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الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية Romantic Novels Fourm، روايات رومانسية اجنبية

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قديم 11-10-18, 06:49 PM   المشاركة رقم: 266
أجمل زهرة
مشرفة قسم الروايات الرومانسية الأجنبية

التسجيل: Jan 2015
العضوية: 288300
المشاركات: 4,213
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: أجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 490



أجمل زهرة غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Mai Ziyada المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي رد: Novels By Carole Mortimer


Wicked Deception
(Regency Sinners #4)
by Carole Mortimer

Maximillian Smythe, the Earl of Carlton, is the fourth of the eight gentlemen, known as The Sinners, tasked with proving or disproving the guilt of a lady in Society as being a spy for Napoleon, and a traitor to the English Crown.
The lady Maxim is to investigate is his young and beautiful widowed stepmother, Lady Heather Smythe, the Dowager Countess of Carlton.
Maxim remembers Heather as being passionate and wild as the rugged Cornish coastline where she resides with her young son. Ralph is Maxim's half-brother and his heir since their father died eighteen months ago.
Heather is far from pleased when her arrogant stepson, Maxim Smythe, arrives at Treganon House for an unexpected visit. She is only too well aware of the contempt Maxim has for her. As she holds less than fond memories of him.
From the moment of Maxim's arrival, they treat each other with suspicion.
Heather believes Maxim, a friend of the Prince Regent, to be in Cornwall to investigate the smuggling in the area. Something her family has been involved in for several centuries.
Maxim knows Heather is hiding something, but he is unsure if it is her role as a spy for the imprisoned usurper, Napoleon, or something else.
While the turbulent seas roil and crash in the cove beneath Treganon House, the desire and passion Maxim and Heather once shared flares back into life, and this time refuses to be extinguished.
Author's Note: All the books in the very sexy Regency Sinners series are complete and HEA stories. The stories are connected by the friendship of the eight heroes.



الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar Wicked Deception - Carole Mortimer.rar‏ (168.0 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 18)
عرض البوم صور أجمل زهرة   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-10-18, 06:52 PM   المشاركة رقم: 267
أجمل زهرة
مشرفة قسم الروايات الرومانسية الأجنبية

التسجيل: Jan 2015
العضوية: 288300
المشاركات: 4,213
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: أجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 490



أجمل زهرة غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Mai Ziyada المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي رد: Novels By Carole Mortimer


Wicked Captive
(Regency Sinners #5)
by Carole Mortimer

Lord Jericho Black, the Marquis of Wessex, is not looking forward to the visit of his ward, Lady Jocelyn Forbes, to his Devonshire home.

Jocey is not actually Jericho's ward but his father's. But as his father lives permanently in Scotland, and is considered to be eccentric by polite members of Society and more than a little strange by the majority, Jericho has taken it upon himself to act as Jocey's guardian in his father's stead these past three years.

A bachelor of five and thirty, Jericho finds the role of guardian to a young lady difficult enough at the best of times, but finding himself charged with the unpleasant duty of proving or disproving whether Jocey is guilty of treason, is going to make this visit even more taxing than usual.

Jocey is looking forward to seeing and being with Lord Jericho Black again, the man she has secretly been in love with since he became her guardian when she reached the age of eighteen. She is no longer that gauche and awkward young girl, and she is determined Jericho will now see her as a desirable woman, and worthy of his attention.

From the moment Jocey arrives in Devon, even more beautiful than Jericho remembers her to be, and possessed of the sophistication and confidence of a woman who knows her own mind, Jericho quickly realizes it is not irritation he now feels toward Jocey but desire. A desire he is finding it more and more difficult to resist.

When Jericho receives the shocking news of one close friend's unexpected death, and the serious injury of another, it becomes imperative he learn the truth as quickly as possible, so as to avoid more blood being shed.

Even if it requires Jericho make Jocey his prisoner and seduce the truth from her.



الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar Wicked Captive - Carole Mortimer.rar‏ (172.8 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 46)
عرض البوم صور أجمل زهرة   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-10-18, 06:55 PM   المشاركة رقم: 268
أجمل زهرة
مشرفة قسم الروايات الرومانسية الأجنبية

التسجيل: Jan 2015
العضوية: 288300
المشاركات: 4,213
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: أجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 490



أجمل زهرة غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Mai Ziyada المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي رد: Novels By Carole Mortimer


Wicked Temptation
(Regency Sinners #6)
by Carole Mortimer

Pru would never forgive Lord Titus Covington, Viscount Romney, for the lies and deceit which had resulted in the death of the person she loved most in the world.

She might not forgive him, but she would use him, in whatever way she saw fit, in order to seek out a murderer. Quite what she would do once she had that murderer in her clutches she had no idea, but she would hunt them down.

Titus knew he had behaved unforgivably as far as Lady Prudence Germaine was concerned. Deceived her. Lied to her. By omission, if in no other way.

But when Pru makes it clear she intends to find her beloved’s murderer he has no choice but to assist her. Indeed, he finds he doesn’t want to have a choice.

Because what had started out as a deception to him has become a reality. As far as Titus is concerned, at least.

He is now tempted by and desires Pru with a hunger that only her complete physical and emotional surrender will satisfy.



الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar Wicked Temptation - Carole Mortimer.rar‏ (422.4 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 31)
عرض البوم صور أجمل زهرة   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-10-18, 06:58 PM   المشاركة رقم: 269
أجمل زهرة
مشرفة قسم الروايات الرومانسية الأجنبية

التسجيل: Jan 2015
العضوية: 288300
المشاركات: 4,213
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: أجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 490



أجمل زهرة غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Mai Ziyada المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي رد: Novels By Carole Mortimer


Wicked Sinner
(Regency Sinners #7)
by Carole Mortimer

When Nik’s own wife is the last of eight ladies suspected of treason, he knows he can delay no longer and has to investigate the accusation. After all, he is Dominik Sinclair, the Duke of Stonewell, and has long been an agent and spymaster for the Crown.

But he’ll carry out the investigation in his own way. A way that Angel knows well and will understand is not a game.

Angelique knows there is something seriously wrong with the marriage that began so promisingly three years ago. She still loves Nik as much as she ever did but his increasing coldness toward her over this past year seems to indicate he no longer feels the same way about her.

When he arrives unexpectedly at his estate in Kent, where Angelique has been residing with her mother since the end of the London Season, he is colder than he has ever been. Leading Angelique to the heart breaking conclusion their marriage is over and Nik must now have a mistress to cater to his darker, sexual appetites.

She denies it emphatically when Nik accuses her of treason, but her husband has his own ways and means of extracting information from her.

Usually on her knees.



الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar Wicked Sinner (Regency Sinners - Carole Mortimer.rar‏ (178.3 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 34)
عرض البوم صور أجمل زهرة   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 11-10-18, 08:27 PM   المشاركة رقم: 270
أجمل زهرة
مشرفة قسم الروايات الرومانسية الأجنبية

التسجيل: Jan 2015
العضوية: 288300
المشاركات: 4,213
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: أجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداعأجمل زهرة عضو على طريق الابداع
نقاط التقييم: 490



أجمل زهرة غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : Mai Ziyada المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي رد: Novels By Carole Mortimer


(Dragon Hearts #3)
by Carole Mortimer

To say Brynis reluctant when his sister-in-law, Chloe, asks him to act as bodyguard to her friend, is an understatement. As a fifteen-hundred-year-old dragon shifter, very close to becoming feral, he prefers to stay as far away from humans as possible. But none of the Pendragon brothers can resist Chloe when she looks at them with those big blue eyes. Including Bryn.
Tegan doesn’t know what to make of the taciturn grouch her friend Chloe has asked to accompany her to New York as her bodyguard. Yes, Tegan’s ex-boyfriend is being a creepy stalker, and she appreciates Chloe’s concern. But that doesn’t change the fact Chloe’s brother-in-law, Bryn, is rude, arrogant, and totally overbearing.

He’s also hot as hell, and just being around him makes Tegan’s panties wet!

Bryn can’t seem to resist her either, and it isn’t long before the passion between the two of them blazes hot and strong. Even so, Tegan senses he’s hiding something, she just has no idea what that something is.

Can Bryn keep Tegan safe from her ex-boyfriend?

More importantly, should Tegan really allow herself to fall in love with Bryn, a man so intensely sexual neither she nor her heart have any defences against him?



الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: rar Bryn (Dragon Hearts 3) - Carole Mortimer.rar‏ (157.2 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 16)
عرض البوم صور أجمل زهرة   رد مع اقتباس
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