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Image Line Harmless VSTi 1.0.0

أحبة ليلاس الأفاضل أقدم لكم المولود الجديد لــ Image Line انه بلانغ انز Image Line Harmless VSTi 1.0.0 في أول ظهرو و أول نسخة له أتمنى أن ينال اعجابكم Image

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قديم 20-12-09, 04:47 PM   المشاركة رقم: 1
سامي شمس
شمس ليلاس

التسجيل: Mar 2006
العضوية: 3594
المشاركات: 825
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: سامي شمس عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 16



سامي شمس غير متواجد حالياً
وسائل الإتصال:

المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي
Jded Image Line Harmless VSTi 1.0.0


Image Line Harmless VSTi 1.0.0

أحبة ليلاس الأفاضل أقدم لكم المولود الجديد لــ Image Line
انه بلانغ انز Image Line Harmless VSTi 1.0.0
في أول ظهرو و أول نسخة له أتمنى أن ينال اعجابكم
Image Line Harmless VSTi 1.0.0
Image Line Harmless VSTi 1.0.0 | 8.47 MB

Harmless is an additive synthesizer doing subtractive synthesis. Or if you prefer, a subtractive synthesizer powered by an additive synthesis engine. You may ask: why? For several reasons. To begin with, there are too many subtractive synthesizers already, often bragging about being virtual analog. This one is digital, and proud to be. Everything is fake, the tone generator, th filter & its resonance, the phaser, all performed on the harmonics, before partials are computed. Now, how it's synthesized shouldn't matter after all, if the result sounds subtractive. But Harmless is more than a proof of concept, it allows fine control that wouldn't be possible through classic subtractive synthesis. Filtering and phasing can be assigned unusual shapes & slopes, something normally only possible through offline digital filters. Filter slopes can even be defined in Hz instead of octaves. Finally, you get control on each partial's frequency, creating timbres definitely impossible using common synthesis methods.

Harmless, for less harmonics
Again, Harmless is additive doing subtractive. Harmonics are not produced to be filtered, the timbre is filtered before being generated. This may sound like a detail, but generating sounds this way offers a lot more advantages than drawbacks.

Not necessarily less efficient
Powered by a highly optimized, multithreaded additive engine, CPU usage is comparable to the one of traditional subtractive synthesizers, especially for low-passed timbres. Voices may be generating hundreds of harmonics in parallel and still not overload the CPU.

Because less is more
Harmless was limited by design. We don't have any problem with complex synthesizers (we made several), but they're not for everyone. Here, no tabs, no hidden controls, no multipoint envelopes, all features are visible at once, and color-grouped. Over 100 parameters, most of which being automatable, are laid over a clear GUI.

Harmless, only in appearance
Simpler to program, yet packed with evil features. Under the hood, you will find unique options, like linking the phaser's output to partials frequencies. The LFO section can act as a special modulation source, linking the phaser's width to the velocity, or the pitch to the filter's envelope. Of course, Harmless also offers features typically unique to additive synthesis, like its automatable harmonic mask.

Harmless is also packed with effects, the usual chorus, delay & reverb, but also a multiband compressor/limiter powered by Maximus itself. It also inherited the powerful unison from Sytrus. In conclusion, our goal was to create a subtractive synthesizer with a unique twist, that also was easy to program, and we believe it succeeded.

NOTE: Harmless is some time Harmful and some DAW cannot recall Cutoff Frequency parameter. I think Image-Line will fix soon, as always. FLi was not tested. According to the WebSite, [The VSTi version doesn't seem to unlock yet. FL version works fine ] So we've only cracked a VSTi version of it.

Our Santa girls were compressed with presents. Hope someone use expander to fix them. Do not equalize their body line, please use limitter to you :)
روابط التحميل
RapidShare.com: Download
HotFile.com: Download
Uploaded.to: Download



عرض البوم صور سامي شمس   رد مع اقتباس

قديم 21-12-09, 01:18 PM   المشاركة رقم: 2
عضو ماسي

التسجيل: Feb 2008
العضوية: 62853
المشاركات: 293
الجنس ذكر
معدل التقييم: E_MIXMAR عضو بحاجه الى تحسين وضعه
نقاط التقييم: 12



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كاتب الموضوع : سامي شمس المنتدى : برامـج الهندسة الصـوتية والتوزيع الموسيقي


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