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قديم 24-01-09, 07:55 PM   المشاركة رقم: 6
~ أبـو أحمد ~

التسجيل: Mar 2005
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معدل التقييم: مجموعة إنسان عضو جوهرة التقييممجموعة إنسان عضو جوهرة التقييممجموعة إنسان عضو جوهرة التقييممجموعة إنسان عضو جوهرة التقييممجموعة إنسان عضو جوهرة التقييممجموعة إنسان عضو جوهرة التقييممجموعة إنسان عضو جوهرة التقييممجموعة إنسان عضو جوهرة التقييممجموعة إنسان عضو جوهرة التقييممجموعة إنسان عضو جوهرة التقييم
نقاط التقييم: 1424



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كاتب الموضوع : Engineer Obada المنتدى : الارشيف


الكلمه الرابعه بالسطر الاخير مكتوبه غلط الهمزه فوق الالف مش تحت

قصه حلوه ومعبره وان شاء الله الكل يتعض منها

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عرض البوم صور مجموعة إنسان  
قديم 24-01-09, 08:05 PM   المشاركة رقم: 7
عضو راقي

التسجيل: Nov 2006
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معدل التقييم: amer_6630 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 29



amer_6630 غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Engineer Obada المنتدى : الارشيف



يا جماعة في مسبات قوية بالقصة ارجو من كاتب الموضوع تعديلها ههههههههههههههه



عرض البوم صور amer_6630  
قديم 25-01-09, 07:09 AM   المشاركة رقم: 8
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Jan 2009
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معدل التقييم: Engineer Obada عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 19



Engineer Obada غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Engineer Obada المنتدى : الارشيف


هههههههههههههههههههههههه ابصر يا خوفي نكون اطعمنا وانا مو عارف

شكرا على مروركم اخواني:D



عرض البوم صور Engineer Obada  
قديم 25-01-09, 09:34 AM   المشاركة رقم: 9
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Oct 2008
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معدل التقييم: هارون عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



هارون غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Engineer Obada المنتدى : الارشيف


ههههههههههههههههههههههههه الاخ عايش معهم .

الي يبيني اترجمله يقوووووووووووووووول .

القصه فعلاً قصه رمنسية وكلمات في اعماق قلب الحب ..

والي بيعرفها سوف يتمثل بها لاحد احبائه ..

اشكرررررك اخوي على القصه التي تكشف ما بداخلك من حنان وحب غزيرررررررر

تفبل مرررررررروي



عرض البوم صور هارون  
قديم 25-01-09, 02:41 PM   المشاركة رقم: 10

التسجيل: Dec 2008
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الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: axs16 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



axs16 غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Engineer Obada المنتدى : الارشيف


انا جبت القصة بالانجليزي

Lin Daiyu women into prostitution in Japan keen恶搞countries masterpiece (Photo)

Japan masterpiece恶搞countries has resulted in increasing turmoil and the repercussions. The original Grimm fairy tale of bloody disgusting descriptions so many readers of China's famous恶搞more aroused many people's dissatisfaction and anger. "Dream of Red Mansions" Lin Daiyu in the game by a Japanese woman are portrayed as dust; "Journey to the West" in the Tang and the Monkey King in Japan in a drama about the love. Xinhua reported February 13: Recently, Japan cultural masterpiece恶搞countries has resulted in increasing turmoil and the repercussions. The original Grimm fairy tale of bloody disgusting descriptions so many readers of China's famous恶搞more aroused many people's dissatisfaction and anger. For example, "A Dream of Red Mansions" Lin Daiyu in the game by a Japanese woman are portrayed as dust; "Journey to the West" in the Tang and the Monkey King was in Japan in a drama about the love; "Romance of Three Kingdoms" is even more unfortunate was many erotic animation and yellow game away when the material is not said that in the upcoming electricity Tour "Love Kyi unique", the just from the Sun Quan Liu Bei and Guan Yu Zhang Fei Cao Dong Zhuo, all is portrayed as the image of woman lightsome . Things happened in the end what? Faced with the Japanese恶搞how we actually do?

What is恶搞

恶搞term originated in Japan, the original word \ "kuso \" means \ "stool \."恶搞persons in view, not simply engage in evil, but the idol and the classic plot of subversion and reconstruction, through to people familiar with the figures, the incident re-interpreting, re-interpretation or re-arrange the fate to attract more readers目的.

Precisely because of this, the target must be恶搞classic, famous, celebrities, hot spots, the public is already familiar with and interested in things. The most common恶搞Hot precisely because the mainstream market of cultural products. Because these products all the plot and characters are familiar with concern a wide range of spectators with a good understanding恶搞remember funny, it is easy to one shot popularity. If you do not take these as恶搞object, it can not produce the desired results. As one often cited by those Tim恶搞mustache into the brush inevitable "Mona Lisa", rather than a painting ordinary ladies.

Market, so their animation, games, audio-visual products, often from other countries learn from the material culture. Grimm fairy tale from the Irish folklore, from the United States to Greek mythology, cowboy, from ancient times to the legendary sci-fi story, the Japanese cultural products are very common theme. If the glory of a well-known games, on the use of a large number of Chinese, Western Europe and the United States, the background of the script and characters. Even the title of the classic Japanese film, can be spared serious, such as Akira Kurosawa's masterpiece "indiscriminate" shelling took on Shakespeare's "King Lear" the story of the framework.

Since the mainstream products in foreign countries are often the subject of a classic masterpiece to their targeted products恶搞natural exception. Japanese cartoon aimed at China's famous work has a long history, animation master Osamu Tezuka in the last century have been on the launch of the 50's "My Monkey."恶搞of \ "victims \" also goes beyond the Chinese classic: Greek and Roman epic's immortals were恶搞into erotic cartoon game protagonist is commonplace. Japan in the history of the heroes are not immune: It is said that the private life of the Warring States Period serious \ "Army of God \" Uesugi Kenshin girl is portrayed as the United States is not a return to the two back; the famous Nobunaga will inevitably be the same one the latest game in Japan to distort men and even magic into indecent people. As for "The Tale of Genji" is not popular, it is precisely because it originally had a large number of ambiguous description, so that those who lost恶搞\ "imagination and creativity of the space \."

We have to understand that these are usually only borrow恶搞famous names of some of the characters or the story structure, not really in interpreting the novel. As some commentators have referred to Japan, the United States and girls game Kamisugi Kenshin not historical figures, but only \ "happened in the game world of the birth of the same name figures \" only. Similarly, Lin Daiyu erotic image of the game is different and the Dream of the Red Chamber, but is it the whole game erotica is true in the \ "to restore the Red Mansion World \" does?

恶搞popular in Japan has its own specific reasons. Japan's animation industry is a huge pyramid structure, a large number of free and cheap cartoon magazine is Taki pyramid. The following is issued on the source of these magazines from the vast number of动漫迷and amateur writers, their creativity an important source of inspiration, it is famous and popular works on the re-interpretation, re-creation. Many people are dissatisfied with the original works inside story or characters fate, there was an impulse, I hope they can change all this personally, or simply replace the personal circumstances of the main character input. This led to a large number of conversion or my colleagues in the works (that is, in accordance with the original comic books or animation characters and settings, according to their own preferences and ideas in posting the story of the development of) the emergence of恶搞fact is extremely exaggerated these works only. Japan's unique animation industry chain makes this \ "whimsical \" works \ "leader \" to ascertain from the numerous similar works stand out, will formally become the cultural products.

恶搞his country is not Japan's unique masterpiece, Americans toss about the same figure the Journey to the West is very fragile, Stephen Chow's "Westward Journey" is it not恶搞? As erotic version of the Red Chamber games, exactly the initiator of Taiwan manufacturers as early as the dos era, the introduction of the "12 nobile," Why, then, only Japan's恶搞impact so great that so bad?

Japanese animation, games too much influence.恶搞same, can cause a great stir in Japan, while other countries are often out of fashion waves. For example, long ago, the domestic cartoon magazines have a恶搞Japan \ "hand-to do \" (cartoon style), but far from causing major concern. China's cultural industries have more stringent control, it is very difficult published works, works of erotica in the prohibited list, with most of the human work can only be spread in the network. Apart from a few exceptions, such as Japan恶搞more difficult to go to market as stately. Moreover, due to historical factors, the issue between China and Japan tend to become sensitive. Similarly the "Journey to the West" the恶搞, "Westward Journey" can be accepted, while Japan's work is difficult to be forgiven. In addition, some people who only took note of Japan's erotic and vulgar works to distort China's masterpiece, but the neglect of other serious works of the same (such as "Dragon Ball" Wukong in the father and son), resulting in some radical associations.

Undeniably, the Japanese animation, games sector of China's masterpiece some恶搞in grade is vulgar, art is poor, but must recognize that these works the same in Japan belong to the edge of local products, too much emphasis on their there is no need to turn恶搞以毒攻毒more meaningless Japanese masterpiece. For one thing, we do not have to retaliate and vulgar taste, and secondly for the Chinese law, the difficult moral capacity

وللي ما فهم



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