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Audio Damage Galore

15 AudioDamage FX Plug-Ins I know some of these are already on the site, but in a consolidating effort.... DubStation The DubStation plug-in is modeled on the

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قديم 14-09-08, 03:13 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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التسجيل: May 2005
العضوية: 188
المشاركات: 686
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معدل التقييم: Cubase عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 20

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المنتدى : المؤثرات الصوتية والفلاتر (DX,VST)
Thanks Audio Damage Galore


15 AudioDamage FX Plug-Ins

I know some of these are already on the site, but in a consolidating effort....


Audio Damage Galore

The DubStation plug-in is modeled on the "bucket-brigade" style of vintage delay units, and has all the mojo that made those boxes great. Accurate down to the warm sound of the feedback loop and the low-fidelity character of the originals.


Audio Damage Galore

As the name implies, it has diffusion (sort of a red-headed step-child of reverb) and modulating delays (which, as we all know, equals "chorus"). Vapor takes this underused effect, usually only available in high-end hardware boxes, and makes it available to anyone. Vapor's main purpose is to add top-end shimmer to pads, strings, and rhythm guitar to make those sounds cut through the mix. However, at more extreme settings, unique modulation effects can easily be attained.


Audio Damage Galore

Fluid is an analog-modeled chorus that, if we may be so bold, cleans the floor with the typical chorus that comes with your DAW. For subtle phasey widening and full-on modulation mayhem, it makes chorus a usable effect again, from giving pads a wide stereo stage to livening up stiff and static guitar parts.


Audio Damage Galore

Liquid is a through-zero flanger, and excels in adding vintage vibe to your recordings. From a subtle ADT effect on vocals or electric piano on up to massive "Jet" style 2-buss flanging, Liquid will bring the classic sound of real tape machine flanging to your modern DAW. A normal flanger, at least in today's world, is just a delay line set to a very short time with some feedback. In "analog" pedals this is done with a bucket-brigade delay chip, and in DSP-based effects like digital pedals and plug-ins, it is one of the easiest effects to create. However, the original flanging effect was created by running two tape machines with the same material in sync, then varying the speed of one of them (sometimes by actually applying pressure to the flange of the tape reel with a finger) to cause some rather extreme and odd comb filtering. Made popular by George Martin (and used heavily on John Lennon's vocals on many tracks from Revolver on) and Phil Spector (who used it on, well, just about everything), it is a classic effect that was difficult to achieve in software. Until now.

Dr. Device

Audio Damage Galore

Dr. Device is two (two! two!) hi-octane analog-style effects in one. First in the chain is a multi-mode filter, featuring our own private reserve 4-pole lowpass, along with 5 other tasty musical modes. Then, your Audio takes a trip through our true-stereo analog delay. Couple these effects with a two-node XYZ pad, motion recording, and kinetics (you have to see it to believe it) and you've got an effect well-suited for both live performance and studio tweaking.


Audio Damage Galore

Replicant is a delay-based effect in the "beat slicer/looper" vein, with some tricks of its own that separate it from the herd. From a simple delay or panning effect, on up to massive random beat mangling, Replicant is a capable plugin well in line with today's modern electronic music styles. Stuttering buffers and filter drops are easy to program, and the comprehensive randomization features give it a mind of its own, if so desired.


Audio Damage Galore

Reverence is a plate reverb simulation inspired by vintage digital hardware. It faithfully recreates the thick sonic character and easy-to-use interface of those early units, while providing the low noise floor and big headroom inherent in modern software-based reverb. Perfect for synths, vocals, and guitar, Reverence is also capable of creating the unusual effects that are typical of vintage hardware units. Featuring a sophisticated and well-tuned reverb algorithm, Reverence has a much lower CPU load than convolution reverbs, and can be used as either a send or insert effect.

Discord 2

Audio Damage Galore

Discord 2 takes the vintage pitch-shifting style of Discord 1 and 1.5 to an entirely new plateau. With a full-featured delay section and mod routing system, Discord 2 has become a specialized platform for special effects, in addition to its normal skill as a workhorse delay and pitch-shifter.


Audio Damage Galore

Audio Damage's BigSeq is a tempo-based gating and filter effect, perfect for modern music's syncopated rhythms. Heavily informed by old-school analog sequencers, BigSeq is capable of both subtle stereo tremolo effects and hardcore signal manipulation, and everything in between. BigSeq has gate sequencers for both the left and right channels, and a "step-filter" type sequencer to control the multi-mode filter. BigSeq can run off host sync, or use its own internal clock, and is capable of pretty much any musically useful meter, and some not-so-useful, for bizarre polyrhythms and extreme chopping effects.

Phase Two

Audio Damage Galore

Audio Damage's Phase Two plug-in is a perfect digital recreation of the Mutron Bi-Phase, one of the most sought-after vintage phaser units, highly prized for its liquid and subtle stereo phasing abilities. Phase Two features two separately controllable 6-stage phasers, and like the original unit, these two phasers can be routed in series or parallel, for everything from subtle stereo washes to full-blown alien attack. Using the extra CC feature, which takes the place of the "Opti-Pedal" in the original unit, you can manually sweep the phaser frequencies with a MIDI controller, such as a mod wheel or aftertouch. The cel-shaded user interface of Phase Two matches the original unit in every respect, right down to the footswitch, so anyone familiar with the vintage unit will feel right at home using the digital recreation. Every object on the interface has Audio Damage's standard MIDI Learn feature, so the unit can be fully controlled from external hardware controllers.

Ratshack Reverb

Audio Damage Galore

Ratshack Reverb is a detailed model of that classic of classics, the Realistic Electronic Reverb. Now, you can have the sound of everyone's first analog delay unit, without ever having to change batteries! As anyone who has owned this unit (which is just about everyone...) knows, it was actually an analog delay, and we've done our best to exactly replicate the sound and quirks of the original. We've even modeled the distortion that occurs by running a line signal in to the mic inputs.


Audio Damage Galore

Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't a bear...he was a fuzz-box.


Audio Damage Galore

It may not be a real moog, but it sounds like it !!


Audio Damage Galore

Detroit, DeeLitefull, Deelicious, DeVerb.


Audio Damage Galore

Is it "Ronin The Destroyer?" No, it's a complex effect box !

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