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برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Propellerhead ReBirth RB-338 + Addons
أحبة ليلاس الفاضل أقدم لكم اليوم برنامج لتركيب الريتمات واللوبات جميل جدااااااااااا
Propellerhead ReBirth RB-338
مع الكثبر من الاضافات
The most fascinating aspect in the history of Propellerhead Software is the dedication of ReBirth RB-338 followers. While it's not uncommon for artists to draw a massive fan base, this was unheard of in the realm of computer software. Admirers spanning several generations converged at the Official ReBirth Message Board and established an essential interactive community - a fitting notion that a virtual collective formed around a virtual product.
Advances in computing provoked the early cyber-culture, and during the 80's, enthusiasts focused their efforts toward generating computer-based music. At the same time, the Roland 303, 808, and 909 grew in popularity, achieving cult status by the mid-90's. The introduction of the RB-338 Techno Micro Composer in 1997 merged these two worlds. It was a great liberator for those who dreamed of Roland hardware and proved that the possibilities of computer music software were endless.
ReBirth attracted a prominent cross-section of this emerging society, one that bore musical talents, graphics design prowess, web development skills, and computer programming expertise. Excited by the virtual frontier and bound by a mutual appreciation of electronic music, users graciously shared their knowledge with the community, and this exchange directly contributed to the success of Propellerhead Software.
والأن مع الروابط
هناك تورنت للبرنامج لمن يريد التحميل منه مباشرة عن طريق برنامج التورنت
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة سامي شمس ; 22-12-08 الساعة 04:03 PM