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برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي Cubase Fruity Loops Halion Style works Mixcraft Sonar Nuendo Sound forge Cakwalk Samplitude

The Waldorf Edition VSTi v1.2.4

السلام عليم احباء ليلاس واعتذر على هذا الانقطاع المفاجأ. اليوم جأتكم بــــThe Waldorf Edition VSTi v1.2.4 وهو يحتوي على ثلات بالاغ انز رائعة وجميلة تضم أصوات السانتي الأصلية والانالوجيك والدرمز

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قديم 15-09-08, 12:27 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
نوارة منتدى ليلاس

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 14564
المشاركات: 7,592
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: JORDAN عضو على طريق الابداعJORDAN عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 166



JORDAN غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Top The Waldorf Edition VSTi v1.2.4


Waldorf Edition VSTi v1.2.4

Waldorf Edition VSTi v1.2.4

السلام عليم احباء ليلاس واعتذر على هذا الانقطاع المفاجأ.
اليوم جأتكم بــــThe Waldorf Edition VSTi
وهو يحتوي على ثلات بالاغ انز رائعة وجميلة
تضم أصوات السانتي الأصلية والانالوجيك والدرمز وعدة مميزات اخرى.............

Waldorf Edition VSTi v1.2.4

Waldorf Edition VSTi v1.2.4

Waldorf Attack Percussion Synthesizer

ATTACK is a true percussion synthesizer for the VST PC and Mac
platform. It seamlessly integrates the sound of the 80's
analog classics and the ambitious electronic club drums of the
90's into the VST system of the 21st century. ATTACK generates
all its sounds in real time, giving you the freedom to alter
all parameters directly.

ATTACK has 24 sounds available per percussion set, spread over
two octaves. The sound architecture is extremely flexible, as
one would expect from a Waldorf synthesizer. Two oscillators,
each with nine waveforms, represent the sources. In addition
to well-known analog waveforms, ATTACK offers three samples to
help create hi-hats or crash cymbals. Ring modulation and
frequency modulation expand the sound spectrum with a metallic
component and FX sounds. The integrated "Crack" module takes
care of reproducing analog handclaps authentically. ATTACK
contains a filter section with 6 filter types, resonance up to
self-oscillation, and an overdrive of up to +52dB. The two
envelopes are used to alter oscillator pitches, FM amount,
filter cutoff, and the output volume. Two modulation delays
and eight outputs (2 stereo, 4 mono) connect ATTACK to the VST
world. Seamless integration into the VST 2.0 interface means
that all parameters may be addressed via MIDI controllers,
allowing you to create powerful dynamic changes.

And as though this were not enough - twelve sounds in each
drum set can be played melodically. With this feature you can
create tom fills and conga or other percussive grooves in no
time, and you can even play bass, melody or sequencer lines.


- Virtual analog sound synthesis

- 31 sounds kits with over 700 sounds included

- 16 percussion sets per FX Bank

- 24 percussion sounds per set

- Per sound (editable):

- 2 oscillators, each with 9 waveforms (triangle, sine,
square, sawtooth, sample&hold, noise, samples: closed
hi-hat, open hi-hat,crash)

- FM

- Ring Modulation'Crack'-module for authentic analog hand

- 6 filter types with resonance up to self-oscillation and

- 2 envelopes for pitch, FM amount, filter cutoff and

- all parameters addressable via MIDI controllers

- 8 audio outputs (2 stereo, 4 mono)

- Two integrated and synchronizable modulation Delays for the
stereo outs

- Polyphonically playable percussive bass and lead sounds

PPG Wave 2.V Classic Wavetable Synthesizer for VST

The Wave 2 series was the first digital wavetable synthesizer
with analog filters, heralding a revolution in both sound and
concept. The Wave's most interesting feature was its ability
to sweep through 64 waveforms in what PPG called a wavetable.

Almost 2000 waveforms were available within the Wave's 32
internal wavetables. The result of this wavetable technology
is that the PPG instrument has a much broader palette and more
animated sound than typical analog synthesizers of the early
80's, which tended to have only a few static waveforms such as
sawtooth, pulse, or triangle. The PPG sound was very unique
and identifiable.

Now we bring this exclusive sound back to life with all the
advantages a completely integrated software production
environment such as Cubase VST has to offer: The outputs
appear directly in the VST mixer, so effects and EQ can be
applied like any other audio channel. MIDI tracks are routed
directly to the input of the PPG Wave 2.V without involving
the vagaries of MIDI cables and interfaces.

The polyphony now depends solely on the CPU power of your
computer and opening up to 8 PPG Wave 2.Vs, each with 8 times
multitimbral capability, gives you more than enough space for
your sound imagination. A new graphical page offers easy
editing of envelopes, generators and Cutoff/Emphasis

The combination of modern software technology plus the charm
and massive sound potential of the "old" digital days results
in a unique instrument which brings back individuality and
pure fun: The PPG Wave 2.V.


- 8 times multitimbral

- 32 wavetables with 64 different waveforms each

- 2 oscillators per voice

- low-pass filter with Emphasis

- 1 LFO

- 3 envelopes (2 ADSR, 1 AD)

- Velocity and Aftertouch sensitivity

- Graphical interface for envelope generators and

- Number of voices depending solely on CPU power

- Real-time MIDI control and automation of all parameters

- Up to 8 units can work at the same time (depending on CPU

- Complete unit and all settings can be saved with the song
(Cubase VST)

- Sound rendering (Cubase VST)

D-Pole Filter Plug-In for VST

With the Microwave II, Waldorf entered the fully digital sound
domain for the first time, and made the impossible possible: A
digital filter with exactly the same behavior as its analog
counterpart, but even more flexible.

The D-POLE is a musically versatile Filter Plug-In which
offers the same experimental capabilities as the hardware
*****alent. Now nothing prevents you from filtering your voice
with no less than 5 filter types. Morph a simple acoustic drum
loop into a biting groovy dance rhythm using the LFO (whose
speed is also adjustable in BPM). Add Overdrive to your lead
guitar. Get the vintage ring-modulated sound for really wild
experiments and send it through the stereo delay...

Create completely new audio material for sound FX purposes
within seconds due to the real-time facility of VST. All
important parameters can be fully automated and settings can
be easily saved as single programs or banks. You don't have to
stop your work to be creative, because creativity might not
wait for you!


- Filter Module

- Frequency 0Hz up to over 17000Hz

- Resonance up to self-oscillation

- 5 Filter types:

- Low Pass

- Band Pass

- High Pass

- Notch

- Resonator

- 12dB / 24dB Slope selectable

- Amplifier Module

- Overdrive up to 52dB

- Volume

- Panning

- Delay Mix

- LFO Module

- LFO Speed up to over 7000Hz, syncable to tempo and audio

- 3 LFO Shapes:

- sinus

- triangle

- saw

- Positive or negative modulation of Filter Cutoff, Panning
and Oscillator Pitch

- Envelope Follower Module

- Adjustable Decay Rate

- Positive or negative modulation of Filter Cutoff

- Delay Module

- Delay Time up to 2000ms, syncable to tempo

- Feedback up to 100%

- Damping

- Oscillator Module

- Ring Modulation

- Frequency up to over 7000Hz

- Shapes:

- Sine

- Triangle

- Saw


Changes for Attack 1.2.4
- Fixed problem with Effect 2 routed incorrectly to Output 1
instead of Output 2.

Changes for PPG Wave 2.V 1.2.4
- The Factory Soundbanks are now included in the new sound
bank format. This fixes the problem of loading old Sounds or
Banks in Ableton Live.

رابط التحميل




التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة سامي شمس ; 21-09-08 الساعة 04:11 PM
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