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العودة   منتديات ليلاس > الطرب والاغاني > الأغاني الأجنبيه English Songs > كلمات الاغاني الاجنبية

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كلمات الاغاني الاجنبية Lyrics Of English Song Words

كلمات أغاني ل backstreet boys اللي يجننوا

:liilas:اخترت كلمات بعض الأغاني ل باك ستريت بويز إن شاالله تعجبكم inconsolable I close the door Like so many times, so many times before Filmed like

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نسخ الرابط
نسخ للمنتديات
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 25-03-08, 09:22 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1

التسجيل: Mar 2008
العضوية: 67152
المشاركات: 9
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: musicf1 عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



musicf1 غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : كلمات الاغاني الاجنبية
افتراضي كلمات أغاني ل backstreet boys اللي يجننوا


backstreet boysاخترت كلمات بعض الأغاني ل باك ستريت بويز
إن شاالله تعجبكم

backstreet boys

I close the door
Like so many times, so many times before
Filmed like a scene on the cutting room floor
I wanna let you walk away tonight without a word

I try to sleep, yeah
But the clock is stuck on thoughts of you and me
A thousand more regrets unraveling, OOoh
if you were here right now
I swear, I'd tell you this

Baby I don't wanna waste another day
Keepin it inside, it's killing me
Cause all I ever wanted comes right down to you (to you)
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you, every time you leave
I'm inconsolable

I climb the walls, yeah
I can see the edge,
But I can't take the fall, no
I've memorized the number
So why can't I make the call?
Maybe cause I know you'll always be with me
In the possibility

Baby I don't wanna waste another day
Keepin it inside, it's killing me
Cause all I ever wanted comes right down to you (to you)
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you, every time you leave
I'm inconsolable

No, no, no

I don't wanna be like this
I just wanna let you know
That everything I hold in
Is everything I can't let go (oooh, can't let go)


BABY, I don't wanna waste another day
Keepin it inside, it's killing me
Cause all I ever wanted comes right down to you (to you)
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you, every time you leave
I'm inconsolable

Don't you know it baby
I don't wanna waste another day
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you, every time you leave
I'm inconsolable

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oooh, I'm inconsolable
Whoaa yeah yeah OoOoH
I'm inconsolable...

backstreet boys
Show me the meaning of being lonely

Show me the meaning of being lonely

So many words for the broken heart
It's hard to see in a crimson love
So hard to breathe
Walk with me, and maybe
Nights of light so soon become
Wild and free I could feel the sun
Your every wish will be done
They tell me

Show me the meaning of being lonely
Is this the feeling I need to walk with
Tell me why
I can't be there where you are
There's something missing in my heart

Life goes on as it never ends
Eyes of stone observe the trends
They never say forever gaze upon me
Guilty roads to an endless love (Endless love)
There's no control
Are you with me now
Your every wish will be done
They tell me

Show me the meaning of being lonely
Is this the feeling I need to walk with
(Tell me why) Tell me why
I can't be there where you are
There's something missing in my heart

There's nowhere to run
I have no place to go
Surrender my heart, body and soul
How can it be
You're asking me
To feel the things you never show

You are missing in my heart
Tell me why can’t I be there where you are

Show me the meaning of being lonely
Is this the feeling I need to walk with]
(Tell me why)Tell me why
I can't be there where you are (Where you are)
There's something missing in my heart

You are missing in my heart

Show me the meaning of being lonely (Being lonely)
Is this the feeling I need to walk with
(Tell me why) Tell me why (Tell me why)
I can't be there where you are (Where you are)
There's something missing in my heart

backstreet boys
Never gone

I really miss you
There's something that I gotta say

The things we did, the things we said
Keep coming back to me and make me smile again
You showed me how to face the truth
Everything that's good in me I owe to you

Though the distance that's between us
Now may seem to be too far
It will never seperate us
Deep inside I know you are

Never gone, never far
In my heart is where you are
Always close, everyday
Every step along the way
Even though for now we've gotta say goodbye
I know you will be forever in my life (yeah)
Never gone

No no no
I walk alone these empty streets
There is not a second you're not here with me
The love you gave, the grace you've shown
Will always give me strength and be my cornerstone

Somehow you found a way
To see the best I have in me
As long as time goes on
I swear to you that you will be

Never gone, never far
In my heart is where you are
Always close (always close)
Everyday (everyday)
Every step along the way
Even though for now we've gotta say goodbye
I know you will be forever in my life (in my life yeah)

Never gone from me
If there's one thing I believe (I believe)
I will see you somewhere down the road again

Never gone, never far
In my heart is where you are
Always close (always close)
Everyday (everyday)
Every step along the way
Even though for now we've gotta say goodbye (yeah yeah)
I know you will be forever in my life (in my life)

Never gone, never far
In my heart (in my heart is where) is where you are (you are)
Always close, everyday
Every step along the way

Never gone, never far
In my heart is where you are


Empty spaces fill me up with holes
Distant faces with no place left to go
Without you within me I can’t find no rest
Where I’m going is anybody’s guess

I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you
I’m awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete

Voices tell me I should carry on
But I am swimming in an ocean all alone
Baby, my baby
It’s written on your face
You still wonder if we made a big mistake

I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you
I’m awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete

I don’t mean to drag it on, but I can’t seem to let you go
I don’t wanna make you face this world alone
I wanna let you go (alone)

I’ve tried to go on like I never knew you
I’m awake but my world is half asleep
I pray for this heart to be unbroken
But without you all I’m going to be is incomplete


إن شاالله المرة الجاية أختار كلمات أغاني ل blue
, و اللي تطلبوه منها إن شالله أقدر أجيبه



عرض البوم صور musicf1   رد مع اقتباس

قديم 25-03-08, 10:05 PM   المشاركة رقم: 2
عضو راقي

التسجيل: Jul 2006
العضوية: 9021
المشاركات: 7,244
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: mesho عضو على طريق التحسين
نقاط التقييم: 71



mesho غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : musicf1 المنتدى : كلمات الاغاني الاجنبية


وااااااو الأغاني حلوه ... كل وحده أحلا من الثانية ...

انا احبهمم :)

شكرررا اختي و بانتظار جديدك :)



عرض البوم صور mesho   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 25-03-08, 10:38 PM   المشاركة رقم: 3
سندريلا ليلاس

التسجيل: Aug 2006
العضوية: 11023
المشاركات: 5,556
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: darla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عاليdarla عضو ذو تقييم عالي
نقاط التقييم: 758



darla غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : musicf1 المنتدى : كلمات الاغاني الاجنبية


رجعت لأيام زمااااااااان ... أيام ما كنت مجنونة ب A.J.

يعطيك العافية ...



عرض البوم صور darla   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 21-04-08, 07:15 PM   المشاركة رقم: 4

التسجيل: Apr 2008
العضوية: 72205
المشاركات: 112
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: AL7ayrana عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



AL7ayrana غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : musicf1 المنتدى : كلمات الاغاني الاجنبية


تسلمييييييييييييييييين يالغلا



عرض البوم صور AL7ayrana   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 15-07-08, 01:50 AM   المشاركة رقم: 5
زهرة الجاردينيا
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Dec 2007
العضوية: 58432
المشاركات: 403
الجنس أنثى
معدل التقييم: زهرة الجاردينيا عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 11



زهرة الجاردينيا غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

كاتب الموضوع : musicf1 المنتدى : كلمات الاغاني الاجنبية


شكرا يسلموا على المجهود



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