don't read books so much , i only read stories i hope you didn't mean books

as 4 the media .. ya they tend to do so

Glad the forum solved the problem wish you all the luck

and i didn't mean to stop talking here Just ask me anything u wanna know & i'll answer with sooo manny words and thoughts will come by it's own hhhhh



عرض البوم صور gogo22212  
قديم 26-04-09, 09:43 PM   المشاركة رقم: 23
عضو في منظمة Revolution

التسجيل: Feb 2008
العضوية: 62702
المشاركات: 1,996
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: زهرة الكاميليا عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 16



زهرة الكاميليا غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : لبيب المنتدى : ENGLISH FORUM


aha , that's right I actually meant a story. Ok, my dear thank you sooooooo much,I'm gonna try Stephenie Meyer, since you seem to admire her that much. And I'm gonna save the rest to the next summer vacation, because I have to read them all since you all liked them. Really thank you gogo yesterday I was in a bad mood , coz I've heard some bad news. So I was trying to look for anything to change the atmosphere. I actually had some project to deliver today and I had to work in it all night long. Thank god I've finished it. And the doctor also gave us an extra week. So now I can make it even better

I'm so glad you want to keep talking here. And of course you can ask me anything too. I'll be glad to talk non stop, believe me
So tell me, what are your hobbies in addition to reading??
Do you play sports?? you see I have a friend here in liilas, freedove, who likes to play tennis . I don't play tennis too, but I used to love listening to her talking about it. She used to tell me that it feels like flying. So do you play sports too??

And tell me about your family. do you have sisters?

waiting for you my dear



عرض البوم صور زهرة الكاميليا  
قديم 28-04-09, 07:04 PM   المشاركة رقم: 24
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Jan 2009
العضوية: 117383
المشاركات: 667
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: gogo22212 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 15



gogo22212 غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : لبيب المنتدى : ENGLISH FORUM


First of All.. Sorry 4 being Late I had so much work to do .. i didn't even sleep well but anywaaaay ... here it goes

I don't play any kind of sports though i wish i do .. but i travel a lot so i don't get to stay longe in any place

Ah.. i just remembered sth, R U the one 3amer mentioned in the mic? he said Zahrt el Kamelia + the revolution group..So i thought i should ask u .. Let's go back now

I'm Sooooo Glad i could help you choose And Sooooooooooo Glad that u're going to read Stephenie's.. Personally i love this auther Cause i LOOOOVE the emotions (Love + Hate + Fear + Pain + Joy & happiness) i Love to read a story that Combiens them all :D and i found that Stephenie has a great gift & knows just how to make me feel for her Characters and the way she drives the characters Crazy (and me too with them) then she puts a Lovely HAPPY ENDING (the most important thing 4 me) So that's the reason why i love her that much
Enough about her

Now, you mentiond that you had a bad news !! well.. are you willing to share?? if not it's OK and understandable too

When i wanna know what my hobbies R besides Reading , the Big one, i found that i like to listen to Eng. and not so many Arabic Songs
I like to watch TV Series Such as Super Natural( because of my lovely friend,Warda mn el Maas) ,Charmed, House Grey's Anatomy, Heroes,...etc.
What remindes me .., i like to surfe the net and talk with my lovely friends her in Liilas .., it feels good to know what's up with everyone of them and talk for a while if i could
I Also watch Movies but not much

Then i like to go out with my friends , sisters and relatives(Ofcourse when i'm in EGY) don't know what Else hhh
Oh ya .. i like to cook a lot

Now Let's C what else did you ask hhh

i guess you already know that i do have sisters by now i have 3 sis. and One Brother + i'm the Oldest hhhhh

Oh yeah .. Glad to know your Dr. gave you a week that way you can reaaly do it better :D

About reading in the SUMMER ,, do you really do that?? i thought i was the only Nerd that spends SUMMER trapped in her room reading I think you'll be busy going out and having fun with WhoEver!! but Glad you would and happy 4 you (reaaaaading) ah now what?? emmm

Heeeeeeeey ... that's not fair, you tricked me.. you didn't tell me your hobbies or family or sport or anything Honestly,, i suck in asking Ques. so you 'll have to answer your own questions for now hhhhhhh

I hope i get to C U Soon ISA



عرض البوم صور gogo22212  
قديم 29-04-09, 12:26 AM   المشاركة رقم: 25
عضو في منظمة Revolution

التسجيل: Feb 2008
العضوية: 62702
المشاركات: 1,996
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: زهرة الكاميليا عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 16



زهرة الكاميليا غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : لبيب المنتدى : ENGLISH FORUM


Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii gogo I missed you
It's ok my dear, wish you best of luck in your work.

You are so cute really , gogo you made me laugh a lot. Believe me this is not a compliment , I enjoyed reading your post soooooo much and I didn't want it to end.

About sports, me too I don't play sports. I only try to walk much.
So you travel a lot?? woooow that's great. I'm gonna do like you someday coz I'd love to see the whole world someday hhhhhhh it's just a dream of course, but what can I do, during studying except dreaming??

So what places have you visited?? Have you visited Peru?? Oh I'd love so much to visit it and live there for such a long time.

about the Mic thing, do you mean
"ميك المنتدي؟؟" .
I know that topic, but I'm not following very well. I've just read what amer wrote when you said he mentioned Zahra . And yes that will be me. Amer is a wonderful person. And we used to have much fun here in the Eng section. I wish him speedy recovery coz he said he is sick.

About Stephenie, Oh you got me sooooo interested. The problem is that I couldn't find the host, which you recommended. But if she can write about all these feelings, then certainly I will look again. Especially that I like happy endings just like you.

About my bad news, of course I can share it with you, if you don't mind listening. It's about a dear friend who broke up with her fiance. It really shocked us all ,me and all of our group. After all this love!!! How could he hurt her so much? Any way, the best thing is that she knew who he really is before getting married. I hope she'll get over it soon.

About reading in the summer, Oh yes I do so. I don't go out much. I'd rather staying at home after a whole year of going for my far away college. So yes I'm one of those who stay in their rooms for hours reading. I remembered my Uncle was visiting us once. And I was totally absorbed in some book at that time. So I spent the whole day in my room. So he finally asked me, are we in a library or what??
But when I go out' I prefer visiting historical places more. I like being on line for a long time too.
hhhhhhhh yes I guess I tricked you. About my family, guess what?? I have 3 sisters and one brother too But I'm the youngest. And I take good advantage of that believe me hhhhhh.
My dear brother, who got married last year, became a father a week ago. And the little baby girl is so cute really. So now I'm an aunt

Ok now I've answered my own questions.

What else do you wanna talk about??



عرض البوم صور زهرة الكاميليا  
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