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النسخة الانجليزية من روايات عبير وأحلام
http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...15dbacdcda.gif http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...962a574d53.gif مرحبا للجمييييييييييييييييييييع طبعا جاءت إجازة الصيف و خلصت الدراسة http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...d29376f51d.gif و جاءت لي فكرة أعمل الموضوع دا .. روايات أحلام وعبير بالنسخة الإنجليزية ... طبعا الموجودة في المنتدى ... وكل الشكر و التقدير للعضوات إللي عام ينزلوا الروايات وإللي كتبوا أسماء الروايات فساعدونا وفي دا الموضوع ح أحط أسماء و أرقام الروايات بالنسخة العربية و ممكن تأخذوا من منتدى الروايات المصورة لأم دودي هنا و الإنجليزية (ح أنزلها في المرفق) أنا احترت كثير ارتب الموضوع حسب إيه في النهاية قررت حسب الكاتبات يللا نبدأ روايات أحلام http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...15dbacdcda.gif |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...e4f155e2e3.gif 259 ... أميرة الخيال ..........The Sweetest Revenge 319 ... ذكرى ....... the honeymoon contract 412 ... لن أكون لعبتك ........ The Playboy Boss's Chosen Bride :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...d752deb8cc.gif 342 ... دقات على باب القدر ....... The Determined Virgin :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...fc06f0a27f.gif 276 ... قلب فوق البركان _The blackmail baby_ بيني جوردان 213 ... لم أعد طفلة _Unwanted wedding_ بيني جوردان 237 ... عاصفة الصمت _the Demetrios virgin_ بيني جوردان :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...ba61a05159.gif 219 ... صديقان و شيء ما _A most eligible bachelor _ جيسيكا ستيل 235 ... دمعتان و وردة _The bachelors bargain_ جيسيكا ستيل 343 ... غرقت في بحر الشوق _ A Paper Marriage_ جيسيكا ستيل :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...04c7931f3a.gif 252 ... غلبها الحب _ A bride for barra creek_جيسيكا هارت :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...49678d7a32.gif 279 ... ذكريات بلا ندم _Claiming his wife_ديانا هاميلتون 331 ... دون قيد أو شرط _ The Italian's Trophy Mistress _ ديانا هاميلتون :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...fcfbeb9ce8.gif 199 ... ومضيء طائر العمر ....... The hired husband ..... كيت والكر سلسلة Alcolar Family 374 ... عاصفة في قلب _ The Spaniard's inconvenient wife _ كيت والكر 381 ... الانتقام الأخير _Bound by Blackmail_ كيت والكر هذي الرواية تبع السلسلة ما تم ترجمتها the Twelve-month Mistress :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
4 مرفق
http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...e61ac2ac36.gif 345 ... دخان ورمال _ The Secretary's Seduction _ جين بورتر سلسلة The Princess Brides 366 ... عروس الصقر _The Sultan's Bought Bride_ جين بورتر 383 ... همسات الندم The Italian's Virgin Princess_ جين بورتر وهذي رواية الأخت الثالث Jane Porter - The Greek's Royal Mistres :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...bb60782ab0.gif 272 ... ويبقى السؤال _master of maramba_مارغريت واي 270 ... قلب في أمرأتين __Cennl‘s dilemma_مارغريت واي 330 ... الهدية _ Mistaken Mistress _ مارغريت واي 388 ... قلب من رصاص _Outback Surrender _ مارغريت واي :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...215b1b0ace.gif 402 ... خذ الماضي و ارحل _Her Husband's Christmas Bargain_ مارغريت مايو :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...923af3b409.gif 166 ... أماني _EYE OF HEAVEN _ميتشل ريد في رواية أماني أسماء الشخصيات مختلفة عن النسخة العربية بس القصة نفسها 225 ... أريد .. حياتك فقط _The Spanish Husband_ ميشيل ريد :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...973210102c.gif 287 ... كذبة العاشق _ the Rich Man's Mistress_ كاتي ويليامز 361 ... الحب لعبة _ His Virgin Secretary _ كاتي ويليامز 421... وداعا زمن الأحلام _ Kept By The Spanish Billionaire _ كاتي ويليامز :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...965a0f5d37.gif 227 ... لعنة المال _The billionaire and the baby_ ريبيكا ونترز :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...a3219915ad.gif 258 ... بلا عودة _a Spanish affair_ هيلين بروكس 367 ... الليل و النجمة _ His Marriage ultimatum _ هيلين بروكس 416 ... عصفورة النار _ The Billionaire’s Marriage Mission _هيلين بروكس :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...dae78878d0.gif 286 ... عذراء الثلج _ rome's revenge_سارة كريفن :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...7f7027803c.gif 284 ... أنت الثمن _the wedding ultimatum_ هيلين بيانشين 404 ... لن يغيب القمر _The Disobedient Bride_ هيلين بيانشين سلسلة Lanier هذي لراؤول أخو مايكل في دائرة الخطر The Husband Assignment :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...17d3b778df.gif 307 ... إذا كنت تجرؤا _the secret virgin_ كارول مورتيمر :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...dc98fd1db0.gif 317 ... امرأة تحت الرماد _ The Greek Tycoon's Wife _ كيم لورنس :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...6b1c510f81.gif 282 ... عينان قاتلتان _Wolf’s Temptress _ روبين دونالد :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...4b236ac4b6.gif 413 ... حبيبتي كاذبة_The Banker's Convenient _ لين غراهم :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...43752016d4.gif 318 ... أحلام على صخرة الماضي _ A Spanish Inheritance _ سوزان ستيفنز :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...1c7f8e2174.gif 377... الباقي من الزمن ..لحظة _The millionaires Claim_ ليندساي أرمسترونغ :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
بكرة أن شاء الله راح أكمل لروايات عبير بس روايات عبير إللي لقيتها قليلة لانو ما أقر كثير لعبير :liilas::flowers2::liilas: |
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روايات عبير اليوم راح أنزل واحدة رواية بكرة أن شاء الله أكمل الباقي http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...923af3b409.gif ضائعة في الحب .... Lost in love ..... ميتشل ريد :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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دحين راح نبدأ روايات عبير وهي من دارلا شكرا دارلا على المساعدة http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...e82c603feb.gif صحراء الثلج .... LEOPARD IN THE SNOW كيف أحيا معك .... BEWARE THE BEAST القيد .... APOLLO'S SEED قل كلمة واحدة .... THE WATERFALLS OF THE MOON :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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روايات عبير وهذي كمان المساعدة من دارلا شكراً دارلا و الشكر كمان لـ Lola Ali و Sommanha و Sally smiss و كل إللي ينزلوا لنا الروايات http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...7c039f539a.gif شهر عسل مر .... The Honey is Bitter دمية وراء القضبان .... THE CHILD OF JUDAS هل تخطئ الأنامل .... THE PASSIONATE SINNER عاشت له .... Love's Prisoner :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: راح أكمل الباقي بكرة أن شاء الله تحياتي |
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فاصل لروايات عبير و نرجع للروايات أحلام رواية طازا من الفرن إلى .... http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...1af8aad7e3.gif 423 ... امرأة من دخان _Sale or Return bride _ سارة مورغن :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...ba61a05159.gif 333 ... زوجة تحت الطلب _ A Professional Marriage_ جيسيكا ستيل :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...86daab4311.gif 179... انتقام الورد_ Dishonourable Proposal_ جاكلين بيرد :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...f16775c191.gif 385 ... عيون لا تنام _The Spaniard's Passion_ جين بورتر :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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فاصل للروايات أحلام و نرجع للروايات عبير روايات عبير http://www.liilas.com/vb3/attachment...1&d=1213287600 http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...89b655264b.gif النمر المخملي ..... The velvet tiger :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...bb60782ab0.gif صرخة البراري .... KING COUNTRY :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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هذي بمساعدة دارلا شكرا دارلا http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...f3468ea225.gif سيدة القصر الجنوبي .... The Bride of the Delta Queen وردة قايين .... Savage Land :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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فاصل للروايات عبير و نرجع للروايات أحلام اليوم حبيبتي nargis نزلت هذي الرواية و أنا أشكرك كثير على هذي الرواية و هي http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...7f7027803c.gif 264 ... صرخة قلب... The Marriage Arrangement .... هيلين بيانشين :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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هذي الرواية لـ اليخاندور أبن عم ميغيل في رواية صرخة قلب طبعا ما تم ترجمتها http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...7f7027803c.gif Forgotten Husband :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...6b1c510f81.gif 363 ... رجل غاضب _One night at Parenga _روبين دونالد :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...e82c603feb.gif 419... نجمة تائهة _Pacific Heat _ آن ميثر :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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روايات عبير هذه مساعدة من nargis شكرا يا حياتي على المساعدة http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...fc06f0a27f.gif حواجز الصداقة ..... Friendship barrier ... بيني جوردن :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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روايات احلام :liilas::liilas::liilas::liilas::liilas:Carole Marinelli من ينقذها..........The Italians marriage bargain |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...89b655264b.gif 275 ....قصر النار .... The Arranged Marriage .....أيما دارسي :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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روايات عبير دي مساعدة من دارلا شكرا دارلا على الرواية http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...38fce74cdd.gif الأخت البديلة ..... The Sister Swap .... سوزان نابيير :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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وهذه من الناظر شكرا حبيبتي على الرواية http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...7a1cb16e1e.gif حلم صعب المنال ......... Intagible Dream ...... باتريسيا ولسون :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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روايات أحلام هذه اليوم نزلها سوما شكرا سوما http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...89b655264b.gif 296....لو كنت حلما! .... The Bridal Bargain .... إيما دارسي :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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بمناسبة عيد ميلادي اليوم أقدم لكم رواية من أحلام هي http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...e0bec6e0b5.gif 328... العروس المتمردة _ The Greek's virgin bride _ جوليا جيمس :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: إيش رأيكم في الهدية مو المفروض الهدايا منكم ..... بس لا تشيلوا هم أنا أعطي هدايا في عيد ميلادي :dancingmonkeyff8::dancingmonkeyff8::dancingmonkeyff8: :party0033::party0033: :dancingmonkeyff8: |
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هذي الرواية نزلتها اليوم sommanha شكرا سوما على الرواية http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...89b655264b.gif 205 ... ليلة واحدة لا تكفي _The pleasure King's bride_ أيما دارسي :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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سوما إيش المفاجات دي شوفوا سوما نزلت إيش http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...ba61a05159.gif 220 ... همسات _A wife in waiting_ جيسيكا ستيل :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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و دي كمان http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...e82c603feb.gif 236 ... خطايا بريئة _Innocent sins_ آن ميثر :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...6b1c510f81.gif 130 ... كلمة السر .. لا _ AWilling Surrender _ روبين دونالد :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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هذي الرواية نزلتها anime girl من روايات عبير القديمة شكرا آنمي Diana Palmer على خطى الشيطان .... After the Music :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
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هذي الروايتين سوما حياتي نزلتها شكرا سوووووووووووووووووووووما http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...dae78878d0.gif 249 ... أعطني قيدي ...Witch's Harvest 145 ... وشم الجمر .... Dark Summer Dawn |
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هذي الرواية نزلتها سوما الحلوة وكوكو الذكية أكتشفتها http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...6b1c510f81.gif 121 ... الزهرة و الحجر ... A Durable Fire ... روبين دونالد :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
هالو بنات فروتي طلبت مني أتابع الروايات الأصلية لعبير و أحلام و النهاردة أنا جايبلكوا دي سوسو القمر نزلتها http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...6b1c510f81.gif 420 ... الوجه الآخر للحب.. The Millionaire's Virgin Mistress... روبين دونالد http://www.liillas.com/up2//uploads/...70fe32cca5.rar معلش بنات معرفش أحمل إلا كده :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: بس كان في إضافة (حلوة إضافة دي) المهم القصة دي هي جزء من مجموعة أجزاء و هما بالترتيب 218 ... دموع و دماء... Forbidden Pleasure 293... دمعة تضئ القلب... و الحقيقة أنا مش واثقة من الأسم و هو The Groom's Reveng الجزء الثالث المفروض أنه روايتنا دي بس نزلت متأخر 352... حررها الحب... By Royal Command و طبعا عشان أنا طماعة و بستغل كرم و طيبة و بنتهم حنية بطلب من سوسو القمر بس تشوفلنا باقي الأجزاء و النبي يا سوسو عشان خاطر أختك الغلبانة كوكو :f63: |
شكرا سوسو http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...dae78878d0.gif 370 ... الماضي السجين _ His Forbidden Bride_سارة كريفن :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.liillas.com/up2//uploads/...626316f36d.rar |
عزيزتي كوكو تحية ياقمر :flowers2:
حبيت اساهم بكم عنوان وبصراحة مالي مركزة تماماً إذا كانت الأخت افروديت نزلتهم ولا لأ الخلاصة تفضلي : Anne Mather - Tender Assault وانتصر الحب اخيراً 519 من دار النحاس Sara Craven - Counterfeit Bride سجن الماس 139 من احلام Carole Mortimer - Deceit of a Pagan نجمة الجراح 13 Carole Mortimer - Subtle Revenge القطاف المر 9 Carole Mortimer - Engaged to Jarrod Stone كذبة واحدة تكفي 6 Violet Winspear - A Girl Possessed غدا يعود الماضي 17 Jessica Steele - Relative Values دليل الاتهام 1053 من دار النحاس Jessica Steele - A First Time For Everything قيد الرمال 113 من احلام Jessica Steele - A Most Eligible Bachelor صديقان وشيء ما 219 Jessica Steele - A Nine to Five Affair زهرة الثلج 206 Jessica Steele - A Paper Marriage غرقت في بحر الشوق 343 Jessica Steele - The Other Woman هل تجرؤين 71 Jessica Steele - His Pretend Mistress حب تحت المطر 293 Roberta Leigh - Two Timing Man رجل المواقف 1062 من النحاس Sandra Field - Safety In Numbers الأمان في الحب 1031 Charlotte Lamb - [Barbary Wharf1] – Besieged شيء من الحقيقة1109 Lilian Peake - Stranger Passing By العابر الغريب1055 Lilian Peake - The Impossible Marriage أصابعنا التي تحترق 2 من احلام السلسلة القديمة Jane Arbor - Invisible Wife حان القطاف 178 احلام طبعاً اعذريني إذا كانوا مكررين ... وتقبلوا تحياتي الحارة جميعاً :flowers2::flowers2: |
ولا يهمك يا كوكو ، بساعدك في المراجعة علشان يخف عليك الشغل .
بالنسبة لجيسكا ستيل يا Afra : الرواياتان صديقان وشيء ما 219 ،و غرقت في بحر الشوق 343 وضعتهما أفروديتي مشكورة في نفس الموضوع بمشاركة رقم 5 . أما باقي الروايات التي في القائمة فمعظمها موجود في المنتدى و لكن لم يتم التعرف عليها و مشاركتك ساعدت في الكشف عنها. Anne Mather - Tender Assault وانتصر الحب اخيراً 519 من دار النحاس موجودة في قسم Anne Mather صفحة 3 مشاركة 22 . Sara Craven - Counterfeit Bride سجن الماس 139 من أحلام موجودة في قسم Sara Craven صفحة 5 مشاركة 50 . Carole Mortimer - Deceit of a Pagan نجمة الجراح 13 موجودة في قسم Carole Mortimerصفحة 3 مشاركة 25 Carole Mortimer - Subtle Revenge القطاف المر 9 موجودة في قسم Carole Mortimerصفحة 3 مشاركة 26 Carole Mortimer - Engaged to Jarrod Stone كذبة واحدة تكفي 6 موجودة في قسم Carole Mortimer صفحة 7 مشاركة 62 Violet Winspear - A Girl Possessed غدا يعود الماضي 17 موجودة في قسم Violet Winspear صفحة 2 مشاركة 20 Jessica Steele - A First Time For Everything قيد الرمال 113 من احلام موجودة في قسم Jessica Steele صفحة 2 مشاركة 12 Jessica Steele - The Other Woman هل تجرؤين 71 موجودة في قسم Jessica Steele صفحة 2 مشاركة 19 Sandra Field - Safety In Numbers الأمان في الحب 1031 موضوع قائم بذاته في المنتدى صفحة 8 و القائمة عليه دارلا. Charlotte Lamb - [Barbary Wharf1] – Besieged شيء من الحقيقة 1109 موجودة في قسم Charlotte Lamb صفحة 3 مشاركة 26 Lilian Peake - Stranger Passing By العابر الغريب1055 موجودة في قسم Lilian Peake صفحة 1 مشاركة 3 Lilian Peake - The Impossible Marriage أصابعنا التي تحترق 2 من احلام السلسلة القديمة موجودة في قسم Lilian Peake صفحة 1 مشاركة 4 أما بالنسبة للروايات : Jane Arbor - Invisible Wife حان القطاف أحلام 178 Jessica Steele - Relative Values دليل الاتهام 1053 من دار النحاس Jessica Steele - A Nine to Five Affair زهرة الثلج 206 Jessica Steele - His Pretend Mistress حب تحت المطر 293 Roberta Leigh - Two Timing Man رجل المواقف 1062 من النحاس فهي غير متوافرة حالياً. أتمنى أن يسهل هذا عليك المهمة يا كوكو. |
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سلام ياصبايا :flowers2::flowers2:
تفضلوا الروايات ولكن آخر وحدة طلعت كبيرة فرايح اشوف كيف أنزلها قريباً إن شاء الله تحياتي للجميع وسلام خاص هالمرة للولا شكراً على حسن الاستقبال عزيزتي :friends::flowers2: |
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إن شاء الله يمشي الحال الآن
تفضلوا ياصبايا :flowers2::flowers2: |
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يا بنات المجموعة دي الفضل فيها للأختين الحلوين UHU و afraa Anne Mather, Tender Assault-و أنتصر الحب آخيرا عبير دار النحاس :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
3 مرفق
http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...ba61a05159.gif Steele, Jessica - First time for everything - قيد الرمال 113 روايات أحلام القديمة Jessica Steele - The Other Woman - هل تجروئين 71 روايات أحلام القديمة Jessica Steele - A Nine to Five Affair - زهرة الثلج 206 روايات أحلام الجديدة |
3 مرفق
http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...17d3b778df.gif CAROLE MORTIMER - DECEIT OF A PAGAN - نجمة الجراح 13 روايات أحلام القديمة Carole Mortimer - Subtle Revenge - القطاف المر 9 روايات أحلام القديمة CAROLE MARTIMER-ENGAGED TO JAROD STONE - كذبة واحدة لا تكفي 6 روايات أحلام القديمة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...7c039f539a.gif Violet Winspear - A Girl Possessed - غدا يعود الماضي 17 روايات أحلام القديمة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
Sara Craven - Counterfeit Bride - سجن الماس 139 روايات أحلام القديمة |
1 مرفق
Sandra Field Sandra Field - Safety In Numbers - الأمان في الحب 1031 روايات عبير http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
Charlotte Lamb Charlotte Lamb - Besieged - شئ من الحقيقة 1109 روايات عبير http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
2 مرفق
Lilian Peake Lilian Peake - Stranger Passing - العابر الغريب 1055 روايات عبير Lilian Peake - The Impossible Marriage - أصابعنا التي تحترق 2 روايات حلام السلسلة القديمة http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
Roberta Leigh Roberta Leigh - Two Timing Man - رجل المواقف 1062 عبير دار النحاس http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
شكرا afraa كمان مرة http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...fc06f0a27f.gif A Forbidden Loving - الحب المستحيل روايات عبير دار النحاس 1019 :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
Catherine Spencer Catherine Spencer - The Mediterranean Husband - درس في الحب 424 روايات أحلام الجديدة شكرا لدارلا بنات http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
يا حلوات رواية الحصن المرصود رقم 76 من عبير القديمة
:party0007::party0007::party0007: |
1 مرفق
الأميرة السحرية شكرا حبيبتي على مساعدتك http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/th...ortheadd87.gif http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...923af3b409.gif لن أحترق بنارك عبير دار النحاس ....No Way to Begin ..... ميتشل ريد :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
2 مرفق
أنا مش عارفة بنات فروتي عاملة حساب روايات غادة هنا ولا لا على العموم هأحط دول و بعدين نشوف لما فروتي ترجع بالسلامة رأيها هيكون إية Charlotte Lamb Charlotte Lamb - Abduction - أمراءة متهورة من غادة Charlotte Lamb - Desire - أختطاف من غادة http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
Miranda Lee Miranda Lee - A daughter's dilemma - حيرة أبنة http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
Alison Fraser Alison Fraser - Her Sister's Baby - رماد الحب روايات أحلام الجديدة 247 http://www.liillas.com/up2//view.php?file=6a003563ba |
شكرا لولا http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...bb60782ab0.gif Margaret Way - His Heiress Wife - حلم ضاع من يدي 390 روايات أحلام الجديدة http://www.liillas.com/up2//view.php?file=1e35a5a582 :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
شكرا ريما شكرا سوسو http://www.liillas.com/up/uploads/im...bb60782ab0.gif Margaret Way - Strategy For Marriage - هروب إلي النسيان 298 روايات أحلام الجديدة http://www.liillas.com/up2//view.php?file=6423bce78a :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
1 مرفق
Susan Stephens Susan Stephens - The Prince's Arranged Bride - روايات احلام الجديدة رقم 389 - رقصه على ايقاع الحب :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
3 مرفق
لولا وكوكو تسلم ايديكم يا قمرات :55::flowers2::friends::55:
تفضلي يا باشا إن شاء الله يطلعوا صح :friends::flowers2::friends: |
1 مرفق
ruru أتفضلي يا عسل Sarah Morgan Sarah Morgan - Sale Or Return Brid - إمرأة من دخان 423 روايات أحلام الجديدة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
شكرا لريما أم الفزعات تألق خانم Janet Dailey Sonora Sundown - Janet Dailey - على حصان الفجر رقم 118 روايات عبير القديمة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
شكرا سوسو و شكرا ربا و شكر أناروز Sandra Marton Sandra Marton - Roman Spring - الربيع في روما 510 روايات عبير دار النحاس :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
تسلم ايديك يا ست الباشوات :55::55:
وبنات تأكدت من الرواية Janet Dailey - [Americana23] - Giant of Mesabi هي نفسها الفخ رقم 1 قلوب عبير القديمة تحياتي للجميع :flowers2::friends::flowers2: |
1 مرفق
Sandra Marton Sandra Marton - The Spanish Prince's Virgin Bride - إمرأة للبيع 428 روايات أحلام الجديدة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: إضافة صبايا أن الرواية دي بالإنجليزي ليها جزئين تانين هما The Italian Prince's Pregnant Bride The Greek Prince's Chosen Wife و هما المفروض تلات أمراء أصدقاء http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
شكرا سوسو Charlotte Lamb Charlotte Lamb - Vampire Lover - البحيرة السوداء 241 روايات أحلام الجديدة |
1 مرفق
Jessica Hart Jessica Hart - Bride fo Barra Creek - غلبها الحب 252 روايات أحلام الجديدة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
1 مرفق
Cathy Williams Cathy Williams - Kept by the Spanish Billionaire - وداعــآ زمن ألأحلام 421 روايات أحلام الجديدة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
Sandra Field Sandra Field - The Jet-Set Seduction - من يجرؤ على الشوق 429 روايات أحلام الجديدة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
سلام صبايا :flowers2::flowers2:
رواية Emma Darcy - His Boardroom Mistress احلام 351 وجهاً لوجه مع الشكر الجزيل لست الكل يلي نزلتها الأول :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
1 مرفق
Miranda Lee Miranda Lee - The Tycoon's Trophy Wife - عادت إلي الظلام 430 روايات أحلام الجديدة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
Anne Mather Anne Mather - The Virgin's Seduction - وردة لا تموت 431 روايات أحلام الجديدة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
الشكر الك يا باشا على طلتك المنورة :friends::flowers2::friends:
الرواية الأخيرة Sandra Brown - Malibu Dog الظاهر جزء من سلسلة أو هيك شي المهم ما لقيت ملخص الها وبتمنى يطلعوا الروايات حلوين ويعجبوكم سلامي للجميع :flowers2::flowers2: |
1 مرفق
سلام صبايا :flowers2::flowers2:
Sara Craven - Past All Forgetting حصاد الندم أحلام 12 مع الشكر الجزيل للغالية سمانة يلي نزلتها وربنا يشفيها وترجع النا بالسلامة بسرعة يا رب :f63: |
1 مرفق
سلام للحلوين وأولهم كوكو ست الباشوات كلهم :flowers2::flowers2:
Diana Hamilton - The Christmas Child بلا أمس بلا غد! أحلام 247 مع الشكر الجزيل لقمرنا يلي نزلتها الأول :55: :flowers2::friends::flowers2: |
1 مرفق
ريما خانم تسلم الأيادي :flowers2: Sara Craven Sara Crave - A Place Of Storms - الحصن المرصود 76 روايات عبير القديمة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: |
1 مرفق
سوسو حبيبتي تعيشي ليا :flowers2: ربنا يخليكي ليا يا قلبي :f63: Sara Morgan Sarah Morgan - The Greek's Blackmailed Wife - جزيرة الحب الضائع 369 روايات أحلام الجديدة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
تسلم الأيادي سوسو :flowers2: و تعيشي ريما خانم :flowers2: Sara Craven Sara Craven - Bartaldi's Bride - غدا يزهر الحب رقم 197 من روايات احلام الجديدة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
هدهودة يسلموا يا قمر والله يعطيك الف عافية انت وكوكو يلي يا رب يتصلح جهازها بسرعة ولست الكل يلي نزلتها :f63:
Sara Craven - A Gift for a Lion سيدها رقم 28 من احلام القديمة :friends::flowers2::friends: |
1 مرفق
هدهودة يسلمو يا جميل ترا من غيرك كانت ضاعت لاني بطلت اقرا الملخصات حتى من ورا الجربان المشهور أكيد بتعرفيه :lol:
Janet Dailey - [Americana6] - After the Storm نبضة قلب من عبير الجديدة |
1 مرفق
سلام صبايا :flowers2::flowers2:
Sara Craven - The Marriage Proposition وحدهما في الظلام احلام 295 مع الشكر الجزيل لست الكل يلي نزلتها الأول :friends: |
1 مرفق
Mary Wibberley Mary Wibbwely - Snow On The Hills - السر الدفين 74 روايات عبير القديمة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
سلام بنات :flowers2::flowers2:
الف الف شكر لست الكل الله لا يحرمنا منها :f63: Janet Dailey - The Ivory Cane عيناك بصري عبير القديمة رقم 13 |
1 مرفق
وكمان تعطيم سلام لأم الكرم والحنية :friends:
Janet Dailey - [Cord and Stacy3] - For Bitter Or Worse الجزء الثالث من مزرعة الدموع رقم 38 من عبير القديمة _قلت انزلها بيجوز تحبوا تقروا التكملة مع إنها موش موجودة بالعربي يعني_ :flowers2: |
1 مرفق
سلام بنات :flowers2::flowers2:
رواية جزء من عيدية ست الكل للقسم الله لا يحرمنا منها ابداً :f63: Sally Wentworth - The Ice Maiden عذراء الجليد من عبير الجديدة |
2 مرفق
شكراً هدهودة على الاكتشاف وتسلم ايادي ست الكل يلي تعبت ونزلتها :55::55:
Penny Jordan - Island of the dawn حوريتي الجميلة من روايات عبير الجديدة Patricia Wilson - Dangerous Obsession رغبة امرأة من روايات غادة |
1 مرفق
سلام بنات :flowers2::flowers2:
كالعادة الروايات جزء من العطاء المتجدد لست الكل الله لا يحرم هالقسم منها :f63::f63: Janet Dailey - A Lyon's Share الثلج الأسود أحلام 144 |
1 مرفق
Janet Dailey - Big Sky Country آخر الغرباء أحلام 96
1 مرفق
Janet Dailey - Darling Jenny حقيبة الجراح عبير القديمة 131
1 مرفق
Janet Dailey - Beware of the Stranger السجينة عبير القديمة 77
1 مرفق
Janet Dailey - Boss Man from Ogallala الحصار الفضي عبير القديمة 48
1 مرفق
مون ولولا كالعادة قمة الذوق الله لا يحرمني منكم يا رب :f63::f63:
وصبايا كمان كالعادة الف شكر لست الكل :55::flowers2::55: Sally Wentworth - The Wings of Love شاطئ الجمر أحلام رقم 73 |
1 مرفق
سلام بنات :flowers2::flowers2:
Janet Dailey - [Americana16] - The Mating Season حارس النجوم رقم 33 من أحلام وعلى فكرة بنات يلي بتعرف برنامج ممكن يحفظ صفحات رواية معروضة وفق ipaper / Scribd يا ريت تخبرني لأن نزل مجموعة كبيرة من عبير وأحلام ولكن للأسف هذا النظام مخصص فقط للقراءة عبر النت يعني لا يمكن حفظ الملف وإعادة تنزيله بالمنتدى ...هاد طبعاً على حسب معلوماتي . |
1 مرفق
Janet Dailey - [Americana4] - Valley Of the Vapours عروس السراب رقم 113 عبير القديمة
:flowers2::friends::flowers2: |
1 مرفق
سمانة أكيد حبيبتي معك حق ..يعني والله شاهد علي أحياناً ببكي لبين ما تنزل رواية بالمنتدى وخصوصاً وقت كنت أنزل بالقسم العربي وشو الدافع لولا الحب ..الحب للمنتدى وللصبايا يلي منورينه :friends:
والآن وللمرة المليون الشكر الكبييييييييير لست الكل يلي تكرمت وشاركتنا بالرواية :flowers2: Margery Hilton - The Dark Side of Marriage غفرت لك عبير القديمة رقم 107 |
1 مرفق
Robyn Donald Robyn Donald - An Unbreakable Bond - شمعة تحت المطر 119 روايات أحلام القديمة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
Janet Dailey Janet Dailey - Reilly's Woman - زوجة الهندي 72 روايات عبير القديمة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
Janet Dailey Janet Dailey - Fire and Ice - لعبة الحظ 102 روايات عبير القديمة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
Janet Dailey Janet Dailey - Sentimental Journey - ممر الشوق 65 روايات عبير القديمة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
شكرا هدهودة يا عسل :flowers2: Janet Dailey Janet Dailey - Summer Mahogany - أنا ملك لك 79 روايات عبير الجديدة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
Janet Dailey Janet Dailey - Tidewater Lover - الرجل السراب 5 روايات أحلام القديمة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
Janet Dailey Janet Dailey - Strange Bedfellow - القرار الصعب 44 روايات عبير القديمة :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
1 مرفق
lebanon angel كلمات رقيقة وعذبة عزيزتي :flowers2::flowers2:
بنات الف شكر لست الكل يلي نزلتهم ولهدهودة القمر يلي اكتشفتهم :friends: Janet Dailey - Show Me أتى ليبقى عبير القديمة رقم 134 |
1 مرفق
Janet Dailey - With a Little Luck البحيرة الزرقاء عبير الجديدة
:liilas: |
1 مرفق
Janet Dailey - Southern Nights دموع الصباح من غادة
:flowers2::friends::flowers2: |
1 مرفق
سلام صبايا :flowers2::flowers2:
Temptation's Kiss Megan Lambert was shocked into realizing how hard Josh Bennett drove the employees at his ad agency when she lost her husband to the overwhelming pressure. She'd learned of Josh's power over women the night he nearly lured her from marriage with a kiss she'd never forgotten--and vowed never to repeat. But Megan doesn't know why Josh will now stop at nothing--not even lies and manipulation--to force them together. Then, in his urgent embrace, she discovers in him a hunger he’s waited years to satisfy... and in his kiss a temptation too overwhelming to resist. http://covers.fictiondb.com/covers/0515072257.jpg |
اهليييييين بالحبايب
لقيت روايه لاحلام نازله في منتدى ثاني ان شاء الله دودي تنزلها قريب نزلت رواية ( غرقت في عينيه_434) ل كيم لورنس kim lawrence The_ Demetrois_ Bridal_ Bargain http://www.liilas.com/vb3/showthread.php?t=76205&page=4 الصفحه (5 )فيها الملف محمل في نفس الموضوع |
1 مرفق
بنات الشكر للي نزلها الأول وأكيد رايح تكون ست الكل ولداليا العزيزة يلي اكتشفتها :55::55:
Kim Lawrence - The Demetrois Bridal Bargain غرقت في عينيه أحلام رقم 434 :liilase::liilas::liilase: |
1 مرفق
داليا يسلمو حبيبتي والله لا يحرمنا الاكتشافات الحلوة متلك :lol:
Carole Mortimer - The Christmas Night Miracle أشواق تحت الصفر أحلام رقم 432 وبصراحة ما بعرف اذا موجودة من قبل بالمنتدى ولا لأ بكل الأحوال ألف شكر للقمر يلي نزلتها إذا كانت موجودة :flowers2::friends::flowers2: |
1 مرفق
شكرا ريما:flowers2:
وهذي من روايات احلام الجديده 435 حب فوق الشجرة ل آن مكاليستر:lol::lol: |
1 مرفق
سلام صبايا :flowers2::flowers2:
الشكر الجزيل لقمرنا يلي نزلتها وفرحتنا فيها :friends: Jeanne Allan - The Game Is Love ثلوج دافئة أحلام 114 :liilas::liilase::liilas: |
1 مرفق
سلام بنات :flowers2::flowers2:
بنات قمرنا الله يعطيها ألف عافية نزلت رواية بعرف إنها نازلة بعدة دور نشر تحت عدة عناوين الخلاصة هالرواية بتحكي عن الكاتب يلي بيلتقي بنت بهونك كونغ قبل 5 سنين وبيقع بحبها بالليلة هي وبيكتب رواية لها وبيسميها الملاك ... إن شاء الله تكونوا عرفتوها Susan Napier - Another Time شلالات القمر من عبير الجديدة أو ليلة عابرة |
1 مرفق
مادري نزلت هالروايه ولا لا هي روايه من روايات عبير القديمه المركز الدولي اظن اسمها
الارمله و ر جل الاعمال تفضلوا |
1 مرفق
عزيزتي دودي للأسف شخصياً ما لقيتها إن شاء الله تتكرم سمانة أو وحدة من الصبايا بمساعدتك :flowers2:
وبنات لقيت هالرواية Debbie Macomber - Ready for marriage أرجوك افهمني أحلام 215 |
1 مرفق
سلاااااااااام للحلوين :flowers2:
الشكر الكبيييييير لقمرنا يلي نزلت رواية حب وخط أحمر 327 من أحلام وللباشا يلي اكتشفتها :friends: |
1 مرفق
وكماااااااان تعظيم سلام لقمرنا ولهدهودة يلي اكتشفت الرواية :friends:
الحب والانتقام من دار النحاس |
1 مرفق
سلاااااااام للحلوين :flowers2:
الشكر للقمر يلي نزلتهم ولهدهودة الاروع بالكوووووون على كل اكتشافاتها الحلوة :friends: Michelle Reid - The Dark Side of Desire حبي الذي يموت من غادة |
1 مرفق
Leigh Michaels - Come Next Summer دقت ساعة الزهور رقم 44
1 مرفق
سلاماااااااات :flowers2:
قمرنا نزلت رواية تحفة متل عادتها يعني مو شي غريب عنها :lol: Penny Jordan - Forgotten Passion ليلة ثم النسيان من روايات عبير الجديدة |
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مشكورين كتير علي الاكتشافات الرائعة :flowers2::flowers2: الله يعطيكم العافية علي المجهود الرائع :flowers2: انا عرفت روايتين لكارول مورتيمر من اللي موجودة في موضوع روايات كارول مروتيمر اللي حطيتهم حبيبتنا sommanha الله يعطيها الف عافية 384حبيبي المغرور _The deserving mistress_ كارول مورتيمر_ احلام الجديدة 2004 التحـــــدي -كـــــارول مورتيمر 23 ق.ع - Shadowed Stranger 1982 اتمني اكون افدتكم:Uf704404: |
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جيسيكا ستيل - موعد مع الحب Jessica Steele- The West of Bohemia لعيون هدهودة و بقية البنات الحلوين |
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1055 العابر الغريب ليليان بيك رواية عبير دار النحاس stranger passing by 1992 طبعا الشكر لحبيبتنا sommanha اللي منزلي الرواية في Lilian Peake Novels الله يعطيكي الف الف عافية علي مجهودك الرائع ياقمر :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: و كل مشرفاتنا الرائعات :flowers2: |
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اكتشاف جديد للكاتبة سارة كريفن:55::7_5_129: 139 – سجن الماس -Sara Craven - Counterfeit Bride رويات احلام القديمة |
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145 – وشم الجمر - ساره كرافن Sara Craven – Dark Summer Dawn احلام القديمة |
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:liilas: Passionate Protection by PENNY JORDAN 98 – امرأه في حصار ------------- بيني جوردان احلام القديمة |
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تسلم الأيادي سوسو :flowers2: تسلمي هدهودة على الأكتشاف :flowers2: Carole Mortimer Carole Mortimer - Gracious Lady - التحدي روايات عبير دار النحاس :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2: http://www.jellymuffin.com/images/ki...mages/6788.gif |
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:liilase: The Other Woman by Jessica Steele 71 – هل تجرؤين --------------- جسيكا ستيل احلام القديمة |
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:dancingmonkeyff8::dancingmonkeyff8: A First Time for Everything by Jessica Steele 113 – قيد الرمال --------------- جسيكا ستيل احلام القديمة |
Lucy Monroe - Bought The Greek’s Bride
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مرحبا اتمنى قبولي في منتدى الروايات الاجنبية لانه اكثر من رائع وكل العضوات الحلوات قمن بمجهود كبير لايجاد الروايات لعبير واحلام باللغة الانجليزية لقد اكتشفت رواية من احلام الجديدة وهو من الاعداد الجديدة (لحظة الوداع ) 437 Lucy Monroe - Bought The Greek’s Bride http://www.gulfup.com/do.php?id=630293 تحياتي:liilase::liilase::friends: |
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مشكورين علي الردود الحلوة :flowers2::flowers2: :dancingmonkeyff8::55::dancingmonkeyff8: 220 همسات _A wife in waiting_ جيسيكا ستيل_1996 احلام الجديدة |
1 مرفق
292 حب تحت المطر _His pretend mistress_ جيسيكا ستيل_2002 احلام الجديدة :party0007::party0007: |
Anne Mather - Jack Riordan's Baby دموع الورد
1 مرفق
مرحبا بالحلووين شكرا على الردود الجميلة واليوم جبت لكم رواية جديدة من روايات احلام الجديدة العدد 439 ..دموع الورد
تحياتي للجميع ..........:liilase::flowers2: |
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سلامات بنات :flowers2:
الف شكر على الاكتشافات الحلوة متلكم :55::55: والف الف شكر لقمرنا ولهدهودة الحبيبة :friends: Sara Craven - Unguarded Moment الرجل الفراشة رقم 169 من عبير القديمة |
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17 – غداً يعود الماضي --------- فيوليت وينسبير احلام القديمة A Girl Possessed by Violet Winspear |
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مرحبا بنات جنت كلم اليوم العدد الجديد من روايات احلام الجديدة سراب 436
Marinelli Carol - Contracted A Wife For The Bedroom سراب 436 تحياتي.................:55::f63::friends: |
Sara Craven - Innocent On Her Wedding Night فتاة الزنبق
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438 - فتاة الزنبق : ساره كريفين من روايات أحلام
Sara Craven - Innocent On Her Wedding Night فتاة الزنبق تحياتي للجميع:liilase::liilase: |
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شكرا علي ردودكم الرائعة http://www.liillas.com/up2//uploads/...bbb65b87b4.gif :7_5_129::dancingmonkeyff8::7_5_129: 121 – الزهره والحجر -------- روبين دونالد احلام القديمة Durable Fire by Robyn DonaldA |
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رواية عاصفة الصمت رقم237من احلام الجديدة هي روايةTHE DEMETRIOS VIRGIN
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قلب فوق بركان لبني جوردن من احلام الحديدة رقم276هي رواية The Blackmail Baby
روايات أحلام و عبير بالنسخة الإنجليزية
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Hi everyone I am a new member to liilas I hope you accept me as new friend I don't know if this topic is new one I really hope so you are such great people I couldn't find something new to write about حافية على الجمر Heart of The Lion by Roberta Leigh Philippa had an absorbing job on the "heart page" of a big newspaper. Then she advised a young girl to elope with her boyfriend. Unfortunately, the girl turned out to be the niece of Philippa's boss, the formidable newspaper tycoon, Marius Lyon, who soon gave Philippa the sack. But even after she was fired, she continued to meet and cross swords with him, and, inevitably, it ended with her falling in love. But it was a hopeless love, for even had Marius looked at her as a prospective wife, the glamorous Celia had every reason--and all the means--to prevent such a marriage |
Logan's Island by Mary Wibberley
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Logan's Island by Mary Wibberley
القرصان Helen had inherited an island off the coast of Brazil -- jointly with an unknown man called Jake Logan. Its name -- Island of Storms -- just about summed up the wildly antagonistic relationship that promptly developed between the two of them! Novel Link: http://www.4shared.com/office/hQNkJ7...ns_Island.html http://cd.pbsstatic.com/xl/77/8277/9780373018277.jpg |
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مرحبا هذى اول مشاركة معا قوق النجوم احلام جوليا جيمس the italins token wife |
روايات أحلام و عبير بالنسخة الإنجليزية
The Bridegroom's Vow by Rebecca Winters http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...500_AA300_.jpg http://www.printsasiaimages.com/8725...45p50b2638.jpg Dimitrios Pandakis has vowed that, unlike his older brother, he will never be trapped into marriage. And this millionaire businessman has been so true to his word that -- despite his reputation as a heartbreaker -- he has yet to take a woman to bed! But now his new secretary is sorely testing his resolve. Alexandra Hamilton, for all her plain-Jane appearance, has somehow worked her way under his skin. And Dimitrios knows only one thing will satisfy him -- marriage! دي رواية عندما يخطيء القلب http://www.liilas.com/up/uploads/liilas_13409091221.rar |
Autumn Concerto by Rebecca Stratton
Autumn Concerto by Rebecca Stratton
حارس القلعة novel link http://www.4shared.com/office/56olcV...tumn_Conc.html It was through the attractive young Frenchman Jacques Delange that Ruth had lost her job, so it was really the least that Jacques could do to find her another - working for his uncle Hugo. But Hugo Gerard was to cause Ruth considerably more heart-searching than had his nephew! http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...bL._SL500_.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...qL._SL500_.jpg |
A Streak of Gold by Daphne Clair
A Streak of Gold by Daphne Clair
خيط الذهب novel link http://www.4shared.com/office/ZsS_HZ...ak_of_Gol.html "Now will you get out of my life! How can I convince you that I don't want you?" Alaric's hard, implacable words came out of the past to haunt her. Glenna had fallen in love with Alaric Burnett eight years ago. But he had made it brutally clear that he had no use for her sympathy over his accident--or for her love. Now in New Zealand they had met each other again. Glenna was determined not to give her heart away a second time! http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/i...23/n118672.jpg |
Witching Hour by Sara Craven
Witching Hour by Sara Craven
صخرة الأمنيات novel link http://www.4shared.com/office/mGwABD...hing_Hour.html Morgana couldn't wish him away Lyall Pentreath van Guisen was a new and unwanted factor in her life. As the only male heir in the ancient but divided Pentreath family, he had inherited their Cornish home. Not only was he from the other branch of the family--he was also ruthless, cunning and used to getting his own way. His taking over their home was bad enough. But Lyall had made it quite clear that he'd like to take her over, as well. Morgana was afraid, but somehow secretly excited.... http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...oL._SL500_.jpg |
Anne Weale - The Girl from the Sea بائع الأحلام
Anne Weale - The Girl from the Sea بائع الأحلام novel link http://www.scribd.com/doc/99877023/T...Sea-Anne-Weale http://www.4shared.com/office/8Rurio..._-_Anne_W.html Sholto was no knight in shining armor! Sholto Ransome, the millionaire yachtowner, had saved Armorel's life and then taken her under his wing as hertrustee. And a very comfortable wing it was--finishing school, life in Paris,Switzerland, Italy. He gave her the best of everything, and Armorel was dulygrateful. But Sholto could not give her the one thing she most wanted fromhim--his love. As time passed, Armorel realized he was a cynical,cold-hearted womanizer. Was it too late to save herself, before she went theway of all his other conquests? http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/i...21/n105114.jpg http://ca.pbsstatic.com/xl/98/4098/14098.jpg |
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رواية كمان نزلتها الجميلة الرائعة مني
لها جزيل الشكر VALLEY OF PARADISE Margaret Rome رواية سيد الرعاة Serena was almost desperate when she answered an advertisement that offered "lifelong security" to the successful applicant. It was a move that was to take her to far-off Chile, to a husband she had never met --and to what else? dr.mona |
Margaret Way - The English Bride
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ePUB format
Margaret Way - The English Bride وردة الصحارى Cool English beauty finds... Outback heat A life of luxury on an English country estate or the hazards of the Australian Outback? For Lady Francesca de Lyle there is no doubt. She's in love with rugged Grant Cameron and knows the Outback holds everything she's come to need and desire. Grant is emotionally torn. He wants Francesca, but the pampered rich girl could dash back to the safety of her privileged world at any time. Should he take the risk and ask Francesca to become his English bride? http://www.tradebit.com/usr/ebook-re...7951112Pic.jpg |
Outback Surrender - Margaret Way
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Outback Surrender by Margaret Way قلب من رصاص Banished from his Outback home, Brock Tyson had left Koomera Crossing without a backward glance. But Shelley Logan was secretly in love with him and has never forgotten their one stolen kiss.... Now Brock has returned to claim his rightful and considerable inheritance. Romance is the last thing on his mind -- until he sees Shelley! She's blossomed into a beautiful and sensual woman -- and their passionate surrender to each other is inevitable. Only, circumstances are against them, and Brock now has a battle on his hands if he's to claim Shelley as his bride.... http://www.tradebit.com/usr/ebook-re...8211141Pic.jpg |
Margaret Way - [Marrying the Boss] - Boardroom Proposal
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ePUB format
Margaret Way - [Marrying the Boss] - Boardroom Proposal الهدية THE BOSS's SECRET... Prospective employee Eve Copeland looked too buttoned up and prim for the tough world of Australian big business. But somehow, despite her obvious disapproval of him, the vulnerability that Drew Forsythe had glimpsed beneath Eve's cool, professional exterior had gotten under his skin. Before he knew it, he was offering her the job. It was the career move Eve had dreamed about. But had she won it fair and square? She knew that respected businessman and playboy Drew Forsythe had a secret he'd go to any lengths to conceal.... http://photo.goodreads.com/books/132...4l/5406549.jpg |
Margaret Way - [The Australians 17] - Master of Maramba
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Margaret Way - [The Australians 17] - Master of Maramba
ويبقى السؤال A tough man to resist Needing a bolt-hole where she can lick her wounds after a car accident has destroyed her budding career, Catrina Russell jumps at the chance of a job as governess on a North Queensland cattle station. Carrie wouldn't have been Royce McQuillan's first choice, but there's no denying the empathy between her and his young daughter. His own feelings are more difficult to fathom. Having lost his social butterfly wife to the bright city lights, how long can he expect the beautiful Carrie to remain *******ed living an isolated life with the master of Maramba? http://diesel-ebooks-cdn.make-a-stor...5958_file.jpeg |
Research into Marriage
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Research into Marriage by Penny Jordan
أرحل وحدي http://s.ecrater.com/stores/222259/4...d1_222259b.jpg She never thought love would spoil her marriage. Jessica had decided to advertise for a husband. The experience could prove the thesis of her book: that romantic love was not the best foundation for marriage. Then Lyle Garnett, a busy doctor needing a mother for his two troublesome sons, answered her ad. He seemed equally determined to keep their relationship strictly practical. But, to Jessica's dismay, she found herself falling in love with the irascible doctor, and her theory began to crumble before her eyes! link for pdf http://www.liilas.com/up/uploads/liilas_13480586671.rar a .docx file is also attatched to this post |
One Reckless Moment - Jeanne Allan
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One Reckless Moment - Jeanne Allan
151 - العروس الحمراء She'd given in to impulse once ... Instinctively Maggie had run-run hard and run long--from Nick's Colorado mountain cabin. Hadn't she always been Maggie the dependable, Maggie the sensible, the only one in her family who never took risks? So, when she'd found herself snowed in with a handsome, enigmatic stranger and suddenly discovered what giving in to impulse was all about... ... of course she'd run! But reckless moments come at high prices. And eventually Nick would find her and see that she paid. http://www.fantasticebook.com/images/v10400.jpg |
Wife for the Day by Kate Walker
Wife for the Day by Kate Walker
بقايا ليل novel link http://www.4shared.com/office/8852FJ...for_a_Day.html Requirements: ePUB, MOBI, PDF Readers Overview: The vengeful groom! Lily remembered the day she'd met Ronan Guerin, and the instant compelling chemistry. She remembered their glorious wedding day, and what had followed--an unforgettable night of passion. But the morning after, Ronan had left, claiming he'd married her only to gain revenge on her brother! Lily had been devastated, especially when she discovered the supposed reason for Ronan's revenge--her brother owed him a lot of money. Then Ronan returned, looking for Lily's brother, and decided to stay in their marital home. Finally Lily was about to find out what the real problem was, and how Ronan really felt about her... http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...SL._SS500_.jpg |
رد: Novels By Sara Craven
Dragon's Lair
by Sara Craven وجه في الذاكرة novel link http://www.scribd.com/doc/110758777/...-Dragon-s-Lair Brief and disastrous. That described exactly the marriage of Davina and Gethyn Lloyd. Now, their first meeting in two years--at Gethyn's home in Wales--only confirmed the tangle of misunderstanding that lay between them. And while Davina might acknowledge deep inside herself that all the old cravings for him were still there, it was a different matter to betray her feelings to him. What had changed, after all? He had only the hollowness of passion to offer her, not the warm reassurance of loving she needed http://photo.goodreads.com/books/133...6l/6216287.jpg |
Love for a Stranger
Love for a Stranger
Jane Donnelly عد فقيرا مثلي Novel link http://www.scribd.com/doc/110758816/...for-a-Stranger Why hadn't he told her who he was...? — Louise was glad that her job as an interior decorator had taken her to the old manor house in Wales. Redecorating it would help take her mind off Barry, whose interest in her had been financial. — She hadn't expected to find anyone at Tir Glyn. Certainly not Tom Reading, the disturbingly attractive grounds keeper. By the time she found out his secret, it was too late. She was in love. And she had already agreed to marry him. http://cd.pbsstatic.com/xl/56/1956/9780373021956.jpg |
رد: Lilian Peake Novels
The Sun of Summer
Lilian Peake لا ترحلي novel link http://www.scribd.com/doc/110758960/...-Sun-of-Summer Now I know, him better, thought Marilyn bitterly. Blair Barron van Heiden would allow no woman to lure him in any direction. He would pursue a relationship as far as he desired, then walk away from it as though it had never been. Holiday romances never lasted. She should have repeated those words again and again. And if she had fallen in love with Blair -- it had been her own stupidity. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...EL._SS500_.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...wL._SL500_.jpg |
Satan's Master Carole Mortimer
Satan's Master
موعدنا الأبد novel link http://ar.scribd.com/doc/111382341/C...Satan-s-Master He believed she'd betrayed his trust To be honest, Sabina couldn't blame her father for her current predicament. If she hadn't found famous singer-songwriter Joel Brent in his secluded Scottish cottage, she'd never have fallen in love with him. But it was her father who was forcing her into a loveless marriage. And it was her father who led Joel to believe that Sabina was a reporter, out for nothing more than a story for a cheap scandal sheet. She could fight her father, but she could never erase Joel's contempt for her.... http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...7L._SL500_.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...aL._SS500_.jpg |
Rebecca Stratton - Yellow Moon
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Yellow Moon By Rebecca Stratton
اصابع القمر http://cb.pbsstatic.com/l/23/1823/351823.jpg Since her father had never taken any interest in them, Catherine had had to act virtually as a mother to her two small half-brothers, and she simply adored them. So she could hardly believe it when her father died--and left the two boys to the guardianship of a Greek uncle none of them had ever heard of. Catherine was heartbroken to realize that she must part from the children and send them to live with this man, Stefan Medopolis, in his Greek island home. It softened the blow a little that she was at least going out there herself until the children were settled in -- but really that was only deferring the agony of parting from them. And then it seemed that Stefan Medopolis was planning to take over Catherine's life as well -- with Catherine, of course, having no say in the matter! She loved her little brothers, but even for them could she put up with the situation? this is the original copy (in pdf & docx) because the one I already found on liilas was not original I think it was translated from another language or something :) I hope u enjoy it |
رد: Novels By Sara Craven
Ultimate Temptation
المطلوب امرأة Must be able to handle children and one particular Italian male... GiulioFalcone needed a willing woman, and Lucy Winters was in his debt... and hishouse! Only, his interest in her was as much practical as sexual--he neededa nanny to look after his sister's children. Lucy found herself in the wrongplace at the wrong time. She could just about cope with Marco and littleEmilia--it was their uncle she was finding a real handful! Tall, dark anddeadly sexy--Giulio was the ultimate in temptations and one Lucy was findinghard to resist! http://www.liilas.com/up/uploads/lii...4703365681.jpg http://www.liilas.com/up/uploads/lii...5470336572.rar |
النسخة الانجليزية من روايات عبير وأحلام
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Rachel Lindsay - Love and Lucy Granger 1967 مواعيد النار - من روايات أحلام http://www.liilas.com/vb3/../upp/upl...4f257002e1.jpg Love and Lucy Granger by Rachel Lindsay Lucy Granger and Paul Harlow had no doubt about their love for one another. But he was a millionaire business tycoon and she was a very ordinary working girl. Would their love really be strong enough to stand up to all the differences between them -- especially if things began to go wrong? الملف الأول epub الملف الثاني html |
النسخة الانجليزية من روايات عبير وأحلام
Sweet Not Always by Karen Van Der Zee
لولا هيامي - من روايات عبير القديمة http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/i...23/n115184.jpg Matt had no idea how capable Jacqueline was! Jacqueline Donnelly was fed up with people who doubted her competence because she was young, beautiful and appeared fragile. And Matt Simmons was furious because head office in New York had hired her as his new assistant in Ghana--and she arrived before her credentials. A collision appeared inevitable, but there was no way Jacqueline was going to tell him about her qualifications. Let him find out for himself! Of course, she didn't expect to fall in love with the arrogant Matt.... http://www.liilas.com/up/uploads/lii...7982543541.rar |
STORMY VIGILE منارة في الأنواء
1982 منارة في الأنواء novel link http://www.scribd.com/doc/122729549/...h-Stormy-Vigil "Who the hell are you, and why are you here? " Sally could justifiably have asked him the same question. It was hardly the reception she'd expected. She had come to Rock Island to complete a series of articles about North Pacific lighthouses. Instead of his brother, the lighthouse keeper, here was Professor Lyle Hemming, Don Juan of the university coeds. Lyle Hemming was the kind of man she despised, so she was dismayed when a storm marooned her on the isolated rock with him. She discovered just how quickly and easily he could make nonsense of her self-imposed principles! http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/i...40/n201283.jpg |
رد: Elizabeth Graham
Dangerous Tide
المرفأ الأخير novel link http://www.scribd.com/doc/121613381/...izabeth-Graham His business meant more than his wife Meeting the captain's mysterious guest, Toni knew that this Mexican cruise would be different from the many she'd sailed on as assistant director. For, to her total amazement, the guest was Jay Stanford, her ex-husband. Not only did he claim that their divorce was never made final, but he said he wanted her back. Toni couldn't believe Jay had changed--that he was still not utterly absorbed in the world of business. Especially since Gloria Powell, his beautiful assistant, was accompanying him. Despite her familiar longing for him, she'd be a fool to return! http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/i...40/n201279.jpg |
Jacinta Point
Jacintha Point
غضب العاشق novel link http://www.scribd.com/doc/122748573/...-Jacinta-Point Laurel was in a state of shock Her father, taken on a mere suspicion that wasn't true, was languishing in a Mexican prison. Diego Ramirez was insisting she marry him so that he might use his influence to have her father released. "As his son-in-law I can help him." It was a situation requiring drastic action and Laurel should have been grateful for Diego's help. But Laurel couldn't help wondering--what did he expect in return? http://c2.bibtopia.com/h/646/636/417636646.0.m.jpg |
Thief of Copper Canyon
Thief of Copper Canyon
الفيضان novel link http://www.scribd.com/doc/113661159/...-Copper-Canyon Why was he so eager to keep her away? Dani Benson's car was stranded in the British Columbian spring floods. The fact that she was on her way to claim an inheritance added to her irritation. Rescue came in the form of a mysterious, attractive fugitive named Burt, whose tumbledown cabin where she was forced to stay was miles from civilization. "I don't care who you are or whom you're hiding from, " she told him, "I just want to get to Copper Canyon Ranch. " But that was the one thing he seemed determined to keep her from doing! http://ca.pbsstatic.com/xl/31/4031/9780373104031.jpg |
Madrona Island
Madrona Island جزيرة مادرونا novel link http://www.scribd.com/doc/114737912/...Madrona-Island Lee had waited a long time for revenge Seven years ago Lee had been a starry-eyed eighteen-year-old who foolishly thought that if she loved and wanted to marry Kelsey Roberts, he must feel the same. That he was already married came as a great shock to Lee; that she was pregnant--an even greater one! Over the years things had worked themselves out. Now Lee was a very successful businesswoman, in a perfect position to strike back. The trouble was that Kelsey didn't even remember her existence! http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Elizabeth-Gra...wVg4g~~_12.JPG |
Dangerous Stund - حبك مجازفة كبرى
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Dangerous Stunt by Mary Lyons حبك مجازفة كبرى Her heart was in jeopardy Stuntwoman Lynette Harris dangerously underestimated the risks involved when she agreed to stand in for actress Marilyn Thorne, on location and in real life. She survived a life-threatening fall down a mountainside during filming in Mexico, but she couldn't endure the insults of the infuriatingly arrogant Don Alvaro de Costillo, when what she wanted was his love. The woman Don Alvaro presumed to be a grasping, scheming film star was, in fact, so naive and inexperienced she was devastated by the emotions he aroused in her. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...rL._SL500_.jpg http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/image...efc12210.L.jpg |
The Time is Short - Nerina Hilliard
aka THE TIME IS SHORT Nerina Hilliard ما اقصر الوقت Novel link http://www.mediafire.com/view/?y6re34krui6kg1y "Love comes swiftly, at first meeting. There is an attraction that grows undeniably stronger until it is a fire inside. You do not believe in love like that?" Morgana Carol never had been in love like that, and, hearing Felipe's words, she knew that now she never could be, that even if such a love did come her way, she must somehow find the strength to withstand it. A lovely tropical island provides the background to this poignant story of a nurse who, knowing that the future could not give her the same things as it did to others, found herself in the very situation she wished to avoid. http://images.bidorbuy.co.za/user_im...Photo-0019.jpg http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/i...37/n189920.jpg |
لقاء واحد يكفي - Scorpio Summer - Jacqueline Gilbert
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152 - لقاء واحد يكفي
Scorpio Summer - Jacqueline Gilbert LIT format "You're a classic arrogant Scorpio!" It was only a guess, but Frances knew she was right about this aloof, handsome stranger. After spending the past six months getting over an ill-fated romance, she was ready for a new man in her life. And she knew she could easily fall in love with this stranger Felix Ravenscar, whom she'd met in the elevator. But Frances was wary. After all, this noted director was also a well-known philanderer, and she wasn't going to give her love again unless it was returned in equal measure. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51hw4EqHpbL.jpg |
The Awakening-Rosemary Carter
ضوء آخر النفق روزميري كارتر The Awakening - Rosemary Carter novel link http://www.solidfiles.com/d/97e9b93d03/RC_-_TA.rar Her situation could not have been worse After her parents' deaths, Robyne Sloan had to fight to keep her family together Making a giving from the dry African soil was a desperate daily struggle. Then, when she thought that life could get no harder, Dean Mornay decided to foreclose their mortgage. The Sloan children would lose their farm... their home... unless Robyne could make Dean change his mind. But how, Robyne wondered bleakly, could she influence a ruthless businessman like Dean? She would just have to find way--no matter how drastic! http://www.fictiondb.com/coversth/th_037310301X.jpg |
Heat of the Moment ~ Lindsay Armstrong
204-ذروة الأحَداث - لندسَاى أرمسترونخ Heat of the Moment by Lindsay Armstrong novel link http://www.solidfiles.com/d/0b7d79542b/LA_-_HOTM.epub She was truly out of her depth! Perhaps Serena had rushed into accepting work in a nightclub just shy of respectable. But she'd been desperate. And wasn't her new job as governess at an isolated grazing station more dangerous still? The fatherless boys were handful enough, but their arrogant guardian uncle, Sean Wentworth, was the kind of challenge her troubled past made her ill-equipped to deal with. Sean was forceful, probing, mockingly intent on keeping Serena off balance. And when her rash behavior and a violent storm forced them to spend the night together in his Land Rover, Serena was lost .... http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/i...20/n100467.jpg |
Anne Hampson - Boss of Bali Creek
تسرقين العمر آن هامبسون Anne Hampson - Boss of Bali Creek novel link http://www.mediafire.com/download/5c...n/AH-BOBC.epub http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348565793l/6215468.jpg Wade had once said she'd be the fourth bride of Bali Creek; the most beautiful and the best loved of them all. But then Lorna had been forced into a heartbreaking decision; and she made a sacrifice that robbed her and Wade of what might have been. Now she was free again. And through her aunt's scheming, she was here at Bali Creek, but as an unwelcome guest. Wade had made her position quite clear... and his. He was engaged to someone else! |
There Must Be Showers - Anne Hampson
There Must Be Showers
Anne Hampson ومرت الغيوم novel link http://www.mediafire.com/download/6q...H-shw394c.epub YESTERDAY'S LOVE Interior designer Shelley Scott couldn't believe her bad luck when she landed her dark, arrogant ex-husband Nick Montpelier as a client. Then she found out her assignment: to renovate the elegant mansion that she and Nick had once planned to live in--for Nick's new fiancee. But when Nick took Shelley in his arms and covered her lips with urgent, demanding kisses, it was as though nothing had changed. Shelley was as wildly in love with Nick as ever--and she would fight to win her husband back. Not one moment of this assignment in paradise was going to be wasted... http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348565887l/3813967.jpg |
Anne Hampson - The Black Eagle
The Black eagle by Anne Hampson
تحسبين الدقائق - آن هامبسون - روايات عبير القديمة Roxanne had always been rather used to doing as she was told without question -- which was presumably why, when the mysterious Mexican Don Juan Armando Ramires, known as 'the Black Eagle', swept into her life, married her, and carried her off to his hacienda, Roxanne found herself meekly submitting to it all. And so she embarked on this curious marriage -- for certainly it was no ordinary marriage. The hacienda, she was told, was haunted still by the spirit of Marta, the girl Juan had worshipped, and always would worship. Indeed, it was only because of her striking resemblance to Marta that Juan had married her. In time, Roxanne's hatred of her husband turned to love -- but what chance had she of reaching his heart? I posted it on the author's page please follow this link http://www.liilas.com/vb3/t90022-20.html |
رد: النسخة الانجليزية من روايات عبير وأحلام
Jane Donnelly - Moon Lady سيدة القمر https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1383534844l/11378581.jpg novel link http://www.mediafire.com/view/jbj2f7...u/JD_-_ML.docx It was obvious what he was after Jake Ballinger usually got what he wanted, and he had his eye on Prudence Cormack's property, which adjoined the grounds of his luxurious new conference center. But he met his match in Prudence, who not only disliked him but obstinately refused to sell. So he turned on the charm, and even though Prudence knew how crass his motives were, she had to admit she found a charming Jake Ballinger almost impossible to resist.... |
رد: النسخة الانجليزية من روايات عبير وأحلام
Country Cousin by Jacqueline Gilbert زائرة http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1350825431l/8121282.jpg novel link http://www.mediafire.com/download/ik...b/JG_-_CC.epub He proposed--but it was to her sister! And Eleanor was devastated, because she was in love with him, too. Never again, she vowed, would she let herself become so vulnerable. But then she met Edward Mansel, who was too handsome, wealthy and experienced to look twice at a poor parson's daughter. Well, why should she care if he thought she was a straitlaced goody-goody? It wasn't as if she was attracted to him. Anyway, she wasn't about to make the same mistake again.... |
Essie Summers - The Smoke and the Fire
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The Smoke and the Fire
by Essie Summers دخان (قلوب عبير القديمة) https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1260060038l/2936481.jpg Dinah had travelled all the way from Wales to New Zealand, with the intention of getting to know Russell Milgrove well enough to be sure she was doing the right thing in agreeing to marry him. She had allowed herself six months for the task - and then she discovered what a very great deal could happen in six months! Happy Reading :peace: |
لآلئ الغيره - Mine For A Day - Mary Burchell
Mine for a Day
Mary Burchell لآلئ الغيره http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1240719227l/6426477.jpg novel link http://www.mediafire.com/download/sa...MFAD_-_MB.epub When Laura is invited to her cousin Rosemary's wedding, she finds herself responsible for a lot of the organizing and planning - which she does not really mind until she falls in love with the groom, Simon, and then has to tell him that Rosemary has eloped with someone else! At first, when Simon turns to Laura for help with his ailing mother, she is delighted to be of service and hopes it will lead to more. However, soon Rosemary returns and expects to resume everything with Simon as if she had not left him at the altar |
رد: النسخة الانجليزية من روايات عبير وأحلام
Meant For Each Other by Rebecca Winters انت قدري - ريبيكا وينترز follow the link http://www.liilas.com/vb3/t79582-41.html#post3563142 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...4,203,200_.jpg |
رد: النسخة الانجليزية من روايات عبير وأحلام
Abra Taylor - Lost Mountain أنشودة البحيرة -آبرا تايلور http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348121010l/259715.jpg novel link http://www.mediafire.com/download/pi...b/LM_-_AT.epub How could she convince Raoul? Dell Everett was in France under false pretenses - as the fiancee of the late Rhys Morgan, writer of erotic poetry. The engagement had been for publicity only - the lie should have ended with his death. But his mother insisted on meeting the woman to whom Rhys had dedicated his last searing poems. She found them romantic. Raoul de Briand, her other son, found them disgusting. He knew what kind of woman inspired verse like that. Somehow Dell must convince him that the poet's shameless muse had been somebody else! |
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