أحبة ليلاس الأفاضل لقد تم اصدار النسخة التاسعة من برنامج FL Studio
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Studio 9 what's new
1. New playlist section.
2. Added slots for MIDI effects and Playlist Audio effects
3. New freezing tracks
4. Full multicore support
5. New browser snap, now hide its posible.
6. New MIDI delay compensation.
7. Packs of generator and effects (free & demo)
1. New playlist section.
Studio 9 now can use (
and hide individually) three different playlist. Two of them are the classic �Pattern PlayList� and �Free PlayList�. The new playlist is the �Track Based Playlist�. You can route the track to the desired FL
Studio Mixer insert channel. Also you can record in them as a classic secuencer.
2. Added slots for effects (Playlist Effects)
The track based playlist can host up 4 Midi Effects and 4 Audio Effects. You can switch them with the MFX and AFX buttons. Red buttons mean that there are effects added.
3. Freeze
Studio can freeze individual tracks from �Track Based Playlist� using the F button.
You can move the patterns, delete them or add new audio effects because the patterns are freezed individually (with their time based track effects too (not the mixer effects), but you cannot see their tails)
But you cannot add midi effects, or delete/change any effects, or change the patterns, because the Playlist Effects are freezed too.
Freezed tracks are in blue.
4. Full multicore support
Studio support multicore processors for every generator and effect.
5. New Browser snap
Now you can hide the folders in browser. So you can have a �real plugin organizer� in a Snap, all the sample folder in another snap... etc
6. MIDI delay compensation
MIDI Out, Dashboard and FL Synthmaker can delay the out MIDI messages, now you can use hardware synth in perfect sync with your song/loop.
7. Packs of generator and effects
blablablablablabalbal New effect for external hardware effects device blablbablablabla