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برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx Mac osx, نظام ماك

مجموعة ايفيكت Audio Damage

اخوتي الاحباء اعضاء ليلاس المحترمين اقدم لكم اليوم مجموعه رائعه من الايفيكت من شركة Audio Damage ارجوا ان تنال اعجابكم Audio Damage Dr Device v1.0.1 VST AU MAC OSX UB

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قديم 20-10-10, 07:39 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
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عميد المنتدى

التسجيل: Sep 2006
العضوية: 11739
المشاركات: 3,070
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: kamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطkamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 111



kamalmerhi غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx
Jded مجموعة ايفيكت Audio Damage


Audio Damage

Audio Damage

اخوتي الاحباء
اعضاء ليلاس المحترمين
اقدم لكم اليوم مجموعه رائعه من الايفيكت
من شركة
Audio Damage
ارجوا ان تنال اعجابكم
Audio Damage
Audio Damage Dr Device v1.0.1 VST AU MAC OSX UB

Audio Damage

Dr. Device is two (two! two!) hi-octane analog-style effects in one.
First in the chain is a multi-mode filter, featuring our own private
reserve 4-pole lowpass, along with 5 other tasty musical modes. Then,
your Audio takes a trip through our true-stereo analog delay. Couple
these effects with a two-node XYZ pad, motion recording, and kinetics
(you have to see it to believe it) and you've got an effect
well-suited for both live performance and studio tweaking.

Dr. Device is available as a VST effect for Windows, and as an
AudioUnit/VST effect bundle for OSX Universal Binary. Note that you
must have OSX 10.3.9 or greater to use the Macintosh version of this


* Multi-mode filter (4PLP, 3PLP, 2PLP, 4PHP, 2PHP, and 4PBP modes).
The 4PLP self-oscillates at high resonance without Audio input,
allowing Dr. Device to be used as a theremin-type instrument.

* "Tube" style soft saturation and bit reduction.

* Stereo bucket-brigade-style delay, with two filtering modes and
tempo-synced time.

* 2-node XYZ control pad, hardwired for control from popular hardware
XYZ pads.

* Sophisticated motion recording and kinetics control over the XYZ pad

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Audio Damage

Audio Damage Reverence v1.0.2 VST AU MAC OSX.UB

Audio Damage

Reverence is a plate reverb simulation inspired by vintage digital
hardware. It faithfully recreates the thick sonic character and
easy-to-use interface of those early units, while providing the low
noise floor and big headroom inherent in modern software-based

Perfect for synths, vocals, and guitar, Reverence is also capable of
creating the unusual effects that are typical of vintage hardware
units. Featuring a sophisticated and well-tuned reverb algorithm,
Reverence has a much lower CPU load than convolution reverbs, and can
be used as either a send or insert effect.

When you're tired of putting your instruments in the same virtual
space as everyone else using me-too impulse-response-based reverbs,
treat your tracks with a little Reverence.


* Simple-to-use reverb settings, with pre-delay, time, and size, plus
an extensive filtering section to shape the reverb tail

* Fluid and logical vintage-style user interface

* Optimized reverb algorithm for low CPU load

* MIDI Learn feature for full hardware control of all parameters (VST
only; handled by host in AudioUnits version)

Reverence is available as an AudioUnit / VST effect bundle for OSX
Universal Binary. Note that you must have OSX 10.3.9 or greater to use
this plug-in.

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Download AF.Audio.Damage.Reverence.v1.0.2.VST.AU.MAC.OSX.UB-DYNAMiCS.rar for free on uploading.com

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Audio Damage

Audio Damage Automaton v1.0.1 VST AU MAC OSX UB

Audio Damage

Automaton is a unique look at buffer effects, allowing you to
experiment with artificial life within your DAW. With four separate
effects (Stutter, Modulate, Bitcrush, and Replicate) driven by a
cellular automata sequencer, Automaton is capable of adding subtle
seemingly random fills and "humanizing" effects, but if you like, you
can crank the sequencer up to eleven, and watch as your DAW becomes a
petri dish while Automaton makes complete hay of the track you've
inserted it to.


* Cellular automata sequencer with host tempo-sync, five different
musically useful rulesets (including a step sequencer), extensive
randomization features, and a life of its own.

* Four sequencer-driven effects, including Stutter (a buffer delay for
extremely short loop slices), Modulate (a self-modulating ring
modulator), Bitcrush (sample rate and bit depth reduction, and our
own "Error" effect), and Replicate (a special version of our
Replicant effect, tuned for use with the cellular automata

* Master section allows extensive mixing capabilities, enabling
Automaton to excel at either adding subtlety (like an occasional
extra hi-hat) or complete self-generating IDM madness.

* MIDI Learn for hardware control of most parameters (VST only)

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Audio Damage

Audio Damage 914 Fixed Filter Bank v1.0.3 VST AU MAC OSX UB

Audio Damage

The Audio Damage 914 Fixed Filter Bank is a faithful recreation of the Moog Modular Synthesizer's 914 module, and a major upgrade to our original 907A plugin. This plugin creates unique filter textures by passing the signal through twelve band-pass filters, as well as a low-pass and high-pass filter.

The 914 is a subtle effect, capable of adding rich luster to pads, and giving percussive and lead synth sounds a vocal quality. It is an excellent tool for the sound designer's palette, simple to use yet capable of complex and unique timbres. Improvements over the original 907A include a bandwidth control, separate level adjustments for wet and dry signal, makeup gain, and four extra frequency bands.

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Audio Damage

Audio Damage BigSeq v1.0 VST AU MAC OSX UB

Audio Damage

Audio Damage BigSeq v1.0 VST AU MAC OSX UB (includes SN# & manual)

Audio Damage's BigSeq is a tempo-based gating and filter effect, perfect for modern music's syncopated rhythms. Heavily informed by old-school analog sequencers, BigSeq is capable of both subtle stereo tremolo effects and hardcore signal manipulation, and everything in between.
BigSeq has gate sequencers for both the left and right channels, and a "step-filter" type sequencer to control the multi-mode filter. BigSeq can run off host sync, or use its own internal clock, and is capable of pretty much any musically useful meter, and some not-so-useful, for bizarre polyrhythms and extreme chopping effects.
* Two separately controllable 16-step gate sequencers.
* Stereo multi-mode filter with overdrive and its own 16-step sequencer.
* Host sync, reverse, and selectable number of steps.
* Hardware-style interface for ease of use and familiarity.
* Full MIDI Learn on every control, for operating BigSeq with MIDI CC messages from a hardware controller.
More info: Audio Damage :: 404 Not Found

NOTE: Special Thanks goes to TEAM BEAT that created the S/N for this release.
Download Here: http://rapidshare.com/files/205842489/humongusseq.zip

Password: ozmosis

Audio Damage

Audio Damage Ratshack Reverb v2.0.0 VST AU MAC OSX UB

Audio Damage

Ratshack Reverb is a detailed model of that classic of classics, the
Realistic Electronic Reverb. Now, you can have the sound of everyone's
first analog delay unit, without ever having to change batteries!

As anyone who has owned this unit (which is just about everyone...)
knows, it was actually an analog delay, and we've done our best to
exactly replicate the sound and quirks of the original. We've even
modeled the distortion that occurs by running a line signal in to the
mic inputs.

Ratshack Reverb v2.0 features a completely re-written delay engine,
which more accurately recreates the suck of the original. Never before
has a vintage effect of such low quality been as painstakingly modeled
as Ratshack Reverb v2.0. All kidding aside, this effect is quite
capable of providing everything from that classic analog slap-back to
howling self-oscillating feedback.

Ratshack Reverb v2.0 is available as a VST effect for Windows, and as
a Universal Binary AU/VST for OSX. Note that you must have OSX 10.3.9
or greater to use the PPC version.


* Accurate analog delay model. Change the delay time, and the signal
pitches accordingly.

* Both mic and line inputs modeled, for overdriving the delay section
if desired.

* Low CPU usage.

* Full MIDI learn mode, for MIDI CC control of every control (VST
only; handled by host in AU version).

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Audio Damage

Audio Damage ADverb v1.0.4 VST AU MAC.OSX UB +SN#

Audio Damage

File Size: 4.2 MB
ADverb is a plate reverb simulation inspired by vintage digital hardware. It faithfully recreates the thick sonic character and easy-to-use interface of those early units, while providing the low noise floor and big headroom inherent in modern software-based reverb.
Perfect for synths, vocals, and guitar, ADverb is also capable of creating the unusual effects that are typical of vintage hardware units. Featuring a sophisticated and well-tuned reverb algorithm, ADverb has a much lower CPU load than convolution reverbs, and can be used as either a send or insert effect.
When you're tired of putting your instruments in the same virtual space as everyone else using me-too impulse-response-based reverbs, treat your tracks with a little ADverb.
ADverb is available as a VST effect for Windows, and as an AudioUnit / VST effect bundle for OSX Universal Binary. Note that you must have OSX 10.4.0 or greater to use this plug-in.
More Info: Audio Damage :: Home

- Simple-to-use reverb settings, with pre-delay, time, and size, plus an extensive filtering section to shape the reverb tail.
- Fluid and logical vintage-style user interface.
- Optimized reverb algorithm for low CPU load.
- MIDI Learn feature for full hardware control of all parameters (VST only; handled by host in AudioUnits version).
Download Here: http://rapidshare.com/files/225016746/adjectives.zip

Password: ozmosis

Audio Damage

Audio Damage DubStation v1.5.1 VST AU MAC OSX UB

Audio Damage

The DubStation plug-in is modeled on the "bucket-brigade" style of
vintage delay units, and has all the mojo that made those boxes great.
Accurate down to the warm sound of the feedback loop and the
low-fidelity character of the originals, DubStation is just what the
(witch) doctor ordered.

DubStation is available as a VST effect for Windows, and as an AU/VST
Universal Binary for OSX. Note that you must have OSX 10.4.1 or
greater to use the DubStation PPC version or 10.4.4u or greater to use
the DubStation Intel version.


* 4ms to 2000ms delay time.

* Accurate delay model that changes the pitch of the signal when the
time is changed.

* Sync-to-host capable.

* Full MIDI learn mode, for MIDI CC control of every control (VST
only; handled by host in AU version).

* Loop and reverse features.

* Low-cut and high-cut filters controllable for extra dubby feedback.

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Audio Damage
Audio Damage Liquid VST AU UB v1.0.1 MAC OSX UB

Audio Damage Liquid VST AU UB v1.0.1 MAC HAPPY NEW YEAR-PDS
File Size: 4.7 MB
Audio Damage
Liquid is a through-zero flanger, and excels in adding vintage vibe to your recordings. From a subtle ADT effect on vocals or electric piano on up to massive "Jet" style 2-buss flanging, Liquid will bring the classic sound of real tape machine flanging to your modern DAW.
A normal flanger, at least in today's world, is just a delay line set to a very short time with some feedback. In "analog" pedals this is done with a bucket-brigade delay chip, and in DSP-based effects like digital pedals and plug-ins, it is one of the easiest effects to create. However, the original flanging effect was created by running two tape machines with the same material in sync, then varying the speed of one of them (sometimes by actually applying pressure to the flange of the tape reel with a finger) to cause some rather extreme and odd comb filtering.
Made popular by George Martin (and used heavily on John Lennon's vocals on many tracks from Revolver on) and Phil Spector (who used it on, well, just about everything), it is a classic effect that was difficult to achieve in software. Until now.
Liquid Features:
» True through-zero flanging.
» Perfect for "stereo-izing" analog synths, electric pianos, and other mono sources
» Capable of extreme vintage-style flanging effects
» Full MIDI learn on every parameter for hardware control (VST version only)
Download Here: http://rapidshare.com/files/329926656/water.zip

Password: ozmosis
Audio Damage

Audio Damage AXON v1 VSTI AU MAC & PC Including serial number

Audio Damage

File Size: 2.3 MB
Axon is a strange creature, and we won't tell you otherwise. Our goal was to come up with a new style of percussion sequencer/synth that wasn't linear and x0xy, and we succeeded beyond our wildest expectations. The Neuron Sequencer in Axon is a fundamentally different way of thinking about rhythmic sequencing, and results in new patterns and styles that will bring your IDM, dance, and ambient tracks to another place.
Axon's sequencer can either drive external synths and samplers or its own internal voices, seven of 'em, which are FM-based, but designed for quick and easy programming, and fine-tuned for percussive-type sounds. A full MIDI Learn complement allows external hardware control of both the sequencer and the internal voices, and an on-board stereo delay taken right from our fairly thick collection of delay algorithms extends the rhythmic possibilities right to the edge of what any sane person could possibly stand.
We'll be the first to admit that Axon is an experimental tool, and isn't for everybody, but if your interests lie in the abstract realm, and you want to take your rhythm and melody programming to strange new worlds, this might be just the thing.
NOTE: Axon for OS X requires 10.5.1 or greater, and is Intel only.
Axon for Windows is both 32- and 64-bit.
Download Here: http://rapidshare.com/files/415363700/neadead.rar.html

Password: ozmosis
Audio Damage
Audio Damage Phase Two v1.1.0 VST.AU MAC OSX UB

Audio Damage

Audio Damage Phase Two v1.1.0 VST.AU MAC OSX UB-DYNAMiCS
File Size: 3.4 MB
Audio Damage
Audio Damage's Phase Two plug-in is a perfect digital recreation of the Mutron Bi-Phase, one of the most sought-after vintage phaser units, highly prized for its liquid and subtle stereo phasing abilities.
Phase Two features two separately controllable 6-stage phasers, and like the original unit, these two phasers can be routed in series or parallel, for everything from subtle stereo washes to full-blown alien attack. Using the extra CC feature, which takes the place of the "Opti-Pedal" in the original unit, you can manually sweep the phaser frequencies with a MIDI controller, such as a mod wheel or aftertouch.
The cel-shaded user interface of Phase Two matches the original unit in every respect, right down to the footswitch, so anyone familiar with the vintage unit will feel right at home using the digital recreation. Every object on the interface has Audio Damage's standard MIDI Learn feature, so the unit can be fully controlled from external hardware controllers.
Phase Two is available as a VST effect for Windows, and as a Universal Binary AU/VST for OSX. Note that you must have OSX 10.3.9 or greater to use the PPC version. » Two separately controllable 6-stage phasers modeled on the Mutron Bi-Phase.
» Two dual-waveform LFOs.
» The same routing mechanism as the original hardware, for serial or parallel operation.
» Low CPU usage.
» Full MIDI learn mode, for MIDI CC control of every control (VST only; handled by host in AU version).
Thanks to Team Dynamics
Download Here: http://rapidshare.com/files/251053180/secondphase.zip

Password: ozmosis

Audio Damage




عرض البوم صور kamalmerhi   رد مع اقتباس

قديم 20-10-10, 07:58 PM   المشاركة رقم: 2
عضو فخري
عميد المنتدى

التسجيل: Sep 2006
العضوية: 11739
المشاركات: 3,070
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: kamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطkamalmerhi عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 111



kamalmerhi غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : kamalmerhi المنتدى : برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx
Icon Mod 44 متابعة


نتابع موضوع ايفيكت
Audio Damage

Audio Damage AXON + Discord 3 v1.1 MAC & PC

Audio Damage AXON + Discord 3 v1.1 MAC & PC
File Size: 5.2MB

Axon is a strange creature, and we won't tell you otherwise. Our goal was to come up with a new style of percussion sequencer/synth that wasn't linear and x0xy, and we succeeded beyond our wildest expectations. The Neuron Sequencer in Axon is a fundamentally different way of thinking about rhythmic sequencing, and results in new patterns and styles that will bring your IDM, dance, and ambient tracks to another place.

Axon's sequencer can either drive external synths and samplers or its own internal voices, seven of 'em, which are FM-based, but designed for quick and easy programming, and fine-tuned for percussive-type sounds. A full MIDI Learn complement allows external hardware control of both the sequencer and the internal voices, and an on-board stereo delay taken right from our fairly thick collection of delay algorithms extends the rhythmic possibilities right to the edge of what any sane person could possibly stand.

We'll be the first to admit that Axon is an experimental tool, and isn't for everybody, but if your interests lie in the abstract realm, and you want to take your rhythm and melody programming to strange new worlds, this might be just the thing.

Discord3 is a comprehensive ******* of our popular Discord series of multi-effects. From subtle ADT effects to completely chaotic granular destruction, and everything in between, Discord3 is a capable and broad-reaching multi-effect plug-in.

The pitch-shifter consists of three separate algorithms: a "vintage" mode (the original Discord algorithm, modeled on the Eventide H910 and H949), a "clean" mode for more modern shifting sounds, and a "granular" mode for experimental effects. Each mode has its strengths, depending on the input material, and Discord3 has a broad palette of capabilities as a result. The P1 and P2 algorithms have full control over the buffer (window) size of the shift effect, for fine tuning the shift to the input signal, or for stranger sound effects. At the extremes of the six-octave shift range, some truly strange aliasing and artifacts can be had with this control.
Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: AD-DI-AX.rar

Audio Damage Digitalis Discord 2 v1.0.0 VST AU MAC OSX UB

A massive update to our popular Discord series of effects, Discord 2
takes the vintage pitch-shifting style of Discord 1 and 1.5 to an
entirely new plateau. With a full-featured delay section and mod
routing system, Discord 2 has become a specialized platform for
special effects, in addition to its normal skill as a workhorse delay
and pitch-shifter.


* New easier-to-read user interface

* True stereo signal chain, with individual controls for every

* Twin tempo-synced delays with cross-feedback, high-pass filters, and
low-pass filters

* Twin pitch shifters, with course and fine tuning, and a MIDI note to
pitch function

* Twin tempo-synced LFOs with four waveforms, variable waveshapes, and
sophisticated mod routing options

* MIDI Learn feature for full hardware control of all parameters (VST
only; handled by host in AudioUnits version)

* Both Discord 1 and Discord 1.5 style pitch-shifting models, accessed
via the "Smooth Shift" function

Discord 2 is available as an AudioUnit / VST effect bundle for OSX
Universal Binary. Note that you must have OSX 10.3.9 or greater to use
this plug-in.

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Audio Damage Kombinat v1.0.1 VST AU MAC OSX UB

From mild tone-shaping or adding a bit of grit to full-on total
waveform destruction, Kombinat is a complete toolbox of sonic warfare.
This plugin is, in our opinion, the single most annihilating effect
available today.

With seven different options in each of the three distortion engines
(plus pass-through), Kombinat is capable of sophisticated and unique
sounds. Want to add a ring mod to the low end, a mild saturation to
the mids, and a bit-reduction algorithm to the high end? No problem.
Want to run your signal through three sine-warps in series? This is
your box.

Kombinat's signal structure allows for a fairly broad palette of
sounds, as each segment of the overall effect is a versatile tool in
its own right. The Isolator is a full "DJ-style" band-killer EQ; this
leads to the three distortion engines, which may be used in multi-band
mode for subtle surgery, or in series mode for complete signal
destruction. The engines go in to a four-pole lowpass filter of our
own design, and then in to a compressor which we have configured for
one-knob operation.

Taken as a whole, Kombinat is a tweaker's paradise, yet designed so
that it is easy to just grab one of the 64 presets and touch it up a
bit to suit the source material.

NOTE: The OSX versions of this plugin require 10.4.1 or later.


* "DJ" style three-band isolator EQ for band-killing effects

* Three distortion engines, consisting of seven algorithms each (plus
pass-through) that can operate per-band or in series. The included
algorithms are Fuzz, Distortion, Saturation, Warp, Clip, Bit/Sample
-Rate Reduction, and Ring Mod

* Self-Resonating Four-pole lowpass filter

* Compressor, configured for one-knob operation for ease of use

* Full MIDI learn (VST version only) for hardware control of all

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Audio Damage Replicant v1.0.3 VST AU MAC OSX UB

Replicant is a delay-based effect in the "beat slicer/looper" vein,
with some tricks of its own that separate it from the herd. From a
simple delay or panning effect, on up to massive random beat mangling,
Replicant is a capable plugin well in line with today's modern
electronic music styles. Stuttering buffers and filter drops are easy
to program, and the comprehensive randomization features give it a
mind of its own, if so desired. If you're looking to add some chance
to your programming, you've come to the right place.


* Tempo-based delay and looping effects, from 1/128th note to an
entire measure.

* Six independant randomization controls, for subtle changes or
extreme aleatoric madness, including a global randomize button.

* Our unique "Hold" feature, to store a random sequence you like.

* Resonant low-pass and high-pass filters that change over time.

* Pan position that changes over time.

* Two separate direction modes, for entire events or individual
repeats, with randomization.

* Full MIDI Learn for hardware control of every parameter. (VST only;
handled by host in AU version)

Replicant is available as an AudioUnit/VST effect bundle for OSX
Universal Binary. Note that you must have OSX 10.3.9 or greater to
use this plugin.

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Download AF.Audio.Damage.Replicant.v1.0.3.VST.AU.MAC.OSX.UB-DYNAMiCS.rar for free on uploading.com

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Audio Damage VST AU Pack 19-10-2010 AiR & ArCADE

Audio Damage VST AU Pack 19-10-2010 (AiR & ArCADE) | 3.41 MB for PC | 6.23 MB for MAC

This pack include: Discord 3 VST AU 1.1.0, Ricochet VST AU 1.0.1, Rough Rider Pro VST AU 1.1.0.


Discord3 is a comprehensive ******* of our popular Discord series of multi-effects. From subtle ADT effects to completely chaotic granular destruction, and everything in between, Discord3 is a capable and broad-reaching multi-effect plug-in.

The pitch-shifter consists of three separate algorithms: a "vintage" mode (the original Discord algorithm, modeled on the Eventide H910 and H949), a "clean" mode for more modern shifting sounds, and a "granular" mode for experimental effects. Each mode has its strengths, depending on the input material, and Discord3 has a broad palette of capabilities as a result. The P1 and P2 algorithms have full control over the buffer (window) size of the shift effect, for fine tuning the shift to the input signal, or for stranger sound effects. At the extremes of the six-octave shift range, some truly strange aliasing and artifacts can be had with this control.

Now, to be clear, if you're looking for a nice, clean diatonic pitch shifter for fine surgery and re-pitching the full program, you need to look elsewhere. Discord3 is a tool for sound design, barberpole shifting delays, and special effects; think Eno, Visconti, Bowie, or Dirty Mind-era Prince and you'll be on the right track.

PLEASE NOTE: Discord3 for OS X is Intel only, OS X 10.5.0 or greater. There is no PPC version. The Windows installer is both 32 and 64-bit, but the OS X side is 32-bit only at the moment. 64-bit versions will be available soon.


Ricochet is a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use multi-tap delay, with the signature Audio Damage sound. Featuring a 16-step grid for programming tap time, Ricochet is right at home in modern electronic music production, designed specifically for that context, and is much quicker to program than the run-of-the-mill multi-tap.

There is a video featuring a quick overview of Ricochet's main features on YouTube, which you can find here.

NOTE: The OS X versions of this product require 10.4.1 or later.

Ricochet Features:

» Five independently controllable taps with individual multi-mode filter, panning, level, sync, mute, solo, and time.
» Unique dual-filter model for overall tone control.
» Two feedback modes (master and tap).
» A specially designed chorus that affects only the taps, for feedback smearing effects.
» Tempo-sync or free time operation per tap and overall.
» Full MIDI learn for CC control of every parameter (VST only)


What do you get when you add an isolator section to a stack of three Rough Rider compressors? Rough Rider Pro! While most multi-band compressors are designed to do gentle dynamics control (and to be fair, Rough Rider Pro can do that sort of thing if you want) we added the Nuclear Option to this compressor. 1000:1 ratio? Check! Series mode for ludicrous squishing? Check! Full isolator for extreme tone carving? Check!

In short, Rough Rider Pro is for those times when you want to know your signal is compressed. Other compressors are kittens, rainbows, and gumdrops. This one is a 40-foot-tall fire-breathing lizard.

This plug-in is available for Windows (XP SP2 or Vista) VST and Macintosh OS X VST and AudioUnit. Note that the OS X versions require 10.4.0 or later.

Rough Rider Pro Features:

Isolator: Crossover section for simple control of input frequencies.
Multi-Band Mode: For a single Rough Rider compressor on each band.
Series Mode: For three Rough Riders in a row.
Super-Short Attacks: Attack time goes as low as 0.1ms, for use as a distortion unit.
From Gentle To Nuclear: Ratio of 1:1 to 1000:1 for complete control of signal dynamics.
MIDI Learn: Simple-to-use MIDI Learn feature for hardware control of all parameters (VST only).

Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: adamage19102010.rar

Audio Damage Tattoo VSTi AU v1.0.1 MAC OSX UB

File Size: 2.6 MB
With twelve voices inspired by the famous X0X series of analog drum machines and an internal sequencer that is second to none, Tattoo makes an excellent addition to the arsenal for any electronic music producer.
Each of the twelve internal voices has been created using our proprietary D
-Plane synthesis, and each has been extensively tested and tuned in order to have a broad palette. Every parameter of every voice has its own modulation sequencer, allowing for extensive motion within a pattern.
The grid sequencer in Tattoo is a whole world unto itself, with comprehensive randomization features and multiple sync modes, including a MIDI note sync to enable use with virtually any time signature, groove template, or host swing. The sequencer has MIDI out (VST only) to drive other sound sources, to double or replace Tattoo's internal sounds.
In short, Tattoo is more than a simple drum synth; it is a complete rhythm programming environment.
Tattoo Features:
12 Drum Synths: Tattoo comes equipped with twelve different voices, utilizing our custom D-Plane synthesis, rather than the one general catch-all voice you find in most drum synth plug-ins.
Sophisticated Step Sequencer: Tattoo's internal sequencer comes correct, taking grid programming to the next level.
Randomization For Days: There are multiple routes to randomizing your beats, from subtle ghost notes to full on haywire.
Parameter Sequencing: Every synth parameter (and we mean every one) has its own sequencer, including randomization.
Synchronized: Tattoo can run off its internal sequencer, from host sync, or via "note sync," where the sequencer can be stepped with MIDI notes. In this way, Tattoo can run in any time signature you can come up with, or sync to any groove template in any host sequencer.
MIDI Input:
Tattoo's MIDI implementation includes full MIDI learn for all parameters and MIDI pattern switching. You can also use MIDI note input in addition to or instead of Tattoo's internal sequencer, and still have access to the randomization features and MOD sequencing.
MIDI Output:
Tattoo sends MIDI output of all its note events, including randomization, so you can use its step sequencer to drive any other drum synth or sampler (or any instrument, really) as long as your host allows MIDI routing from a plug-in instrument.
Audio Outputs: Tattoo has six stereo outputs. The first buss has a modified version of the Kombinat "One Knob Compressor" to add a little (or a lot of) squish to things.
Install Directions:
1) Unzip, Unrar and install
2) Check \ArCADE dir
3) Enjoy
Thanks to Team ArCADE
Download Here: http://rapidshare.com/files/335413494/tatooshop.zip

Password: ozmosis

Audio Damage BigSeq2 PC.MAC


The six effect "Blocks" contain ten effects in total, and these Blocks can be re-arranged simply by dragging them, giving you full control over the routing of the effects. Each effect Block has a gate sequencer and a modulation sequencer. The gate sequencer turns that effect on and off (or in the case of the delay Block, activates the "send" control), while the modulation sequencer can affect any and all parameters in that block.
BigSeq2 Features:

Multiple Effects: Ten effects in six blocks, each with its own step sequencer, modulation sequencer, and time base.

Polyrhythmic: The gate and modulation sequencers for each effect block run on their own time-base, allowing different time signatures and step times for each effect.

Sequenced Effects: Each block has several parameters which can be altered via the modulation sequencer for that block.

Re-Routable: The effects blocks can be re-arranged in any order.

Independent And Random: Each sequencer has three independent modes of operation: forward, reverse, and random step. In addition, each of the twelve sequencers can be completely randomized at regular selectable intervals, for interesting modulation and gating possibilities.

Blocks: The included effects are VCA, pan, multi-mode filter, fuzz, sine warp, delay (with chorus and flanger modes), frequency shifter (also providing ring mod and phasing), sample rate reduction, bit depth, and our own "Error" effect.

MIDI Learn: Available MIDI Learn on all published parameters for external hardware control. (VST only.)

This product is available as a VST for Windows XP SP2 and Vista, and a VST/AU combined installer for OS X PPC and Intel. Note that the OS X versions require OS X 10.4.1 or later.

More info:


Audio Damage Tattoo VSTi AU v1 0 3 MAC OSX UB

For Mac

With twelve voices inspired by the famous X0X series of analog drum machines
and an internal sequencer that is second to none, Tattoo makes an excellent
addition to the arsenal for any electronic music producer.

Each of the twelve internal voices has been created using our proprietary D
-Plane synthesis, and each has been extensively tested and tuned in order to
have a broad palette. Every parameter of every voice has its own modulation
sequencer, allowing for extensive motion within a pattern.

The grid sequencer in Tattoo is a whole world unto itself, with comprehensive
randomization features and multiple sync modes, including a MIDI note sync to
enable use with virtually any time signature, groove template, or host swing.
The sequencer has MIDI out (VST only) to drive other sound sources, to double
or replace Tattoo's internal sounds.

In short, Tattoo is more than a simple drum synth; it is a complete rhythm
programming environment.

Tattoo Features:

12 Drum Synths: Tattoo comes equipped with twelve different voices, utilizing
our custom D-Plane synthesis, rather than the one general catch-all voice you
find in most drum synth plug-ins.

Sophisticated Step Sequencer: Tattoo's internal sequencer comes correct,
taking grid programming to the next level.

Randomization For Days: There are multiple routes to randomizing your beats,
from subtle ghost notes to full on haywire.

Parameter Sequencing: Every synth parameter (and we mean every one) has its
own sequencer, including randomization.

Synchronized: Tattoo can run off its internal sequencer, from host sync, or
via "note sync," where the sequencer can be stepped with MIDI notes. In this
way, Tattoo can run in any time signature you can come up with, or sync to any
groove template in any host sequencer.

MIDI Input: Tattoo's MIDI implementation includes full MIDI learn for all
parameters and MIDI pattern switching. You can also use MIDI note input in
addition to or instead of Tattoo's internal sequencer, and still have access
to the randomization features and MOD sequencing.

MIDI Output: Tattoo sends MIDI output of all its note events, including
randomization, so you can use its step sequencer to drive any other drum synth
or sampler (or any instrument, really) as long as your host allows MIDI
routing from a plug-in instrument.

Audio Outputs: Tattoo has six stereo outputs. The first buss has a modified
version of the Kombinat "One Knob Compressor" to add a little (or a lot of)
squish to things

Changes in v1.0.3

Flamming when changing patterns, fixed.

The reset note for MIDI Note Sync mode wasn't working correctly, now fixed.

Digital distortion from the cymbal sound for some Logic users, fixed.

General stability and CPU usage issues addressed.

Download Rapidshare

Download Uploading
Download AF.Audio.Damage.Tattoo.VSTi.AU.v1.0.3.MAC.OSX.UB-ArCADE.rar for free on uploading.com

Download Hotfile
Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: AF.Audio.Damage.Tattoo.VSTi.AU.v1.0.3.MAC.OSX.UB-ArCADE.rar

Audio Damage Fluid VST AU UB v1.1 MAC OSX UB

Audio Damage Fluid VST AU UB v1.1 MAC HAPPY NEW YEAR-PDS

File Size: 3.4 MB
Why do most software chorus plug-ins sound like crap? We can't answer that question, but we did the next best thing: we created one that doesn't.
Fluid is an analog-modeled chorus that, if we may be so bold, cleans the floor with the typical chorus that comes with your DAW. For subtle phasey widening and full-on modulation mayhem, it makes chorus a usable effect again, from giving pads a wide stereo stage to livening up stiff and static guitar parts.
NOTE: The OS X versions of this product require 10.4.1 or later.
Fluid Features:
» True stereo analog-modeled chorus effect
» Feedback control for extreme special effects
» Optimized for low CPU usage
» Full MIDI learn on every parameter for hardware control (VST version only)
Download Here: http://rapidshare.com/files/329926654/oil.zip

Password: ozmosis

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كاتب الموضوع : kamalmerhi المنتدى : برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx

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كاتب الموضوع : kamalmerhi المنتدى : برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx


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كاتب الموضوع : kamalmerhi المنتدى : برامج الهندسة الصوتية لنظام الماك Mac osx


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