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احلو صولو كمان لاحلى ليلاس Dan Dean Productions Solo Strings Advanced KONTAKT

#FONT="Arial Black"##SIZE="5"##COLOR="red"##/COLOR##/SIZE##/FONT#Dan Dean Productions Solo Strings Advanced KONTAKT | 2#51GB Dan Dean Solo Strings Advanced is an orchestral sample library featuring chromatically sampled Violin, Viola and Cello in

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قديم 27-08-11, 04:16 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Jun 2008
العضوية: 80902
المشاركات: 14
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: huthyfa عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 11



huthyfa غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : المؤثرات الصوتية والفلاتر (DX,VST)
Jded احلو صولو كمان لاحلى ليلاس Dan Dean Productions Solo Strings Advanced KONTAKT


#FONT="Arial Black"##SIZE="5"##COLOR="red"##/COLOR##/SIZE##/FONT#Dan Dean Productions Solo Strings Advanced KONTAKT | 2#51GB

Dan Dean Solo Strings Advanced is an orchestral sample library featuring chromatically sampled Violin, Viola and Cello in both Solo and Ensemble configurations#
Convolution - Timbral and Reverb# This is the first sampling product to employ "Timbral Impulse" technology, developed with Numerical Sound which allows you to match the DDSSA's sound to a captured snapshot of a different string section or Solo instrument# Also by Numerical Sound, a custom created library of Reverb Impulses custom designed for use only with the DDSSA#

Convolution – Timbral and Reverb# This is the first sampling product to employ Timbral Impulse technology, developed with Numerical Sound which allows you to match the DDSSA's sound to a captured snapshot of a different string section or Solo instrument# Also by Numerical Sound, a custom created library of Reverb Impulses custom designed for use only with the DDSSA# The Dan Dean Solo Strings Advanced is composed of 3 main instrument groups:

All-In-One Instruments, which feature all articulations of each Solo instrument #Violin, Viola and Cello# accessible via keyswitching# All six articulations are laid out on separate keyswitches - arco, spiccato, pizzicato, tremelo, half step trill and whole step trill# This allows you instant articulation switching# Legato control via MIDI or pedal is implemented# We have created special Short Attack sound files in addition to attack and release controls via MIDI# Alternation is also included in this group of instruments#
Voice Control instruments# This is a new programming we devised for this product# We created a proprietary ensemble building technology transforming the Solo String samples into beautiful, lush ensembles# Using the Voice Control feature, you can access a Solo instrument, 3 instruments or 6 instruments via keyswitching or modwheel# In the case of the Violins, you can choose many different variants from Solo instrument to 2 Violin 1+ 1 Violin 2, 3 Violin 1, 3 Violin 1 + 3 Violin 2, 6 Violin 1, 6 Violin 1 + 6 Violin 2 #12 Violins## Each of these ensembles has a distinctly different timbre# All of the Ensemble presets were captured in 24 bit and are extremely quiet# We have added attack and decay control via MIDI and legato control via MIDI and sustain pedal#
Legacy Programming# These are the plug and play/drag and drop instruments you have become used to over the years# Find the instrument you want, open it and play# Sustain pedal controls sustain# Keyboard velocity behaves is you would expect it to# If you want to adjust attack and sustain characteristics, it is ready via MIDI#

Powered by the KONTAKT2 Plug-In# Nothing on the market sounds as good, has as many features, lower latency or better overall performance than KONTAKT2# K2 has been thoroughly "road tested" and has more user hours than all of the other soft-samplers# Use DDSSA as a stand alone application# KONTAKT2 works on the MAC in OS X #now supporting "Mactel" computers# or on the PC in Windows# Because DDSSA is a Plug-In, open it in Logic, Pro Tools, Digital Performer, Cubase, Sonar, Garage Band or in any VST, DXi supported application#

High quality sample recordings with virtually no noise# We returned to the original source recordings and retransferred the sound files, cleaning up the already beautiful wave files# There is no noise or other artifacts in the DDSSA# The Solo instruments are 16 bit full scale and the ensemble presets are 24 bit# The ensemble arco, arco SA, tremelo, trill half step and trill whole step are looped#

These extraordinary programming features and technologies in conjunction with the highest quality sample recordings give the keyboardist unprecedented, unparalleled control over previously unavailable performance variables# The result is a collection of the finest Solo String instruments and String Ensemble presets available# They are very easy to use and sound great#




عرض البوم صور huthyfa   رد مع اقتباس

قديم 21-12-15, 09:15 AM   المشاركة رقم: 2

التسجيل: Dec 2015
العضوية: 307231
المشاركات: 48
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: ساهرالليلm عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 14



ساهرالليلm غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : huthyfa المنتدى : المؤثرات الصوتية والفلاتر (DX,VST)
افتراضي رد: احلو صولو كمان لاحلى ليلاس Dan Dean Productions Solo Strings Advanced KONTAKT


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مايلي, advanced, ليلاس, احلئ, dean, kontakt, صولو, productions, solo, strings, كمان

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