المنتدى :
برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Ueberschall Liquid Instruments Trumpet VSTi DXi RTAS AU HYBRID DVDR-DYNAMiCS
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اخواني في حب الله ورسوله
هذا البرنامج يحتوي على مكتبه كبيره من الالات والايقاعات واللوب وغيرها الكثير ..
ويعمل هذا البرنامج على النظامين (PC) .. (MAC)
وتستطيع تسنيك على (VST)...(RTAS)
حجم هذا البرنامج : (1.5 G)
Ueberschall Liquid Trumpet is the ultimate
choice of a plugin for real feel Trumpets. The
search for authentic trumpets has finally come
to an end. With Liquid Trumpet now it is possible
to add some amazing Trumpet licks, themes and
solos to any music production. All Trumpet themes
are professionally played with various grooves and
flavours, a variety of styles and trumpets (basic,
mute and French horn). Ueberschall Liquid Trumpets
are loop-based construction kits (480 licks) adding
over 1000 add-on licks and phrases (jazz, funk,
pop, soul, afro cuban, buena vista, bebop and electronica).
Using the amazing timestretch and pitching possibilities of
the Liquid Instruments? engine makes them fit perfectly into
music productions. Liquid Trumpets are full 24 bit recordings,
1.5 GB library, 1570 licks for MAC and PC supporting RTAS,
VST, Audio Units and StandAlone.
Liquid Features:
+ control audio material as simply as midi data
+ change notes within the phrase
+ adapt tempo and key
+ select from a wide range of musical scales
+ control all parameters in realtime
+ pre-screening with adapted pitch and tempo
+ easily generate your individual setup
+ high quality Melodyne technology
+ multiple ******* management
+ edit start and ending
+quick sound browser
+ all parameters midi controllable
+save audio of original and modified loops
+ export to midi
+ sync to host
+ great bandwidth of styles
+ highest quality recording equipment
Password: delirium-forum.com
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