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Antares AVOX EVO Bundle 3.00 VST

أحبة ليلاس أقدم لكم باك فلاتر من Antares Antares AVOX EVO Bundle 3.00 VST ntares AVOX EVO Bundle 3.00 VST HAPPY NEW YEAR | 96 MB From the company that

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قديم 02-01-10, 11:34 AM   المشاركة رقم: 1
شمس ليلاس

التسجيل: Mar 2006
العضوية: 3594
المشاركات: 825
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: سامي شمس عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 16



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المنتدى : المؤثرات الصوتية والفلاتر (DX,VST)
Jded Antares AVOX EVO Bundle 3.00 VST


Antares AVOX Bundle 3.00
أحبة ليلاس أقدم لكم باك فلاتر من Antares
Antares AVOX EVO Bundle 3.00 VST
Antares AVOX Bundle 3.00
ntares AVOX EVO Bundle 3.00 VST HAPPY NEW YEAR | 96 MB
From the company that revolutionized vocal production with Auto-Tune comes AVOX Evo - the newest generation of the Antares Vocal Toolkit. Now featuring Antares' seriously evolved Evo™ Voice Processing Technology, AVOX Evo combines ten state-of-the-art vocal processing modules to give you the power you need to create stunning vocal tracks in any musical style as well as design unique vocal effects for audio post-production applications.

New in AVOX Evo is the incorporation of Dr. Andy's groundbreaking Evo™ Voice Processing technology. First seen (and heard) in Auto-Tune Evo, the result is an entirely new level of sonic performance. With faster, more accurate pitch detection, smoother, artifact-free pitch shifting, and seamless, natural-sounding (if you want it to be) throat modeling, AVOX Evo plug-ins just work better. Leaving you free to focus on creating your music.

Other additions include redesigned user interfaces for the original five AVOX plug-ins, five integrated channels of our unique CHOIR Vocal Multiplier in Harmony Engine Evo, high-quality pitch shifting in THROAT Evo, tempo-synced alienization rate in MUTATOR Evo, and more.

And at a new, lower MSRP, AVOX Evo matches its unbeatable creative power with truly unbeatable value.

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