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Loops loops

مكتبة رائعة HipHop.Tools.Ca$h.Money.WAV-DViSO

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة JORDAN بتاريخ 27-01-08 الساعة 10:07 AM: :besm8dg4: CA$H MONEY, "Nothing but Nu Skool"

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قديم 15-09-08, 01:36 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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فراشة ليلاس

التسجيل: Aug 2006
العضوية: 9130
المشاركات: 26,624
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معدل التقييم: نبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييمنبع الحب عضو جوهرة التقييم
نقاط التقييم: 2144



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المنتدى : Loops
افتراضي مكتبة رائعة HipHop.Tools.Ca$h.Money.WAV-DViSO


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة JORDAN بتاريخ 27-01-08 الساعة 10:07 AM:




CA$H MONEY, "Nothing but Nu Skool" is an essential collection for all Urban producers who want to add some flavor to their music. It is a complete "Nu Skool" concept meant to breathe life into every track and take urban music into the future.

CA$H MONEY is a deep resource with over 700 individual drum hits, FX and instruments. This concept has tons of boomin kicks, wicked snares and crisp hi-hats. From live session drummers to the HHT vinyl vault we hook you up with the dopest acoustic percussion. All the "Nu Skool" bells, toms, rims, crashes, claps, triangles, castanets, harps, cell phone rings, assorted shakers, sub-bass and synths are included. We have also broken un chartered territory by bringing you the ultimate in electronic percussion that you can't find anywhere else on the planet. From the smoothest acoustic, flamenco, classic and bass guitar to sweet n' sexy strings, we've got you covered.

CA$H MONEY has everything you need to make your tracks jump right out of the speakers. It takes a long time to get the right drum and instrument sounds for Hip Hop and R&B. Every sample has been edited and polished flawlessly then mastered so it can go directly from CD to your software or hardware sampler. CA$H MONEY, "Nothing but Nu Skool" is innovative and fresh. Simply add CA$H MONEY to your mix, drop a flow and away you go.

HHT Drum Map: Our HHT drum map offers maximum flexibility for AKAI MPC users. All samples are mapped out using this template making kit swapping and beat programming effortless. This makes it easy to find what you need, when you need it.

Sample Format: AKAI MPC 2000XL, AKAI MPC 4000, WAV & AIFF.




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شبكة ليلاس الثقافية