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الجنية السمراء 18-08-10 05:01 AM

Jane Corrie

Jane Corrie

As an author for Harlequin Romance, Jane Corrie published 22 novels. She published primarily in the late 1970s and early 1980s.


الجنية السمراء 18-08-10 05:05 AM

Green Paddocks
1 مرفق

Green Paddocks
A novel by

Jane Corrie

Her home, Green Paddocks, meant more than anything in the world to Holly Drew. Unfortunately, the maddening Hayes Chester was the one who made it possible for her to live there, so she would just have to put up with him and his autocratic ways as best she could. But how Holly wished people wouldn't keep thinking she was romantically interested in him. She wasn't, she wasn't!

الجنية السمراء 18-08-10 05:09 AM

The Bahamian Pirate
1 مرفق

The Bahamian Pirate
A novel by

Jane Corrie

Serena did not see any particular harm in pretending to be the granddaughter of nice old Mrs. Tonetti. But that was before she had crossed swords with the indomitable Jordan Kerr. Deeply suspicious of the whole thing, he was clearly not going to leave Serena in peace!

nono29 18-08-10 05:13 AM

thnx sweatie yeslamoo eidiki

ran-nag06 18-08-10 02:41 PM

thanks ithink she's agreat aurther but she dont have alot books on the net i searsh like mad for her books i only found grean baddocks ,the texas rancher
i dnot know how to post url of the texas rancher it;s in epub format
thank you for The Bahamian Pirate youmade me very happy please if you find any other books by jane corrie post them

الساعة الآن 09:01 AM.

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