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Loops loops

Stylus RMX EXP Nine Volt Audio - Beat Bandit

اليكم احباء ليلاس مكتبة صوتية لــ Stylus RMX Beat Bandit: Hans Scheffler Edition There's a good chance you've been using sounds designed by Hans Scheffler

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قديم 15-09-08, 03:52 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
عضو فخري

التسجيل: May 2005
العضوية: 178
المشاركات: 16,784
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معدل التقييم: شهووده عضو على طريق الابداعشهووده عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 184



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المنتدى : Loops
افتراضي Stylus RMX EXP Nine Volt Audio - Beat Bandit


اليكم احباء ليلاس مكتبة صوتية لــ Stylus RMX

Beat Bandit: Hans Scheffler Edition
There's a good chance you've been using sounds designed by Hans Scheffler for years and never knew it. His Audio and musical expertise have been put to use in products by Access, Apple, Emagic, G-Media, Roland, ReFX and Spectrasonics. Now, Hans brings his skills to the Nine Volt Audio release Beat Bandit: a modular REX-based loop library of electronic drums and rhythms.

Scheffler's unique style and global rhythms makes the Beat Bandit grooves appropriate for a wide range of musical genres. And with every element of each full-mix loop broken into individual loops, users can mix and match parts to create their own customized beats.

Stylus RMX users will be pleased to find Beat Bandit organized in a familiar and easy-to-navigate selection of 60 "Beat Suites" and 10 "Element" style folders for quick access to a large selection of individual kick, snare, hi-hat and percussion loops. The addition of 100 Kit and Multi presets makes this collection a must have for any Stylus RMX user.

And as with all of Nine Volt Audio's current releases, Beat Bandit is part of the BPM Flex Series™, which means tempos are unrestrained and can be used at virtually any BPM without artificial stretching or unwanted Audio artifacts!

No matter if you use Stylus RMX, Reason or any other REX2 player, Beat Bandit's cool grooves and immense flexibility make it an irresistible go-to source for any kind of track.

Hans Scheffler has contributed to the following list of selected hardware & software works:
Access: Virus B, Virus C, Virus TI
Emagic: Sculpture, ES2, UltraBeat
G-Media: MiniMonstah
Roland: JP-8000, XV-Series, Fantom Series, MC-Series, SRX Series, V-Synth XT/GT
ReFX: Nexus Expansion
Spectrasonics: Stylus RMX


- Beat Bandit is available on DVD or via Download and features 100% copyright free loops.

- The DVD and Download contain 600+ REX2 files organized into 60 "Beat Suites". Each Beat Suite contains a full-mix beat, a full-mix Beat without the kick, a full-mix Beat without the snare, percussion & hi-hat mix, and a loop for each individual instrument from the full-mix. Individual folders containing solo loops of kicks, kick 4xs, snares, hi-hats, percussion, hi-hat & percussion mixes, tonal fx and claps have also been created for quick Beat creation from the ground up.

- Using the Beat Bandit loops within Stylus RMX requires the user to drag-and-drop only one folder into RMX's included S.A.G.E.™ Converter.

- Beat Bandit includes 50 Stylus RMX multi preset files utilizing the Beat Bandit loops and other Nine Volt Audio REX bonus loops.

- The DVD and Download contain a bonus section of 50 loops from Textural REX and Stylin Basslines.

- Beat Bandit contains 50 Stylus RMX kit presets utilizing Core Library sounds from Stylus RMX. There is also a selection of 50 MIDI Beat files to accompany each kit preset.

- As part of the BPM Flex Series™ loops in the REX2, Refill and Stylus RMX formats can be used at virtually any tempo without artificial stretching or unwanted Audio artifacts.

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Pass: art4share.net



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