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الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية Romantic Novels Fourm، روايات رومانسية اجنبية

Brenda Hiatt

موضوع اليوم للمؤلفه Brenda Hiatt Brenda Hiatt is the author of ten novels, most of them set in her beloved Regency England. Currently, she's

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قديم 22-12-09, 12:49 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Aug 2007
العضوية: 35696
المشاركات: 4,609
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: liilas676 عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطliilas676 عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 128



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المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
Smile Brenda Hiatt


Brenda Hiatt

موضوع اليوم للمؤلفه

Brenda Hiatt
Brenda Hiatt

Brenda Hiatt is the author of ten novels, most of them set in her beloved Regency England. Currently, she's having great fun with her new "Saints of Seven Dials" series, of which Rogue's Honor is the first book. When she takes a break from the past, Brenda embraces the future by teaching writing classes on the internet. She has lived in Virginia, Texas, Hawaii, and South Carolina, and now resides with her husband and daughters in Indiana

Brenda Hiatt



عرض البوم صور liilas676  

قديم 22-12-09, 12:54 PM   المشاركة رقم: 2

التسجيل: Aug 2007
العضوية: 35696
المشاركات: 4,609
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: liilas676 عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطliilas676 عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 128



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كاتب الموضوع : liilas676 المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي A Rebellious Bride


A Rebellious Bride


How, without a moment's forethought, could stunning. Miss Quinn Peverill be engaged to be married to a man she barely knows? Lord Marcus Northrop is handsome and daring, and doubtless a prize for any willing maid. But all it takes is a small series of mishaps and a whiff of scandal, and suddenly this stranger is her groom-to-be!

Marcus cannot possibly marry! It would interfere with his life. Still, there is something to be said for this sensuous, headstrong lady -- and the desire she enflames within him simply cannot be ignored. What he doesn't know is that Quinn guards secrets of her own -- and shares with him a lust for perilous adventure. But will this passion be enough to join two dangerous double lives when neither Quinn nor Marcus dares to love?



الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: zip B_renda H_iatt - A Rebellious Bride.zip‏ (379.5 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 61)
عرض البوم صور liilas676  
قديم 22-12-09, 12:58 PM   المشاركة رقم: 3

التسجيل: Aug 2007
العضوية: 35696
المشاركات: 4,609
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: liilas676 عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطliilas676 عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 128



liilas676 غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : liilas676 المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي The Runaway Heiress


The Runaway Heiress


Dina Moore's only chance to claim her rightful inheritance before her ne'er-do-well brother gambles it away is to wed before she is twenty-five. But her scheme to marry a stranger in Scotland takes an interesting turn when she saves a naive young woman from a disastrous union with a fortune hunter -- and earns the gratitude of the lady's elegant, handsome brother.

Grant Turpin is eternally in the debt of the captivating redhead who saved his noble family from disgrace. He did not, however, anticipate that Dina would request his matrimonial vows as a reward -- a proposal the dashing man about town cannot honorably refuse. A wife is the last thing he wants, yet the delightful minx stirs his blood like no other woman has before. And strangely, the more independence Dina offers him, the less he desires it. Now it will take a special kind of seduction to turn this marriage of convenience into a true love match.



الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: zip The Runaway Heiress.zip‏ (263.6 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 48)
عرض البوم صور liilas676  
قديم 22-12-09, 01:01 PM   المشاركة رقم: 4

التسجيل: Aug 2007
العضوية: 35696
المشاركات: 4,609
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: liilas676 عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطliilas676 عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 128



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وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : liilas676 المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي Daring Deception


Daring Deception


Gavin Alexander, sixth Earl of Seabrooke, needed an heiress--fast! His newly acquired title came with a mountain of debts, and he was fast losing face with polite society. So when Thomas Chesterton offered his sister--and her fortune--to him in repayment of a gaming debt, Seabrooke thought his problems were over. Unfortunately, his betrothed, Miss Frederica Chesterton, was not one to go meekly to her fate.

In desperation, Frederica infiltrated Lord Seabrooke's household, posing as an assistant housekeeper. While there, she unearthed two disturbing discoveries. Lord Seabrooke was guarding a secret. And Frederica was close to losing her heart in spite of it!



الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: zip daring deception.zip‏ (156.2 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 52)
عرض البوم صور liilas676  
قديم 22-12-09, 01:05 PM   المشاركة رقم: 5

التسجيل: Aug 2007
العضوية: 35696
المشاركات: 4,609
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: liilas676 عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاطliilas676 عضو له عدد لاباس به من النقاط
نقاط التقييم: 128



liilas676 غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : liilas676 المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي Gabriella



She turned his consequence into his conscience

Gabriella Gordon knew that she would have to agree to a London Season sooner or later or her Society sister would plague her to death.

After only a few days in Town, the celebrated Duke of Ravenham came to call. It seemed that owing to the outcome of a wager, the duke was obliged to lend Gariella his escort and consequence.

Gabriella's sister was in raptures, but Gabriella most definitely was not. She was determined to be as difficult as possible but found that was easier said than done.



الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: zip Gabriella.zip‏ (167.3 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 38)
عرض البوم صور liilas676  
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books, brenda, brenda hiatt, brenda hiatt books, brenda hiatt novels, brenda hiatt romance books, brenda hiatt romance novels, brenda hiatt romance novels & books, hiatt, novels, novels & books, رومانسية, روايات, روايات أجنبية, روايات رومانسية, روايات رومانسية أجنبية, romance, romance books, romance novels, romance novels & books, قصص, قصص أجنبية, قصص رومانسية, قصص رومانسية أجنبية, كتب, كتب أجنبية, كتب رومانسية, كتب رومانسية أجنبية

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