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tasniem90 03-07-12 08:22 PM

Book Title Request
i was reading a story a couple of days ago, however unfortunately i had to format my laptop and i didn't finish reading the story.
the thing is i forgot the name of the story so if anyone can help me by telling me the name, i would be very grateful

its starts of with the herione being a waitress and she meets the hero at a gathering which she
is waitressing in. She just broke of with her boyfriend and she starts silently crying while working. He is the only one who notices that she is crying and goes to her. He turns out to be a prince or royalty .

i know thats so little but i appreciate if any can help m
Thanks alooot guys

neimat 03-07-12 11:30 PM

Hi tasniem, hope you're well dear.
The book you're asking about is Prince's Waitress Wife by Sarah Morgan
you'll find it in Novels by Sarah Morgan Here is the link

tasniem90 04-07-12 04:31 PM

hi neima
neima dear your a life savour :D
3anjad ur the best ..
thanks aloot :)

neimat 04-07-12 08:14 PM

You're welcome my dear
I am like you, I always forget the names of books
I can remember the story to it's last details but never the title :D:D:D:D
I was lucky with this one because i really really like it

katia.q 03-01-13 08:28 PM

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