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الافلام الوثائقية - Documentary films افلام الجزيره الوثائقة والكثير من الافلام الوثائقة المنوعه

صيادوا القردة The Monkey Hunters

I do not own this video,for education purposes only : "In the dry season in Tarangire National Park, hungry lions take to hunting baboons, but they soon learn that the

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قديم 16-10-13, 04:06 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Oct 2013
العضوية: 260066
المشاركات: 1
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: المدريفغ عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



المدريفغ غير متواجد حالياً
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المنتدى : الافلام الوثائقية - Documentary films
Thanks صيادوا القردة The Monkey Hunters


I do not own this video,for education purposes only : "In the dry season in Tarangire National Park, hungry lions take to hunting baboons, but they soon learn that the baboons' tusks can easily turn the hunted into the hunter" Lions rarely hunt baboons. These large monkeys are armed with dangerous teeth, they are hard to catch and usually not worth the risk or effort. But there is one place in Africa's Great Rift Valley where baboons are plentiful and lions have learned to catch them.

The river in Tarangire National Park in Tanzania never runs dry. During the dry season, herds of animals come to the river to drink. It is a time of plenty for predators, but when it rains on the surrounding plains, the herds abandon Tarangire. Then the predators have only the resident animals to hunt. Desperation forces the lions to target the large troops of baboons that sleep well out of reach of hungry cats but, during the heat of the day, are vulnerable to attack.

To survive at ground level, the baboons join forces with their neighbours, including impala and banded mongooses, so there are many eyes on the look out for danger. But when hunger sharpens the senses, the predators learn how to ambush the baboons... as they turn into 'Monkey Hunters'. As the land dries out, the herds wander back to the river and the time of hardship will be over for the lions. The pressure is off the baboons, but with the Monkey Hunters about, they must always be vigilant.



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