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Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]

اقدم لكم برنامج للتحكم بالبيتش باند لبرامج الميدي Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0 مميزات البرنامج Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR The Soundbytes BagPipes is a sample based VST plugin

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قديم 17-09-08, 03:06 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
نوارة منتدى ليلاس

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 14564
المشاركات: 7,592
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: JORDAN عضو على طريق الابداعJORDAN عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 166



JORDAN غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : المؤثرات الصوتية والفلاتر (DX,VST)
افتراضي Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]


Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]

Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]

Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]

Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]

Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]

اقدم لكم برنامج للتحكم بالبيتش باند لبرامج الميدي
Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0

Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]

مميزات البرنامج

Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR
The Soundbytes BagPipes is a sample based VST plugin instrument for the windows platform. Its elaborately crafted control engine makes it easy to play authentic sounding bagpipe styles and techniques.
This can be done using nothing but a simple MIDI keyboard with just basic modulator input through pitch bender and modulation wheel.
Use the BagPipes to play authentic parts with convincingly sounding ornaments, cuts, taps and staccato runs. A specially designed pipe filter adds yet another layer of realism to vibrato, fades and pitch slides.

Features :
choose among six distinctly sounding bag pipe instruments from different european traditions:
(of course it is possible to switch instruments while playing)
o galician gaita
o swedish saeckpipa
o bock (germany)
o flemish pipe
o german shepherds pipe
o bohemian dudy
true drone instrument behaviour.
attack noise variation for naturally sounding trills and ornaments.
vibrato, bag pressure and two user configurable chanter modulators are controlable through MIDI.
rate and amplitude of the random drift modulator can be fine tuned to simulate different stages of the pipers proficiency and drunkenness.
all modulators act simultaneously on pitch, volume and tone color for increased realism.
very low on CPU and memory.

Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]

Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]
Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]

اضغط على اسم ليلاس
Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]

Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]

pass: dj-timi.ucoz.com

Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]

Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]
Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]
Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]
Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]
Soundbytes BagPipes VSTi v1.0-AiR [DD]



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شبكة ليلاس الثقافية