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مجموعةUltimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol. 1to6

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سامي شمس بتاريخ 18-12-07 الساعة 02:35 PM: السلام عليكم احباء منتدى ليلاس اليوم اجيكم بمجموعة صوتية جميلة جداااااا بحجم مش بطال Ultimate Sound Bank Plugsound

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قديم 15-09-08, 11:52 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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فراشة ليلاس

التسجيل: Aug 2006
العضوية: 9130
المشاركات: 26,624
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معدل التقييم: نبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييم
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المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
افتراضي مجموعةUltimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol. 1to6


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة سامي شمس بتاريخ 18-12-07 الساعة 02:35 PM:

السلام عليكم احباء منتدى ليلاس
اليوم اجيكم بمجموعة صوتية جميلة جداااااا
بحجم مش بطال

Ultimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol. 1 : Keyboards
مجموعةUltimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol.
Sample based
Acoustic and Electric keyboard instruments
3 128 MB Acoustic Pianos
- Steinway D
- Yamaha C7 Concert Grand
- Honky Tonk
Church Organ
Several electric pianos and Wurlitzer electric piano
Hohner Clavinet
Hammond and other Organs
روابط التحميل

Ultimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol. 2 : Fretted Instruments
مجموعةUltimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol.
The Ethnic section includes a great selection of usually very rare multisamples like Banjo, Mandolin, Celtic guitar, Lute, Sitar (and electric Sitar), Baglamas, Bozouki, Jubus, Oud, Lute from Morocco, Saz and Tzouras

Ultimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol. 3 : Drums & Percs
مجموعةUltimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol.
Drums & Percs Instruments focuses on drum and percussion sounds. It's a superb collection of 5000 drum sounds, noted for its versatile and professional characteristics. It goes further than any module ever did, thanks to its massive 540 MB sample library.

Acoustic Drum kits are sorted by style: Jazz kits, Natural kits (Brushes and Hot Rods), Raw kits (for pop and rock) and Treatment kits (distortion, gate and spring reverbs...). Next comes the electronic drum section. The first folder offers a selection of sounds sorted by machines from which they originates. From the 70’s to the 90’s there are not many missing boxes in this selection. All the classics are there, and a good number of forgotten models as well!

The Stylistic kits offer another wide selection of electronic drums which are not so instantly recognizable, and are sorted by style rather than by machine: drums for Dance, Electro, Groove, House, Techno, Trash, Jungle, Disco, Lo-Fi, Vinyl…

With so many presets available, emphasis was put on the ease of use. This is why each drum Sound is accessible in three ways. To complete this rhythmic arsenal, an extraordinary percussion selection is supplied. It features more than 60 different instruments such as Congas, Djembe, Bongos, Shakers, Triangle, Tambourine, Castanets, Windchimes, Clave, Darbuka, Woodblock, Berimbau, Timbales, Rainstick and many more.


The plug-in

Identical in every volume of the series, the Plug-in is a sample-playback virtual instrument powered by the powerful UVI-Engine. Plugsound provides you with essential and useful synthesis tools: resonant filters, Amplitude and Filter envelopes (ADSR type); LFO, the most realistic mono-legato you’ve heard on a virtual synth, Reverb’ module...

The Sound library

Each volume comes with a ”data file” full of multisampled presets that are easily accessed through the interface of the plug-in. There is enough space to offer the most in-depth exploration of a given instrument that a tone module has ever done. It evens beats most professional CDROM, limited by archaic formatting conventions which leave only 200-300 megabytes per disc… No mess on your hard drive, just those two files.

MachFive integration

You can use Plugsound in a multitimbral plug-in, and enjoy dozens of exciting editing features: Three fully featured envelopes, a distortion module, new filter algorithms, syncable LFOs and dozens of great effects… Integrating one of these instruments is easy: open MachFive and create a new empty soundbank. Now go to the corresponding folder on your hard disk and place an alias of your Plugsound’s ”.dat file” in the soundbank folder you've created. That’s it! Rescan your MachFive Sounds Folder and you’re now ready to use your instrument directly in MachFive


Ultimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol. 4: Hip Hop Toolkit
مجموعةUltimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol.

This virtual instrument offers the most complete sonic arsenal for Hip Hop, R n B and New Pop/Rock productions. Its made of more than 600 presets using 1,500 samples. The focus of this collection was initiated by longtime R n B programmers, to obtain a stylish virtual sample library that provides 585 Megabytes of professional-sounding samples. The sound- design team put together a great selection of loops, kits and multisampled instruments. Despite being created by hip hop and R n B artists, this library offers sounds which will be useful to composers working in many modern musical genres: it will be a great asset to music producers and post-pro houses. The first section features construction kits of the latest trends: Timba-style, Funk Mood, Talk-boxed, M&M, Pure R n B, Hip hop... The next section offers drum loops sorted by tempo, Instrument phrases combo, Single phrases mapped to the entire keyboard for easy transposition (bass, fx, guitar, hits, keys, synth), vinyl sounds, basses (phat, R n B), Keyboards, Guitars, Synths, bass/synth Splits, vinyl fx, Drum kits, and sorted Drum presets. This last section features the most powerful drum selection on the planet in the R n B flavor. A most inspired toolkit: this is the real heavy stuff!


Ultimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol. 5 : Synth
مجموعةUltimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol.
Synth categories offered in the library include: Composites, Flutes, Voices, Tines & Bells, Basses (Acid, analog, disco/house, garage, electropop, hip hop/ R ‘n B, sub, techno…), Pads, Soft Pads, Filter Sweeps, Analog Brass, Leads, Organs, Piano-like, Textures/Fx and Short-Reso

Ultimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol. 6 : Global Collection
مجموعةUltimate Sound Bank Plugsound Vol.
his Plugsound provides a realistic and contemporary world Sound library designed to substitute to the cheesy GM players, both software and hardware. The global collection faithfully follows the GM standard for Sound classification. The acoustic and electric piano category is first, followed by Pitched Percussions, Organs, Guitars, Basses, Strings, Ensemble Sounds, Brass, Reeds, Pipes… The collection then moves on to Synth Leads, Pads and Composites, followed by Ethnic, Percussive and Sound Effect categories. Volume 6 then offers another 128 presets consisting of light versions of the original 128 GM presets. Finally, 7 GM drum kits are supplied, followed by 7 light versions. Volume 6 is not a best-of the Plugsound collection: it only includes a handful of common presets. It features unique samples.




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