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Jennifer Taylor
http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p.../hello/198.gif هالو بنات المنتدى الغالي اليكم المؤلفة Jennifer Taylor لها روايات بالعربي كثييير بس أكذب عليكم لو قرأت لها بالعربي بس بالأنجلش قرأت كم رواية و حازت على أعجابي قبل لا أنسى اللي عندها ......... sommanha :lol: :lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol: |
About Jennifer Taylor
http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/3/17813.jpg :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: About Jennifer Taylor :rfb04470::rfb04470::rfb04470: Jennifer Taylor was born on January 1, 1949 in England. She is Chartered Librarian and worked for many years in research. After the birth of her son, she took a part time job in a public library where she discovered Mills & Boon Romance novels. She had never read any romance novels until then but she was immediately hooked on the genre. The more books she read, the more she wanted to try writing one herself. The result was "Final score" published in September 1988. She then went on to write a further twenty books for the Presents and Tender series and might have continued writing for them if she hadn't "discovered" Medical Romances when she was browsing through the bookshelves in her local supermarket one day. She was instantly captivated by these fast-paced stories. The blend of modern medicine with a heart-warming romance is an unbeatable combination. She was so taken with the series, in fact, that she decided to try writing a Medical Romance of her own and in 1998 "Take one bachelor" was published. Now that her family has grown up, Jennifer lives with her husband Bill in a small village in the north-west of England. When not writing or doing research for her latest book, Jennifer's hobbies include reading, travel and walking her dog. :liilase: :liilas::liilas: :8_4_134: |
Jennifer Taylor - Rachel's Child
1 مرفق
:flowers2: :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: الرواية لطيفة و حلوة Jennifer Taylor - Rachel's Child Her lie came back to haunt her. Ten years ago Rachel and Stephen had had an affair -- the result was little Jamie. For reasons of her own, Rachel had told Stephen that Jamie was someone else's child. But when Rachel finally admitted Stephen was the father, he wouldn't believe her. He was convinced Rachel was a conniving, scheming woman who would go to any lengths to get what she wanted -- and she appeared to want Stephen. Perhaps it wasn't a case of what Rachel wanted at all but what Jamie needed -- a dad! :55::55::55:sommanha http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/im...20/n102592.jpg :friends: :friends::friends::friends: :friends::friends::friends::friends::friends: :8_4_134: |
thanks ya a7la soso..she really has so many translated novels, though i cant remember if I've read any ;)
:flowers2: :flowers2: i |
Jennifer Taylor - Chase a Dream
1 مرفق
:flowers2: Jennifer Taylor - Chase a Dream Stephie had had enough. Everywhere she turned Logan Ford loomed. First he accused her of flirting with him and then he had the audacity te suggest she was meddling when all she wanted was to help little Jess. She pitied the little girl, having such an overbearing oaf of a father. And then she had to eat her words - because she had to spend the next five weeks with him. How would she do it...? :flowers2::flowers2: :flowers2: http://www.liillas.com/up2//uploads/...d239ccd3b3.jpg |
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