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kerli 16-05-10 02:19 PM

What I Saw And How I Lied by Judy Blundell
hi :)
i just finished reading this book called ''What I Saw And How I Lied''
it's pretty cool,i really liked it :)


In this sophisticated thriller, 15-year-old Evie grows up quickly when she discovers her adored parents are not the people she thought they were. While on vacation in Palm Beach in 1947, Evie’s parents, Joe and Bev, get involved in a shady business deal with the Graysons, another couple on holiday. Meanwhile, Evie begins a flirtation with Peter, a handsome ex-GI who served with Joe and just happens to be staying at their hotel. Evie soon learns that Peter’s presence is no coincidence and that he threatens to uncover a terrible secret that Joe has kept since the war. Then Bev, Joe, and Peter go boating, but only two of them return. Evie must sort through secrets, lies, and her own grief to find the truth. Using pitch-perfect dialogue and short sentences filled with meaning, Blundell has crafted a suspenseful, historical mystery that not only subtly explores issues of post–WWII racism, sexism, and socioeconomic class, but also realistically captures the headiness of first love and the crushing realization that adults are not all-powerful.

ريما 16-05-10 10:06 PM

كيرلي تسلم الايادي عزيزتي

يا ريت لو تحطي الروايات تاني بالمرة بالقسم العام أو الرومانسي لأني بتصور القسم هنا مخصص للمواضيع الجانبية وليس الروايات

وعلى فكرة أنا جداً بيعجبني وقت بينعطى رأي بالرواية وهالشي بيشجع على قرائتها أكثر ولو حسنتي تعطينا تفاصيل زيادة متل شو يلي شدك أو ما عجبك بالرواية بتكوني زدتي الخير

ومرة تانية الف شكر يا قمر

kerli 17-05-10 06:51 AM

hi rema :)
i'm new here and i didn't know where to put it,so i just put it here

الجنية السمراء 18-05-10 12:40 PM

الله يعطيك الف عافية كيرلي

تم نقل الموضوع للقسم المناسب

الجنية السمراء 18-05-10 12:45 PM

الله يعطيك العافية كيرلي

تم نقل الموضوع للقسم المناسب

mazo 18-09-10 01:19 PM

يا جماعة فين رابط الرواية وشكرا:8_4_134:

الجنية السمراء 25-09-10 07:59 AM

her u gooooooo

Judy Blundell - What I Saw and How I Lied.lit - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

mazo 25-09-10 11:56 AM

sorry 4 bothring you but icant open the file would you please upload it as txt or pdf thanx alot sorry 4 bothering u again:flowers2:

الجنية السمراء 02-10-10 03:52 AM

1 مرفق
you can open it with Microsoft reader ... or change the format with ABC LIT CONVERTER

anyway here's the novel in txt and word formats

mazo 09-10-10 12:12 PM

thanks alot 4 ur effort:liilas:

katia.q 18-12-11 05:20 PM

it's really lovely novel

fara.fara 04-05-12 05:03 PM

تسلمين على القصة شكرا :)

ريما علي 14-06-14 03:27 AM

رد: What I Saw And How I Lied by Judy Blundell
i don't see any linke ..
Can you put the link here please ?
Thank you :)

الساعة الآن 06:04 PM.

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