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Portable REAPER 2.2

REAPER provides a flexible but easy to use interface that is equally suited to amateurs and professionals alike. Features of REAPER 2.2 : - Extremely small footprint (full featured, with

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قديم 14-09-08, 12:03 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
نوارة منتدى ليلاس

التسجيل: Oct 2006
العضوية: 14564
المشاركات: 7,592
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: JORDAN عضو على طريق الابداعJORDAN عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 166



JORDAN غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : الارشيف
Stupido2 Portable REAPER 2.2


Portable REAPER

REAPER provides a flexible but easy to use interface that is equally suited to amateurs and professionals alike.

Features of REAPER 2.2 :

- Extremely small footprint (full featured, with an installer that is approximately 1MB)
- Easy to start using: simply drag and drop one of many kinds of files in to edit existing material, or insert a track and arm it for recording. No complex project or definitions to set up.
- Fast and powerful editing facilities: split, resize, fade/crossfade, pitch shift, timestretch, copy/paste and loop media items with ease. Ripple editing is available, too.
- Unrivaled routing capabilities: send tracks to any number of other tracks or hardware outputs, with lots of options (pre-fx, post-fx, independent faders, mono or stereo). Not interested in advanced routing? You don't have to use it (and it certainly won't get in the way.)
- Powerful recording options (supports pre-fx, post-fx recording, can record mixed output of multiple tracks, etc), supports switching record inputs/modes on the fly, input monitoring options (including tape-style auto input monitoring mode), supports auto-punch-in/punch-out, and more. If you want. Otherwise, it just behaves as you would expect.
- Support for MIDI files, recording MIDI, and VSTi/DXi softsynths. MIDI can be integrated and mixed with audio.
- User arrangeable user interface with color themes: make REAPER look how you want it to look, and arrange (or hide) elements of the user interface to suit your needs.
- Support for consolidating track edits and rendering track stems, to enable easy export for other applications.
- Includes many Jesusonic effects, and supports many plug-ins (including VST and DX plug-ins) with full plug-in delay compensation.
- See the full list of features here.

Changes in REAPER 2.2 :

- Now includes the fantastic new elastique 2.0!
- improved looped recording/playback precision
- better looping midi item precision when item length is not a multiple of sample length
- MIDI overdub/replace: auto-insert of new items defaults to shorter items
- MIDI channel rewriting in sends/hw outs no longer corrupts system realtime/exclusive messages
- looped midi input recording latency fix
- fixed bug resulting in excessive splits when recording using non-overdub/replace to in-project midi items
- rewire slave mode: better samplerate detection/switching
- re-added an old fix for Drumatic3 giving invalid samples (requires extra mainschange cycle on load)
- control surfaces: better updating of mute state on csurf track mute change
- Better drag&drop support dragging files to some plug-ins (Battery3 for example)
- Floating FX windows now size themselves to current FX size (but remember their old positions)
- Option (prefs/buffering/advanced) to disable mmap'd peakfiles (to conserve address space)
- Changed default reginfo filenames for hopefully better Vista compatability
- CPU meter: can now show RT CPU+graph (to show CPU use used by main audio thread)
- VST: performance fix for many plug-ins
- VST: better mouse/keyboard activation for plugins like Kontakt 3
- VST: better handling of resizing UIs when docked/undocked/floating
- dev: new APIs for getting/setting track and track send parameters
- dev: new APIs for manipulating track media items/takes/etc
- dev: API to query BWF info from .wav files
- dev: control surfaces can register themselves behind the scenes to get change notifications
- dev: cleanup of documentation and headers
- dev: easy lookup of command IDs via action list (doubleclick "filter" label)



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