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Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. 4 CD Library مع المكتبة كاملا لعيون ليلاس

Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. 4 CD Library شامل المكتبة كاملا Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. 4 CD Library PRODUCT OVERVIEW Native Instruments Kompakt is a streamlined

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قديم 17-09-08, 05:42 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
نوارة منتدى ليلاس

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 14564
المشاركات: 7,592
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: JORDAN عضو على طريق الابداعJORDAN عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 166



JORDAN غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
افتراضي Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. 4 CD Library مع المكتبة كاملا لعيون ليلاس


Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. Library

Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. 4 CD Library

شامل المكتبة كاملا

Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. Library

Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. 4 CD Library


Native Instruments KOMPAKT is a streamlined sampler that ships with a comprehensive Library and can import the most common sample formats. Powered by the efficient KOMPAKT engine, KOMPAKT combines intuitive handling and a capable architecture with excellent sound quality.The vast factory Library contains more than 200 Instruments from the outstanding East West and Zero-G libraries, covering everything from acoustic and electric basses to synths, drums, percussion, guitars, loops, strings, organs, pads, effects, pianos, keys, vocals, woodwinds and brass to exotic instruments. KOMPAKT is the quickest way to build a production-ready instrument collection, and it can also import Kompakt, Gigasampler™, EXS™, AKAI™, and other common formats.

Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. Library

Professional Sound Shaping

Kompakt makes no compromises playing and performing sample-based instruments. Powerful multi-mode filters, envelopes, and LFOs give a wealth of creative possibilities. Integrated high-quality reverb, chorus, and delay effects give each sample life and depth. KOMPAKT offers professional details allowing for convincing realism of acoustic samples. Direct from Disk playback lets samples be as large as available hard drive space. Eight-part multitimbrality and 256 voice polyphony allow lush arrangements for top productions.

Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. Library

Power & Simplicity

Kompakt's clean and intuitive interface doesn't let technology get in the way of creativity. An integrated browser with full drag and drop support makes it easy to find the perfect sound. All important instrument parameters can be immediately adjusted without the need to page, or scroll.

NI KOMPAKT puts the world's finest sample-based Instruments at your fingertips.

Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. Library


+KONTAKT-based sample player with more than 200 instruments

+Eightpart multitimbral, 256 voice polyphonic

+Comprehensive sound architecture

+Integrated file browser with drag & drop

+Includes two gigabytes of exceptional Instruments from East West and Zero-G

+Professional sound quality with advanced 32bit processing

+Supports Direct from Disk* playback

+Powerful filter offers six types, including lowpass, highpass, and bandpass

+Three envelopes and four LFOs

+Integrated effects: chorus, reverb, and delay

Import and Compatibility

*AKAI S-1000/S-3000
*AIFF and WAV from 8 to 32 bits with 44.1 - 96 kHz

Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. Library
Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. LibraryNative Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. LibraryNative Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. Library


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Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. Library

Native Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. LibraryNative Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. LibraryNative Instruments KOMPAKT Inc. Library



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