كاتب الموضوع :
المنتدى :
الرولاند العام
اقتباس :-
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة zater |
سؤال عاجل للأخ kishk ...
أحب أن أساعد ألأخت عاشقه الفن عن طريق توصيل أصواتي الخاصه
للroland d50 أليها عن طريق الكمبيوتر...أعتقد توجد طريقه
data dumpعن طريق الmidi ..هل من معلومات عن هذه الطريقه...وشكرأ
اخى يمكنك مشاهدة شرح طريقة التوصيل والبرامج
المطلوبة للقيام بنقل الأصوات من والى الأورج فى الموقع التالى والشرح باللغة اٌنجليزية
نبذة تشرح طريقة النقل
So how will sysex let me load in new sounds into my synthesizer?
First you need a Midi Interface. The interface will connect your computer to your instruments. It plugs in to the USB port on your computer. If you have a pre USB computer you will have to find a old style midi interface that will connect to your computers “serial port”. Those are not made new anymore. You connect two “midi cables” to the midi interface on one end and your keyboard on the other end.
You can get a USB midi interface at your local Music Store or just about anywhere online. Sometimes we even carry them at our Hardware Section. They are not expensive and start at about $60. US dollars. You can also do things like recording or printing music with your computer once you get a midi interface so it’s a great investment if your interested in making music with your computer.
If your just interested in loaded new sounds via sysex then a simple interface with one or two inputs/outputs will do. For those of you with many instruments and want to get into recording midi with a sequencer program then you will require a larger interface with more inputs and outputs.
Once you get the midi interface and have everything connected. You use your computer to perform what is called a “System Exclusive” or SYSEX Dump. You can load the sounds through the “Midi Port” on your synthesizer. You can also store all your sounds for all your Midi instruments on your hard drive. It’s much cheaper than buying RAM, ROM or PCM cards and everything can be easily backed up on a CD or DVD. No more worries about losing your important data.
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سؤال عن امكانية تحميل أصوات من الرولاند d50 الى الكورج M1
Can I load Roland D50 sounds into my Korg M1 with sysex? I love the sound of the D50 and would like to get those sounds in my M1.

No. In most cases two instruments from two different companies are “NOT COMPATIBLE”. There are few exceptions. In most cases synthesizers have their own special sysex parameters and can only accept data made specifically for it.
Well I guess that about covers it. It hope I’ve shed some light on some of your questions about sysex. Now go out and pick yourself up a midi interface, download the free software that we have at our web site and get going. Once you have it all set up and working it’s a breeze to work with and you will never look at another RAM, ROM or PCM card again!
وأخيرا أتمنى أن تجد طلبك فى الموقع وكان بودى مساعدتك اكثر ولكن هذا الأورج غير متداول