كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
اقتباس :-
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة gogo22212 |
hi girls, goodmrning everyone
ريما حبيبتي ميرسي يا قمر بس انا كنت بسأل عن اذا كان في اخبار عن جزء جديد للقصص لاني بحبها جدا و نهايتها معلقه يعني لسه مخلصتش والكتاب مش قايل حاجه عن الجزء القادم ولا حتي اسمه
يعني لما اشتريت إيراجون كان ف اخر الكتاب بيقول في إلديست ولما جبت إلديست كان بيقول في بريسنجر ,,, بس بريسنجر مش قايل اي حاجه والقصه مخلصتش لسه فيها كتيير
بس يعني ف كنت بسأل اذا حد عنده اي معلومات عن جزء قادم وميرسي يا قمر
Hi girls
WARDA & HABBOBE how is the flu, I hope now you are better
GOGO I just read this the details for Brisingr had to be expanded to include a fourth book which has yet to be titled, so you'll have to wait honey
COCU how is your work in the forum going, I hope you don't forget your kids too, just kidding
RUBA nice to hear that you've got a good time with your friend's family, try to do it again
R&R how is your preparation for your project, wish you all the luck girl
by the way I hope that I read your comment about REMA's death wish though I agree with REMA, and don't say why but maybe you'll understand someday
REMA how are you girl, I don't listen to Arabic music but my sister drive me crazy with AumKaltoum's song
DEW,UHU,LOUSAN,DALIA & MAYA how are you girls,hope you're doing fine
by the way where are the boys I don't see them, are they run away