برنامج رائع
CDMenuPro v5.23.00
اسطوانة autorun لتصميم عرض تقديم
الشركةَ أَو
المُنتَجَ او أدلّة أو معارض أو بطاقاتِ عمل على القرص المدمجِ
CDMenuPro has been specially designed to create graphic
autorun CD menu applications for companies and individuals and is incredibly easy to use. It comes with a large number of templates and project assistants that enable anyone to create professional results in no time at all.
Do you want to:
• Create an
autorun CD
• Create an
autorun CD menu
• Design a product or company presentation on CD
• Create CD
autorun brochures, slide shows or business cards
• Make sure that Html, Pdf and Pps files start reliably from your CD.
• Make no mistake, if your needs are listed above, CDMenuPro
autorun software is the right choice for you.
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