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برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx Mac osx, نظام ماك

DUY Bundle 63 Native AU VST RTAS MAS update

اخوتي الكرام اعضاء ليلاس الافاضل اقدم لكم مجموعة مؤثرات للبروتولز رائعه جدا لنظام الماكنتوش ارجوا ان تنال اعجابكم DUY Bundle 63 Native AU VST RTAS MAS (update)| 320MB This

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قديم 04-01-11, 06:39 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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التسجيل: Sep 2006
العضوية: 11739
المشاركات: 3,070
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معدل التقييم: kamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطkamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 111



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المنتدى : برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx
Icon Mod 44 DUY Bundle 63 Native AU VST RTAS MAS update


Bundle Native RTAS update

اخوتي الكرام
اعضاء ليلاس الافاضل
اقدم لكم مجموعة مؤثرات
للبروتولز رائعه جدا
لنظام الماكنتوش
ارجوا ان تنال اعجابكم

Bundle Native RTAS update
DUY Bundle 63 Native AU VST RTAS MAS (update)| 320MB

This VERY SPECIAL PACKAGE for RTAS, Audio Units, VST and MAS/MOTU users contains 12 amazing high-quality plug-ins: DUY DaD Tape, DUY DaD Valve, DUY Wide, DUY MagicEQ LE, DUY Magic Spectrum LE, DUY Silence, MAX DUY, DUY Shape, DUY Z-Room, DUY31|analyzer, DUY31|graphic & DUY31|noiser.

DaD Tape simulates the sound of analog tapes for digital audio systems and features physical modeling of the four most representative tape recorders on the market.

DaD Valve is a physical-modeling-based classic tube simulator for digital audio systems, featuring the most popular types of valves ╤ triode, tetrode, and pentode ╤ with a full range of biasing and operating levels.

DUY Wide is a stereo and multichannel spatial enhancer, which allows widening of the stereo image, as well as sound placement outside the physical speaker locations. DUY Wide is mono-compatible.

DUY MagicEQ LE is a mastering tool, based on a new equalization concept that makes it an automatic equalizer!! Read all about MagicEQ LE here.

DUY Magic Spectrum is a high-quality mastering tool that allows you, to perform Spectrum Matching or even actually modifying the frequency *******s yourself with edition tools!! As you can see, DUY Magic Spectrum is THE TOOL for modifying the spectral *******s of your audio.Read all about DUY Magic Spectrum here.

Max DUY is a sound level maximizer based on DUYs exclusive ILO algorithm, featuring seamless level maximizing, zero harmonic distortion (even at low frequencies) and release-free operation.

DUY Shape is a sound enhancer featuring 3-band smooth filters with full audio range continuous crossover points and three independent user-defined shapers with virtually infinite resolution accuracy.

DUY Z-Room is a natural-sounding, optimized-consumption reverb for Native systems.

DUY Silence is an amazing noise-reduction plug-in. Remove the noise from your audio in just a few seconds (really!), or take total control over your noise using simple and powerful edition tools! Read all about DUY Silence here.

DUY31 includes 3 excellent plug-ins: DUY31 analyzer (a frequency spectrum analyzer packed with useful utilities and visualization options), DUY31 graphic (a 31-band linear-phase graphic EQ with amazing features), and DUY31 noiser (a pink & white noise generator). Perform Room Callibration! Read all about DUY31 here.

Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: DUY.Bundle.63.Native.AU.VST.RTAS.MAS.MAC.OSX.Intel.dmg.part1 .rar
Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: DUY.Bundle.63.Native.AU.VST.RTAS.MAS.MAC.OSX.Intel.dmg.part2 .rar
Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: DUY.Bundle.63.Native.AU.VST.RTAS.MAS.MAC.OSX.Intel.dmg.part3 .rar

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