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رد: Judy Christenberry
رابط يحتوي الروايات السابقة بصيغة EUBP
Judy Christenberry The Nine-month Bride The Cowboy's Christmas Proposal The Rancher Takes A Family Runaway Cowboy Kissing Kelly A Randall Hero Trust a Cowboy Snowbound With Mr. Right Cowboy Santa The Rancher's Inherited Family http://www.mediafire.com/file/9063s4..._C._B.rar/file |
رد: Judy Christenberry
Brides for Brothers Series https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/com...7l/1341121.jpg |
رد: Judy Christenberry
Cowboy Daddy (Brides for Brothers, #2)
(4 Brides for 4 Brothers #2) by Judy Christenberry This cowboy had no intention of being a groom... Until he found out he was going to be a daddy! But by then, Janie Dawson refused to marry him. Women! None of the four Randall brothers ever did understand them, and Pete was no exception. But when Janie found out she was carrying twins, she had no choice but to agree-with her own stipulations, all designed to make their bedroom colder than the frigid Wyoming winter! Little did Pete know, getting her to marry him was nothing compared to living with her...and keeping his hands off ! https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/com...l/13268241.jpg |
رد: Judy Christenberry
Cowboy Groom
(4 Brides for 4 Brothers #3) by Judy Christenberry https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/com...73l/741314.jpg The Cowboy Was Hog Tied! One minute there were no women on the Randall ranch and the next Brett Randall ws in knots over two! Brett chose his rightful place behind two of his married brothers, but when he snuck back home to share his news, he got decked by a redheaded spitfire. Maybe it was the blow to his head, but suddenly he had visions of eyes as blue as the Wyoming summer sky...a petite country midwife bearing his children... The last coherent thought this thinking-man's cowboy had was: He'd found the woman of his dreams, all right -- but it wasn't the woman he'd proposed to! |
رد: Judy Christenberry
Cowboy Surrender (Brides for Brothers, #4)
(4 Brides for 4 Brothers #4) by Judy Christenberry https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/com...31l/741316.jpg How to match a matchmaker... Redheads raiding his bunk, blondes batting eyelashes, brunettes bearing food...One by one they came after Jake Randall. Now, Jake had been known to stare down a charging bull at three paces, but these husband-hunting females made him turn tail and run! But the only way he could outrun his newly married, matchmaking brothers was to find a girlfriend himself. A PRETEND girlfriend. And there was only one female he knew he'd be safe with-ranch vet B.J. Anderson. He'd worked alongside her for months. Heck, he'd even taught her son to rope a calf. Surely she'd save him from marriage and fatherhood. And then Jake made one tactical error: To seal their bargain, he kissed her..... |
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