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الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
About Sophia
Sophia Nash was born in Switzerland, raised in France and the United States, but says her heart resides in Regency England. Her ancestor, an infamous French admiral who traded epic cannon fire with the British Royal Navy, is surely turning in his grave.
Sophia snapshotShe is very sorry to say that she does not have a Master’s Degree in English literature, nor a PhD in English history, although she wishes she did. She has a mere Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, which is worthless when it comes to writing Historicals. Although she does admit, it helped tremendously when she was an award-winning Producer/Writer for PM Magazine and the CBS/WTVJ-Miami news division, and again when she produced live international programs for the European Division of Worldnet Television.
It came as little surprise to her family when she decided to focus on writing in 2000. An avid reader like her beloved father she was enchanted by the idea of a job that required reading and writing all day long. Plus there were added benefits: pajama dress code, ultimate authority over a make-believe world without being confined to a padded cell, and the ultimate “career” to trot out at almost any gathering, but alas, none of the millions à la J.K. Rowling.