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الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية Romantic Novels Fourm، روايات رومانسية اجنبية

Christina Carlisle

BEST SELLING AUTHOR! Christina Carlisle has a lifestyle as passionate and dramatic as the stories she writes. She mingles with the Showbiz elite and as an International Ambassador for

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قديم 15-01-11, 05:12 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Mar 2010
العضوية: 157800
المشاركات: 119
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: nono29 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 17



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المنتدى : الروايات الرومانسية الاجنبية
افتراضي Christina Carlisle



Christina Carlisle has a lifestyle as passionate and dramatic as the stories she writes. She mingles with the Showbiz elite and as an International Ambassador for Variety - the Children's Charity, has worked with some of the most influential people around the world. She is Public Relations Practitioner and also a University Lecturer. Christina lives life in the fast lane and has succeeded in many fields but her main passion is writing , being a best selling and multi-published author. Christina is delighted to welcome you to her website.

I’m so pleased you have taken the time to visit.

It is with pleasure that I tell you a little about myself and how I became a romance author.I was born in North Devon in the UK, which is one of the loveliest places on earth, not too far from the rugged hills of Dartmoor or the gentle Lorna Doone country of Exmoor.I have two elder brothers, Keith who still resides in Devon and David, who lives in Melbourne, Australia. Both are married with grown up families. My mother died when I was a teenager and my father died in 2004.

To say I have had a lot of jobs would be a gross understatement! Also, I have moved house a great number of times. (I promise I’m not on the run from the law). So, to detail all of this information would take up pages of this web site and most likely bore you senseless. Suffice to say, you can divide my career to this point into four areas from when I began as a civil engineering drafter, progressing to the owning and running of hotels and restaurants, followed by several years as a public relations practitioner in the health industry until now – as a romance and crime author. Sprinkle this with such jobs as a flight attendant, horse riding instructor and university lecturer – and you’re getting close to knowing all about me.

I moved to Australia after a shattered engagement (that story will make a good book sometime) and became a flight attendant for an Australia airline, which based me in Adelaide, South Australia.

I met my husband Peter not long afterwards and we fell in love and were married within three months – way to go Peter was a ballroom dancing teacher and literally swept me off my feet! We have one daughter, Jodie, who is a Human Relations Consultant. Over the years Peter and I, with Jodie, of course, have moved many times but mainly called Adelaide home. I am an avid traveller and I’ve put a few notes together about some of my adventures (see Travel link), and how they connect with the books I have written. Being blessed with a romantic soul, I have always read copious amounts of romance novels and about ten years ago, decided to write a book of my own. Yes – easier said than done. I can hear you laughing but I was determined and thanks to a lot of encouragement and guidance from my agent and learning through many, many rejection letters, I had my first book “The Fire Within” accepted by a Canadian publisher in April 2003. I was off and running! Since that time, I have had fourteen more books published, (see Book List for details). I count myself so lucky to have had such a variety of careers that have gradually drawn me towards this wonderful time in my life – to the world of writing. Thank you for joining me.

Christina Carlisle



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