المنتدى :
شرح برامج الهندسة الصوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
فيديو شرح halion3/مهم جدا
اخوتي الكرام اعضاء ليلاس الافاضل
اقدم لكم اليوم فيديو شرح
برنامج من البرامج المهمة جدا
وهو ال halion3
وكيفية تفعيله مع الكيوباس
والنيندو والعمل عليهم
ارجو ان ينال اعجابكم
لمحة عن الشرح
HALion tutorial: HALion3 Unleashed is a CD-ROM and online tutorial designed for the musician who wants to make the most of the latest release of Steinberg's advanced software sampler. The long anticipated update to the ground-breaking HALion Unleashed the first product that uncovered the power of HALion; brought together for you in one simple-to-use package. Broad, detailed and precise coverage HALion3 Unleashed contains a series of 42 tutorials that cover all the detail that a used could require - from the fundamentals of operation, right through to many advanced topics.
HALion3 Unleashed provides more than three hours of useful advice on how to organise, edit and create patches. Concepts such as folders, crossfades, mega-triggers, import, modulation, and the all important browser new with HALion3 are clearly explained in a simple, down-to-earth way, featuring plenty of practical examples. You will be taken through each HALion3 screen in turn to demonstrate the power behind every feature. Each narrated tutorial can be run on its own and re-visited at your own pace.
حجم الملف
Total Size: 132Mb
Pass: magesy
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