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BBC - The Code Season 01 (2011) 720p HDTV

The Code follows Professor Marcus Du Sautoy, who goes in the search for a mysterious code or set of numbers and shapes that govern how the world is run. Sautoy

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قديم 26-09-11, 06:55 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Sep 2011
العضوية: 228912
المشاركات: 63
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: hotfile2012 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



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المنتدى : الارشيف
افتراضي BBC - The Code Season 01 (2011) 720p HDTV


Code Season (2011) 720p HDTV

اقتباس :-  
The Code follows Professor Marcus Du Sautoy, who goes in the search for a mysterious Code or set of numbers and shapes that govern how the world is run. Sautoy says that there are signs and numbers everywhere and his plan is to reveal the numbers and shapes that explain everything. In a three-part series, he looks at prime numbers and how they can explain the 13-year life cycle of the periodic cicada and how simple number ratios create cathedrals that are mirrored Gods creation. By exploring the numbers, Sautoy also looks at how the radar that is used by air traffic controllers is of, how a number doesnt exist, the structure of the nautilus shell and how Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation is explained.

S01E01 Numbers: Marcus looks at how prime numbers can explain the unique 13-year life-cycle of the periodic cicada, how 12th-century medieval clergy used simple number ratios to create cathedrals that they felt mirrored Gods creation, and why the breaking of these harmonies helps us understand why sirens are so effective at getting our attention. Next, Marcus uses another ratio – pi – to predict a Brighton fishermans biggest-ever catch. Exploring the bizarre world of imaginary numbers, Marcus looks at how the radar used by air traffic controllers is only made possible because of a number that doesnt exist, and describes the surprising link between the structure of the nautilus shell and Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation.

S01E02 Shapes: In the second episode of this fascinating series, Professor Marcus du Sautoy uncovers the hidden patterns that explain the shape of the world around us. Starting at the hexagonal columns of Northern Irelands Giants Causeway, he discovers the Code underpinning the extraordinary order found in nature – from rock formations to honeycomb and from salt crystals to soap bubbles. Marcus reveals the mysterious Code that governs the apparent randomness of mountains, clouds and trees and explores how this not only could be the key to Jackson Pollocks success, but has also helped breathe life into hugely successful movie animations.

S01E03 Prediction: Marcus finishes his exploration of the hidden Code that underpins nature by looking at the weird world of what happens next. He starts with the lunar eclipse and goes on to reveal what the Code can say about the future.

Code Season (2011) 720p HDTV




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