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Top Gear S12 DVDRip XviD-NODLABS

The 12th series of Top Gear contained eight episodes, and premiered on 2nd November 2008, with the usual presenting team of Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May and The Stig.

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قديم 21-01-10, 01:34 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
ليلاس متالق

التسجيل: Nov 2009
العضوية: 152230
المشاركات: 1,252
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: mazar عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 10



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المنتدى : الارشيف
افتراضي Top Gear S12 DVDRip XviD-NODLABS



The 12th series of Top Gear contained eight episodes, and premiered on 2nd November 2008, with the usual presenting team of Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May and The Stig. Clarkson was injured while filming the series, after crashing a lorry through a brick wall at 56 mph in the first episode?s HGV challenge. The running joke regarding the Dacia Sandero continues from series 11, with the alteration that Clarkson is now the one making the announcement with feigned enthusiasm, to utter indifference from May (instead of vice versa). Each news segment also features one of the hosts wearing something unusual, like slippers or a garishly patterned shirt. The only reference to this is that one of the other hosts will, at some point in the segment, ask if they?re wearing it for a bet. The Stig, instead of listening to music during power laps, now listens to morse code. The final episode, the Top Gear: Vietnam Special, aired two weeks after the rest of the series as part of the BBC?s Christmas lineup. The series was promptly followed by The Best Of Top Gear 2008, four compilation shows covering the best bits from series 11 and 12.

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